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6rant6's avatar

What minor skills are you the master of?

Asked by 6rant6 (13710points) February 25th, 2012

In a conversation with a friend the other day, we got onto the subject of insignificant things we do well. I said that I am hot shit with anagrams. She said, she was good at remembering useless junk, although she couldn’t think of an example [sigh]...

At what minor competence are you the master?

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88 Answers

KateTheGreat's avatar

Picking things up with my toes.

6rant6's avatar

@KateTheGreat That’s APT. __(Accomplished Prehensile Toes)__

rebbel's avatar

I am a mean dish washer.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I can balance an umbrella or yardstick on my finger indefinitely. I can even walk and run while doing it.

6rant6's avatar

@rebbel Does Up Dishes Expertly!!!

fundevogel's avatar

I can spit cherry pits upwards of 15ft with deadly reasonable accuracy.

jaytkay's avatar

You would not believe how well I tie my shoelaces. Amazing!

HungryGuy's avatar

Writing erotic horror stories.

Building custom BDSM furniture.

Building BDSM leather gear.

6rant6's avatar

@fundevogel Pitted Weapons Neatly Eliminate Defenders

6rant6's avatar

@jaytkay You Enjoy Lacy Perfection

6rant6's avatar

@HungryGuy Builder Of Unimagined Novel Devices!

Jude's avatar

I can eat a box of cereal in one sitting. And, a jar of pickles.

fundevogel's avatar

@6rant6 tis true!

“But exile did not quiet Pushkin. He wrote more clever and subversive poems, gambled and drank with the Kishinev Army garrison, and flirted with the local women. He also took part in more duels. He arrived at one such dawn appointment – with a man whom he had accused of cheating at cards – nonchalantly munching some cherries. He topped one into his mouth just before the signal to fire. His adversary fired and missed. Pushkin, who had not deigned to shoot, dropped his pistol, spat the cherry stone in his enemy’s direction and coolly strolled off.” source

creepermax's avatar

I am good at pooping.

HungryGuy's avatar

@creepermax – Good. I’ll put you at the head of a human centipede :-p

6rant6's avatar

@Jude Wheaties Inhaler/Eater of Righteous Dills

6rant6's avatar

@creepermax Someone’s On Laxatives

creepermax's avatar

Haha! I forgot how cool the community was here

bkcunningham's avatar

Tying a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue.

CWOTUS's avatar

Excel functions and macros
Database design and queries
Formatting documents in Word with styles
I can stand on either foot while I tie my shoelaces on the “up” shoe
Tying knots, splicing three-strand and double-braided rope
Sailing, including putting off from a dock or mooring and returning under sail, no power
Nighttime coastal navigation

Soubresaut's avatar

Repairing things. (And so I guess breaking things, too.)

deni's avatar

Eyebrow plucking and tearing pieces of paper perfectly in half, lol

Haleth's avatar

Making paper snowflakes. During the holidays I string them up and hang them in the windows.

YARNLADY's avatar

Needlepoint on plastic canvas.

geeky_mama's avatar

I once won a contest at a work function for having the longest tongue and being able to touch the tip of my nose with my tongue. Embarrassing feat to pull off in front of a work colleagues—but it earned me a $100 prize.

keobooks's avatar

This probably sounds stupid, but I’m very good at googling. And I know that technically everyone who can type can google. I mean that I see other people struggle for an hour to find something that they can’t quite find the right thing and they will ask me for help. I’ll find it almost instantly. I know I took a class or two in better Boolean searches, but even then, I’m still better than most librarians I know except for the full time reference staff.

fundevogel's avatar

@keobooks I challenge you to find me an image or video of a person making a villainous gesture with their hands. That or help me figure out if there is a proper term for that sort of gesture. I’m stumped.

gailcalled's avatar

Minor and probably very irritating, my uncanny ability to notice that things like Wheaties Inhaler/Eater of Righteous Dills misspells weird.

gailcalled's avatar

@Jude; No, not you.

woodcutter's avatar

Laying down a perfect bead of caulk/ silicone with a caulking gun. It’s amazing how almost everyone will ruin a great job with a 5 dollar tube of caulk by creating giant ugly caterpillars or globs of goose shit. Is it really that hard?

keobooks's avatar

@fundevogel Here you go.

Or do you want a specific villianous looking gesture? That’s the one I always think of. Another one. The quality isn’t great, but I play the game and I like the gesture

keobooks's avatar

@fundevogel Thanks. I had a Dr. Evil one, but I thought it wouldn’t be exactly what you were talking about. It’s a really stupid hobby of mine—and I can’t explain it to others it’s just weird way my brain works.

I just remembered a second minor thing I’m good at because I think it’s related to the first. I’m really good at trivia. And many things I won’t know that I know until I say the answer. My husband likes to ask me random trivial pursuit questions to see what I can do off the top of my head. He does stump me, but I get more than I don’t. When he asks me how I knew the answer, sometimes I have to think for a long time before I remember that I saw a documentary about it 30 years ago.

Jude's avatar

@keobooks How about a basset hound and a bloodhound snuggled up together?

AmWiser's avatar

I’m good at finding little tiny things that people drop and can’t find, like pills, backs of earrings, contacts….anything tiny.

I’m good at spotting bugs (it’s a known fact that I am not bug friendly) So I zone in on them wherever I am.

And what @KateTheGreat said, I’m very APT!
Although it kinda gets harder the older you get.:D
Edit: No. I just don’t do it as much as when I was younger. So the toes aren’t as flexible as they use to be. lol!

fundevogel's avatar

Oh! I am also superior at finding the end of the tape on any roll and I’m pretty good at un-knotting things.

Nullo's avatar

Tracking family members as they move through the house. From my station at my computer, I can determine with some accuracy who is where, and approximately what they’re doing.

Ponderer983's avatar

Throwing popcorn in the air and catching it in my mouth.

linguaphile's avatar

I can make an origami paper crane without looking at the paper and can make one with paper as small as 1½ inch x 1½ inch.

rooeytoo's avatar

@woodcutter – you are so right and that is an excellent ability to have.

I personally am very adept at disassembling skids and making stuff out of them. I have many useful items around my house made from old skids. I am thinking of having a stand at some local markets and selling them. My contribution to recycling!

Berserker's avatar

Pouring beer in glasses and mugs at surprising speed without the foam building up and spilling all over. This is a skill I learned by working in bars for years, it doesn’t come from me being an alcoholic. ya gots to tip the glass sideways some

I have a built in compass in my brain. I suck out in the country, but leave me out in a city I’ve never been in before, and I’ll find my way back to whatever location is appointed for me to find, as long as I’ve seen that location at least once before. From observing my surroundings while traveling somewhere, I’ll get a very good idea of how to get back if I have to. (and I’ve had to) I’m also good at finding places in a city I’ve never been to yet. Not as much as if I saw it before, but good enough. Some people got the ocean in their blood, others are natural Aragorns, while others yet, know caves like their own hand. Me, I love big ass urban places full of death and pollution, so I’m good in them.
This comes from my massive years of playing role playing games, back when video games didn’t believe in built in maps for the dungeons you were exploring, and you had to either memorize them, or map em out on graph paper. It’s totally true, although it may sound like bullshit. But when I get lost in a city or have to find my way to some place, the same feeling, for lack of a better word, that I got in Tales of Destiny comes up, and I use memorization or logic to find my way. Look for big tall buildings if you wanna go downtown, or know that something important probably awaits you on the path ahead when you find a save point. go the other way if you’re not done with the dungeon yet, or head south if downtown isn’t actually your destination, or right through it if you know you’re totally at the ass end of your destination according to what surrounds you

Also for some reason, I’m pretty good at fucking up sentences by reversing letters in a slightly random nature. Like, shit sack, yo. Yike, sick shat lo.

It’s easy to do in writing, but I often fuck around with that when talking with people, and many of them say it sounds like I’m saying something foreign. Lulz. And I don’t even try.

I can also spark a lighter with just two fingers. guck am e iver foth

I also know how to decimate waves of zombies. That’s probably the most useful thing I know.

Soubresaut's avatar

@linguaphile: I can’t without looking, but I can make cranes that finish at ⅓ inch wide wingtip to wingtip : ) ... never measured the beginning-paper size, though

augustlan's avatar

I rock at organizing kitchen cabinets and drawers. Sadly, I suck at anything else involving the kitchen.

I’m APT, too, and used to be able to pick up a penny laying flat on the floor with my toes. I haven’t tried in forever, so I don’t know if I could still do that.

@Symbeline I am extremely good at getting lost! I have no sense of direction whatsoever.

Berserker's avatar

@augustlan I’ll look for you if you get lost. :)

augustlan's avatar

Thanks, girlie. :)

jerv's avatar

Making pyramids and cubes out of paper.

downtide's avatar

I can fold a sheet of paper or a length of string into exact thirds, without measuring it.

Keep_on_running's avatar

Being diplomatic. I’m not the master of anyone or anything, however big or small.

cookieman's avatar

Calming down babies. If there’s a crying baby that no one can seem to console, hand ‘em to me. I carry them around, do a little bounce step, talk and sing to them, and voila…asleep.

I have no idea why I have this effect on babies.

keobooks's avatar

Here, Jude. Sorry I went to bed last night. I liked your request because I had to think for a little bit about how to get two dogs and not a mixed breed.

@augustlan I want you to come over because I’m frustrated with my kitchen situation. I am terrible at coming up with ways to save space andorganize in the kitchen.

Actually, most of you guys would be quite useful around the house. When I win the lottery, I may be giving you a call.

ucme's avatar

I can tune into radio Luxembourg using the wife’s nipples, like chapel hat pegs so they are.

ragingloli's avatar

Just drop your trousers and I will show you.

6rant6's avatar

Wow. Just a bunch of great answers.
@augustlan I am your other half in the kitchen. A master chef, but I am completely inept at putting things away.

And as for the direction finding thing… no… we’d both end up as confused skeletons by the side of the road.

6rant6's avatar

@gailcalled, Unusually Perspicacious, Makes Your Annotations Simply Stupendous

6rant6's avatar

@ragingloli I am so envious of someone good at folding clothes.

gailcalled's avatar

@woodcutter: I paid someone a lot of money on Thurs. to do just that.

6rant6's avatar

@deni Makes Items Torn Out Spawning Identical Shares

ragingloli's avatar

I was actually trying to imply that I am good at slicing off penises.

6rant6's avatar

@ragingloli Think I’d rather have my pants folded, if it’s all the same to you.

ragingloli's avatar

It comes in a package.

6rant6's avatar

@geeky_mama Outstanding Kisser, Anatomically Prodigious Interface

6rant6's avatar

@ragingloli Then keep my package out of it, thanks.

ragingloli's avatar

Look at it this way, car insurance is cheaper for girls. You might want to reconsider my generous offer.

6rant6's avatar

@ragingloli I still have uses for it, so I’m going to hang on to it for now. But if you ever decide to do the clothes folding thing professionally, be sure to let me know.

PhiNotPi's avatar

I can pop my ears at will without swallowing/holding nose/acting funny.

I’m good at composing the first few measures of a piece of music. This talent would be useful if I could come up with the rest of the piece, but a few measure are useless on their own. As of yesterday I came up with 4 measures written in in the concert F# scale for flute, oboe, and clarinet. Sounds beautiful, but lasts for like 10 seconds.

CWOTUS's avatar


You’re pretty good with acronyms. I’m a master of vocabulary and spelling.

PhiNotPi's avatar

I agree. First APT, then DUDE, then PWNED. There is also MITOSIS. There is also ISHUFISIGTHOYIFNBIYEDTDTCFTPBSTLMK, although I haven’t quite figured out what that means yet.

flutherother's avatar

I can fix punctures in bicycle tyres. Something like this

6rant6's avatar

@PhiNotPi Skipping Okapi Is Like Entombing Diamonds.

ragingloli's avatar

I am also good at drawing porn.

Facade's avatar

I’m pretty good at problem solving and coming up with ideas.

ragingloli's avatar

what should I draw next?

6rant6's avatar

@ragingloli Draw a stack of neatly folded clothes. That would get me so hot.

ragingloli's avatar

only if the pile has a blushing face and is covered in spunk

jonsblond's avatar

I’m the master at remembering important (and useless) numbers in my life. I know my SSN, my husband’s SSN, my driver’s license number, the routing number and checking account number at my bank, my childhood telephone number, my best friend’s childhood telephone number, all important birth dates and anniversaries of family members, all street numbers of all homes I have lived in (there are many), the day I joined Fluther and the date of the great Answerbag invasion of Fluther (12/11/09) :P

PhiNotPi's avatar

@jonsblond I can also remember some useless facts. My clarinet serial number is 1009970.

jonsblond's avatar

@PhiNotPi damn. I’ve got a clarinet but I don’t remember the serial number. You win. :) (I do remember being 1st chair clarinet in band, but that’s only one number…..sigh)

PhiNotPi's avatar

@jonsblond I’m 2nd chair in my band (sigh). If you want to know why, well here’s why.

Facade's avatar

@ragingloli A city’s skyline. Pay attention to details, too.

ragingloli's avatar

Sorry, Porn only.

Jeruba's avatar

I can pick up and move the leftover half of a large pan of lasagne, in one piece, into a smaller pan for the refrigerator without a pasta collapse or a significant loss of sauce.

And I can make a piercing whistle out of a blade of grass.

Want more? I can write and recite the Greek alphabet. I can conjugate “lie” and “lay” and distinguish among “there,” “their,” and “they’re” and between “its” and “it’s.” Annnd I can recite “Jabberwocky” in its entirety.

<bowing modestly> Thank you, thank you.

rooeytoo's avatar

There admirable accomplishments, all! :-)

CWOTUS's avatar

I see what you did their.

Keep_on_running's avatar

They’re is nothing to see here.

rooeytoo's avatar

Its a little known fact actually.

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