Jellies over 50, have you had experience with or other similar sites (if so, which ones?) connecting with like-minded peers for activities that you enjoy?
I have no idea if these sites are any good for connecting up those of us from a pre-tech generation who don’t take internet personal connections for granted. Have you had good experiences? Bad? One site you would recommend over another?
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17 Answers
Meet up is great! I have participated in a local writing group, a Weds. night art walk/wine and cheese party in my community, various walking/hiking groups that meet at a number of our communities vast network of river and hiking trails. There are interests for just about everyone, give it a whirl!
Thanks, @Coloma , there do seem to be a few local groups that look interesting around here. Maybe I’ll give them a try…
I’m building my new life around So far, have met many really nice people through my Shorewalkers hiking club and am having a great time with it. On Sunday, I am meeting another group at a local art house movie theater for an afternoon movie and coffee after. I’ve made two new really good women friends through it and also met some nice men. I’m talking it up wherever I go.
I belong to several Meetup groups, and right here in Connecticut, too. We might even meet that way one day if you decide to join any that I belong to. I’ll PM you some of the ones that I belong to (in case you want to choose those or deliberately avoid them, as you see fit).
Hey – I just realized this was a trick question! Usually on the internet, nobody knows if you’re over 50!
@janbb : Damn. You figured out my evil plot.
I appreciate your input, guys, as I’ve been pretty darned leery of this “meet through the Internet” stuff, old fogey me! After spending all those years telling my kid to be SUPER CAREFUL ALL THE TIME it’s hard to let go of the skepticism. I’m amazed at the amount of stuff in my area, and I can’t wait to try a few things.
Meeting in a group is generally safer than one on one internet connections carrying over into real life. Unless its a group of experienced axe murderers or some pyramid scheme in disguise, its a lot harder to pull a total con on a group of diverse people.
There is truth about the old adage about safety in numbers. This is no more dangerous than any other type of social group for people with shared interests that run classified ads in the papers or something. This is just less expensive publicity (free) than a classified ad which the local paper charges for. The internet just provides a cost free and more efficient way to let others know about the group.
Meeting a stranger at a bar is a whole lot riskier (and think of how many people still do that nowadays) than meeting a whole group from an internet connection. Pretty logical when you think about it.
I ran into a crowd of them by accident and they seemed a very pleasant and friendly bunch. That was how I first heard of Meetup. I keep meaning to join.
Just to reiterate, it is a wonderful concept and has really lightened my life in a very dark time.
… just not as much as Fluther, though, right?
What could be as much fun as Fluther, the only place on the ‘Net where dogs and penguins disagree about politics?
It’s not the disagreeing about politics that’s so enjoyable, or else Congress (with elephants and donkeys) would be a laugh riot.
@janbb : Had you done meetup before or did you start recently when things changed for you? Damn, I am trying to be delicate, here, and instead I think I’m just sounding like a nincompoop. Sorry.
Perfectly clear and tactful. I just started doing it when things changed for me, but I had heard about it from someone a while ago who was part of a couple but new to an area. They both used it to find activities together. I have also recommended it to others friends who are looking for activities and new friendships. (As an odd sideline, my spouse’s sailing club is now also listed on meetup so we will probably end up with some overlaps in new friends.)
I’m glad it’s so successful. I’m excited about some of the things that are available around here. I’m going through a bit of a sea change myself and I really need something new.
Yes – it’s kind of like getting a new box of chocolates…...
Better incentive than that doesn’t exist! It should be their slogan.
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