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Blackberry's avatar

(NSFW) Do pets know what humans are doing when they do "naughty" things in front of them?

Asked by Blackberry (34356points) February 22nd, 2012

I don’t know why I’m asking this….

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19 Answers

tranquilsea's avatar

I know my dog gets concerned as he parks himself right by the bed. But then he gets bored, curls up and falls asleep. I guess we’re not that interesting.

rebbel's avatar

Yes, I think they do.
Our late Pinnie (Cat bless her kitty soul) anyway walked out of the room.

beccagolling's avatar

I think so. My S/O and I were on the floor in the middle of things…when my dog walked in watched us a few seconds. Then tried to join in. Not even kidding. What a turn off that was. :I Oh, and my dog is a female…..

Blondesjon's avatar

I’m assuming, because of the score cards they hold up, that they do.

DominicX's avatar

I don’t know, but I don’t like being nude in front of my cats or if they walk in during something naughty, it makes me want to stop.

This video explains it well:

deni's avatar

“I don’t know why I’m asking this” ha!!!

I don’t think so because I’m pretty sure my cat thinks I’m his cat-wife and when I have sex in front of him (because he is constantly trying to sit on my head, and is never more than 6 feet away when he’s not) he just watches contently. It is almost creepy, but he’s just a cat. But sometimes he really stares… I kick him off the bed. Final answer: I don’t know.

GladysMensch's avatar

I can’t say what my former cat was thinking, but she was the biggest cock-blocker ever. Just when Mrs. Gladys and I would start things off, my cat would jump on the bed and sometimes on top of one of us.

marinelife's avatar

Dogs do.

I doubt that gerbils or hamsters notice.

cookieman's avatar

I think they do and I think they would give us the thumbs up.
Ya know, that is…if they had thumbs.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Oh God, this puts an entirely new… and somewhat creepy… spin on my cats howling in the hallway until we let them in our room. My cats are fucking perverts.

woodcutter's avatar

I don’t like any animals watching or sighing when we’re at it. It’s weird . I try to throw them out first whenever possible. Choo lookin at?

SpatzieLover's avatar

Yes. We close the door. When done there they are all huddled at the door.

Bellatrix's avatar

Like @SpatzieLover, we put them out of the room. It is disconcerting to be watched by them.

ucme's avatar

When we do it “doggie style” i’m sure she sits there saying “Atta boy!”

downtide's avatar

My dog walks out the room when we start anything like that.

I think she’s jealous, and sulking.

Coloma's avatar

My goose “Marwyn” knows he is not supposed to come in the garage unless invited in. He will stroll in and be peeking around my car. I tell him to go “out”, and he will loiter until I make a move down the stairs and then he will casually stroll right to the open door and just stand there glancing over his shoulder at me. As soon as I turn around he immediately sneaks back to his favorite place, the rug in front of my washer & dryer. lol

He likes the big “barn”. haha

OpryLeigh's avatar

Funnily enough, my boyfriend mentioned this morning that my dog (who can get very jealous when my boyfriend and I cuddle on the sofa) will bark her head off if my boyfriend and I have an innocent cuddle but the moment we start getting anymore intimate than that, she takes herself off and goes to sleep. It’s almost like she knows when three becomes a crowd!!!

@beccagolling That happend with my dog once too and she’s also female!

marinelife's avatar

@Coloma Did you understand the question?

Coloma's avatar

@marinelife Oh. Well..I guess I read it as ” Do pets know they are doing naughty things?” Haha Blame it on early morning brain haze. ;-)

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