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rebbel's avatar

"Lol & Order". Can you change the name of a television show to a more comical one?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) February 22nd, 2012

I think this question is self-explanatory, right?!
Can you alter a popular television show’s name and make it into a more fun one?
Not saying that Lol & Order is funny, but it has a comical ring to it, or has it?!

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86 Answers

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

We always call the Nancy Grace show “Nancy Disgrace.”

wundayatta's avatar

Boardwalk Entire

A tsunami destroys the boardwalk and this show chronicals the adventures of townspeople trying to rebuilt their lives as they rebuild the boardwalk. Laughs abound because somehow the tsunami had caused a kind of mass psychosis and people are only able to talk backwards.

ucme's avatar

Flowery Twats.
Fawlty Towers did this already over 30yrs ago, but it’s a good one so i’m having it.

Berserker's avatar

The Walking Bread.

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

My husband used to call Harry Potter “Hairy Puta”.

marinelife's avatar


mazingerz88's avatar

Lust in Space
Facebook Friends
Little House On the Prairie Foreclosed
Veinte Cuatro
Dr. Nyet
Everybody Loved Raymond ( The Series Rerun )

ucme's avatar

Doctor Who & the Filthy Phaleks “In-sem-inate….in-sem-inate….in-sem-inaaaate!!!”

ragingloli's avatar

Top Gear USA -> reverse gear.

Blondesjon's avatar

Gordan Ramsay’s Christian Nightmares

I don’t care what the premise is, I’m fucking watching it.

Brian1946's avatar

Law and Order: Criminal Intent > Lawn Odor: Criminally Intentional! Each week Snore and Schemes bust people for using too much fertilizer on their grass.

CSI: Mianus. Detective Fellatio Cain proves that criminals are assholes and that he sucks.

Star Fart: The Gassy-Assed Generation. Black hole goes anal, becomes a farting star, and stinks up the universe.

Blackberry's avatar

Doctor When.

Blondesjon's avatar

Drunk Jeopardy

<—the future ken jennings of drunk jeopardy

Joker94's avatar

Jake and the Batman
Nanny 420
I have exhausted my creativity for the day

KateTheGreat's avatar

Killing the Kardashians.

filmfann's avatar

The Biggest, Fattest, Loser.

CWOTUS's avatar

DragNet, starring RuPaul

CWOTUS's avatar

Bunanza – I see it as a great vehicle for struggling starlets in tight pants, short shorts and bikinis

HungryGuy's avatar

Star Trudge
Doctor Why
Max Legroom

CWOTUS's avatar

Law & Order: How I Killed Your Mother

Okay, maybe that’s not laugh-out-loud funny, but it works for me.

CWOTUS's avatar

Doctor WhoDat

Would play well in Louisiana, anyway.

CWOTUS's avatar

Doctor WTF while we’re on that one

rebbel's avatar

Doctor who?
Who The Fuck Do You Think You Are?

Blackberry's avatar

Everybody thinks Raymond’s an ok guy.

CWOTUS's avatar

SurvivOr Else

HungryGuy's avatar

Everybody Loves Raymond’s Wife

lonelydragon's avatar

The Old Girl.

mazingerz88's avatar

Dynastea ( epic story of a Chinese family empire built on tea )
Nuts Landing ( intrigue, sex scandal between male parachutists who do it naked )
Less Desperate Housewives ( about women a little older with less estrogen )
The Fuck Boat ( what really happens on a cruise )

CWOTUS's avatar

NBC Nightly News: Fear Factory

CWOTUS's avatar

Soul Hearse

No, of course it’s not funny, but you can’t say that it’s not au courant.

CWOTUS's avatar

2.5 Men, and a Bunch of Bimbos

CWOTUS's avatar

Sex and the Fucking City

I don’t much care for the city.

CWOTUS's avatar

America’s Least Wanted… finally, I could be a, well, not exactly “star”, I guess…

CWOTUS's avatar

America’s Next Crack Ho

CWOTUS's avatar

Are You Smarter Than a Third Grader? The bar had previously been set a bit too high, I fear.

PhiNotPi's avatar

Desperate Mouselives – A documentary about the live and death of group of mice. Ordinary mouse life with randomly placed moments of tragedy.

Wood – A better version of the NBC series “Chuck”. Ordered from best to worst, spells “woodchuck.”

Castle – A TV show all about chess. Filled with fast-paced action.

The dRiver – A thriller, shows footage of random people pointlessly driving cars to random places, bravely fighting traffic.

CWOTUS's avatar

Arrested Redevelopment: This could be a kind of local version of C-Span, as you tune into your local city council meetings on eminent domain.

CWOTUS's avatar

CBS Nightly News: How the World Burns

CWOTUS's avatar

Gilligan’s Mall

CWOTUS's avatar

The Assault Rifleman… oh, man, can’t you just see Chuck Conners with an M-16?

CWOTUS's avatar


This isn’t so funny, really, but for a guy who grew up on Combat! as a kid in the 60s, it’s also apropos.

CWOTUS's avatar

Barney Miller Time

CWOTUS's avatar

Babewatch… well, that’s what we used to call it when it was on the air.

CWOTUS's avatar

The Big Bank Theory – watching the Fed stumble around with “economic policy” and girls.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

The Franny.

rebbel's avatar

Prison Brake

ragingloli's avatar

Married to Children.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

The Olden Girls.

filmfann's avatar

60 Midgets

filmfann's avatar

Storage Whores

filmfann's avatar


SpatzieLover's avatar

Real Stepford Wives of Beverly Hills

Pandora's avatar

Hawaii’s 5 hoes
Sleeze (Glee)
Real wives of Alaska, (show stars with them whipping out their binoculars to spy on russia every morning before breakfast while wearing the latest coon hat)

judochop's avatar

Punky Jewster.
Bored On Meth.
Nurse Bush.
Farts & Recreation.
How I Humped Your Mother.
The Orifice.
30 Rocks.
It’s Saturday Night Hives.
The Late-night Hoe.

Keep_on_running's avatar

Antiques Roadkill.

…I can’t beat @CWOTUS’ 21 suggestions.

ragingloli's avatar

The Super Fanny

KateTheGreat's avatar

I had a dream about this thread last night. Kim Kardashian found my post and took over the entire site, banning me and turning it into a fan club. Note to self: Never Fluther before bed.

CWOTUS's avatar

The Mentelest

CWOTUS's avatar

Person of No Interest Whatever

CWOTUS's avatar

Dancing With the Cars – a weekly sitcom about trying to be a pedestrian in Los Angeles… or Hartford.

CWOTUS's avatar

The So-so Wife

SavoirFaire's avatar

Bad Girls, Clubbed
Harry Potter: Legend of the Seeker
Project Runaway
Teen Mob

SavoirFaire's avatar

Jersey Whore (Is that humorous, or just more accurate?)
Deadliest Crotch (Though we don’t really need another show about the Kardashians.)
Whose Line Is It Anyway? (Just keep the title and make it about cocaine instead. Or fishing.)

CWOTUS's avatar

Captain Platypus… for the kids

CWOTUS's avatar

Leave It to Possum

CWOTUS's avatar

The Andy Dickith Show… Starring Andy Dick, with Opie, Aunt Bea, Goober, Floyd, and of course, Don Knotts as Barney Fife.

CWOTUS's avatar

Ozzy and Sharon… oh yeah, the quintessential 50s family, uh huh.

ragingloli's avatar

the whore of babylon 5

CWOTUS's avatar

My Mother the Crossover Hatchback… does anyone else even remember “My Mother the Car”?

CWOTUS's avatar

Lost : In Space… forget the island

filmfann's avatar

@CWOTUS I used to watch that! I loved that show! (Obviously no taste at a young age)

CWOTUS's avatar

Naugahyde… rollin’, tuck & rollin’ ...

SpatzieLover's avatar

Tabatha Takes Lover

CWOTUS's avatar

This Old SOB, House

CWOTUS's avatar

Middle-Aged Mutant Ninja Turtles

Berserker's avatar

King of the Kill
What would happen if real life was like Hank and his buddies’ adventures; going postal.

mazingerz88's avatar

Dysfunctional, Outlandish and Insanely Absurd Family Guy ( what should have been its title in the first place )

SavoirFaire's avatar

@mazingerz88 Points for not including “funny” in the title.

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

@SavoirFaire And “Harry Pothead – the Sorcerer’s Stoned.”

Joker94's avatar

@Symbeline GA for the mental image of Hank Hill going ape with a bunch of propane.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Who would you do?

Berserker's avatar

@Joker94 Lmao. I’m thinking Dale with all his pest zapping chemicals…but there’s probably already an episode where he tries to kill a bunch of people…XD

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