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What is the litter situation like in your area?
Do you notice a lot of trash hanging around where it doesn’t belong, or only a little? Does your local government employ street cleaners and/or trash pickers? What are the consequences of littering in your locale?
Street-cleaning machines are commonly used here (West Virginia and Maryland), and people convicted of minor crimes often pick up trash for their community service sentences. In Maryland the fine for littering on the highway is $1000.00 and a point on your license. Is that a normal kind of consequence, or is it pretty severe?
I drive 120 miles (round trip) at least twice a week, through 2 states, on a combination of several highways, main streets, and back streets. The trashiest street I see is the one I live on, unfortunately. It’s the ‘main street’ through my town, and trash is always blowing into my front yard! The rest of my trip is remarkably litter-free. Not counting my own street, I very rarely see more than three pieces of trash on my whole trip. A soda bottle, a plastic bag, a piece of newspaper. Hardly ever see a cigarette butt. Most of the roads are scenic and almost spotless. Is it like that everywhere?
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