@Some_Ghost That’s an honest answer. The fact is we can’t even “prove” that the “solipsism” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solipsism is not true. If only your thoughts exist, and there is no physical universe, then physicalism is clearly wrong.
@SavoirFaire I was basing the ontological assumption on prevailing understanding today. The ancient Egyptians believed that human thought originated in the heart. We still, perhaps whimsically, perhaps seriously, think that love and compassion are centered in the heart. Have a heart, man. :-)
@ZEPHYRA I believe we all are children of the Universe. But some believe we are the children of Abassi, Abira, Adroa, Ahone, Ahura Mazda, Aiomun-Kondi, Alatangana, Altjira, Amotken, Amun, Anansi, Anulap, Aramazd, Ataguju, Awonawilona, Bagadjimbiri, Bai-Ulgan, Baiame, Banaitja, Batara Kala, Bathala, Brahma, Bunjil, Cagn, Cghene, Chaotroquin, Chiconahuiehecatl, Chirakan-Ixmucane, Cocijo, Daksha, Damballa, Earth-maker myth, El (deity), Elkunirsa, Elohim, Enki, Eskeri, Fon creation myth, Gitche Manitou, God, God the Father, Great Spirit, Heryshaf, Hœnir, Huracan, Imra, Itherther, Ixpiyacoc, Izanagi, Jah, Jesus, Karora, Kayra, Khnum, Khonvoum, Kuk, Kukulkan, Kuterastan, Kutkh, Lóðurr, Makemake (mythology), Mandé creation myth, Mangar-kunjer-kunja, Mbere, Mbombo, Melek Taus, Muluku, Nanabozho, Ngai, Ngenechen, Nogomain, Noncomala, Numakulla, Obatala, Olelbis, Omai (deity), Pacha Kamaq, Pangu, Pariacaca, Prajapati, Prometheus, Ptah, Puluga, Pundjel, Q’uq’umatz, Qat (deity), Quetzalcoatl, Rangi and Papa, Raven in Creation, Rod (god), Ta’aroa, Tabaldak, Tagaloa, Tengri, Tezcatlipoca, Tonacatecuhtli, Tupã (mythology), Tzacol, Unkulunkulu, Unumbotte, Vili and Vé, Viracocha, Vishvakarman, Xamaba, Xumucane, Yahweh, Yuanshi Tianzun, or Zamba (mythology). Take your pick. THey are pretty much mutually exclusive. so either one is correct, or none are.
@Keep_on_running I believe all who are honest with themselves have to say I don’t know. Those who claim to know demonstrate that they are bogged down in unconscious incompetence. They don’t even know that they don’t know.
@Jeruba Where’s your selenium? Don’t leave home without it. Sounds like you are a physicalist.
@YoKoolAid But can you prove you are not your khakis?
@Hawaii_Jake Fleeting ideas? I have tose as well. Are you sure enough of them to say that you know, or think you know?
@ucme Ha! Got ya steamed, hey?
@mattbrowne Indeed.
@Rarebear As do I.
@gasman That may well be. But try selling it to a confirmed Cartesian Dualist.