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XOIIO's avatar

Did this guy ever get off the ground?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) February 23rd, 2012

I just found this story about a plane someone made from scratch, has there been a follow up? Did he actually get it to fly?

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4 Answers

digitalimpression's avatar

It appears this all happened about a year and a half ago and I think he got shut down.

“letter last week ordering him to “refrain from further construction or development.” That was after the plane’s rear landing gear collapsed. ( ref )

CWOTUS's avatar

I can’t imagine why he’d try to re-invent a road-worthy plane when he could buy a flying car.

HungryGuy's avatar

I don’t know about that particular guy, but lots of people have built airplanes from scratch out of fiberglass and spare parts.

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