General Question

phoenyx's avatar

Do I have a sleeping disorder?

Asked by phoenyx (7419points) May 23rd, 2008

Or am I just a typical night owl? It is currently 1:30AM and I’ve been laying in bed for the last hour, unable to sleep. I don’t feel tired. I actually feel quite alert still. In fact, I could probably stay up most nights and still feel this way until well after midnight. If I exercise or do something physically active in the afternoon or evening I don’t feel tired until about 2:00AM or so. I sleep like a log when I do fall asleep. I can easily sleep through trains, alarms or children crying. Any advice?

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11 Answers

wildflower's avatar

What time do you get up in the morning and what do you do during the day?

I wouldn’t say that sounds abnormal. I’m usually up relatively early (6-ish if working, and 8–9 if not working), but still find it hard to get to bed before midnight.

kevbo's avatar

You’re probably a night owl. Is your energy pretty low in the mornings and never really peaks until early evening or later?

Here’s one of my early “questions” (i.e. not so much a question as a platform):

playthebanjo's avatar

I fall asleep fine, but if I have to pee have a hard time getting back to sleep.

phoenyx's avatar

I have a hard time waking up before 8:00AM. I usually feel a little nauseous in the morning when I first wake up and like to eat breakfast around 10:00 or so. My energy probably peeks around 10:00PM. Mornings are not my friend.

wildflower's avatar

Then you’re just night-owl. Sounds like your ideal is to stay up till 2–3AM and sleep till 10AM, which would be a perfectly normal nights sleep.

Of course it may or may not suit your job/school. But that’s just something you have to adjust to.

kevbo's avatar

For a while, I was posting a bunch of info about how to deal, but it’s going to be too much trouble to find it.

Basically, if you’re needing to wake up early for work or whatever, the best way to deal with it is either stay on the same schedule every day of the week (I’m guessing you sleep in on your days off), or you can wake up at the last minute and zip through your morning routine, or you can wake up early giving yourself plenty of time and the freedom to mope around in a stupor. You can also try to get the people you deal with in the morning to understand that you’re not 100%. Morning people aren’t sympathetic to night-owls and vice versa, but just lay on them the prediction that they are probably horrible company at a party and prefer to crash at 9:30 p.m.

phoenyx's avatar

My work is pretty cool. As long as I put in 8 hours a day, they don’t worry too much about when I come in. Some guys work noon – 8PM.

DeezerQueue's avatar

If you have an employer who truly embraces your time devoted to them, and not worried about the clock, then you’ve got a good thing going. The only real problem that might arise would most likely come from colleagues who resent that you might be held to a different standard, the “no one likes mornings” argument.

I’m not an expert in this area, but if it’s not a problem, then there’s no reason to make a problem out of it. I doubt that anyone would qualify it as a sleep disorder since you get a good night’s rest. It seems more like you’re struggling with things that might arise from your sleep habits rather than it being a sleep disorder.

Essentially what I’m saying is that if no one else has a problem with your sleep habits, then you shouldn’t, either.

marinelife's avatar

I was a morning person. My husband is a night owl. After struggling for years, he found his niche working in newspapers where he peaks at exactly the time the paper is in high gear. Now, I work his schedule. I don’t know that I have totally adjusted, but we make it work.

If you know you are a night owl, it makes sense to find work that accommodates it. Second shift. Working at home at something. In our 24/7 world, there are lots of options. Why fight your nature?

ljs22's avatar

I agree with Marina. I’m miserable if I have to get up early. I think I was exhausted all through high school. Find a way, if possible, to make work match your bio-rhythm and you’ll be all set.
Also, consider yourself lucky to be able to sleep through things.

ninjaxmarc's avatar

no, if you get enough rest to function the next day and doesnt effect other areas of your life.

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