Anything that you'd want to share that may offend some?
Asked by
Jude (
February 26th, 2012
Why not?
For me, you’ll never catch me moving South (Southern U.S.). Bible thumpers, Obama hate, crazy pro-lifers and big ol’ homophobes.
Fuck that.
I see enough of it to make me run the other way.
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106 Answers
No thanks, I do not wish to offend anyone. Each to his own, live and let live! I’m crawling back into my own hole!
I don’t like The Beatles.
Come at me, bro.
I wish that I could edit. What I meant to say was the bible belt..
@Blackberry – That makes 2 of us – on the planet! I have had people call me “queeah!” (that’s “queer” in Boston English) for not liking the Beatles.
I finally get to use this!
Kidding, kidding…
@Keep_on_running You under 20, or are you a grown-ass individual still living in your parent’s basement? :)
@Jude Do I have to answer that?
If I was a mad scientist, and I knew for absolute certainty I wouldn’t get caught, I’d turn some of you good folks into a human centipede.
What is wrong with the southern U.S.?
So many people are moving south because of good housing and good economy.
I think you are alone in your thinking about the south.
@HungryGuy As long as I’m in the front or between two hot women, I’m okay with this.
@john65pennington It was too late to edit. In a post further down, I specified the “Bible Belt”.
@Michael_Huntington – You don’t know what the trailing links of a human centipede eat, do you? Watch either movie and say that again :-p
So okay, the Fluther centipede consists of: @Ayesha <- @Michael_Huntington
Any other volunteers?
How about it @Jude, I put you after @Michael_Huntington?
Hmmmm, maybe I’ll write a story about people who volunteer to be a human centipede…
@HungryGuy Screw it, I’m in. Just don’t put me behind a guy if you can.
@Adirondackwannabe – You got it! We just have to wait for another female to volunteer. Might be a long wait, tho…
I eat Brussels sprouts and I like them.
Yeah, you’re not going to see me in the South unless it’s Austin, Atlanta, or South Florida (which is arguably, despite its geographical location, not the South at all).
Um…let’s see…offensive, offensive…
Oh. Here’s one that I wanted to ask as a question here but thought I’d get tarred and feathered: is it just me or is Islam more prone to extremism than other religions? Mind you, I’m an atheist, so I’m not one of those far-right Christians who want to have the Crusades again, but I know most Muslims are not extremists, but it seems like there are an awful lot of extremists and they have significant power and influence (Al Qaeda, Taliban, Boko Haram, etc.) What is it about Islam that produces extremism more easily than other religions?
Also, Philly Cheesesteaks are not that great.
I don’t need a special thread for that.
Just felt like getting something off my chest.
The Rolling Stones suck. They are the biggest joke played in Rock n Roll ever.
Well, if we are going there: Mormonism is the stupidest, most absurd religion; only a total idiot would buy that shit.
Jehovah’s Witnesses aren’t far behind them @tinyfaery.
@HungryGuy Damn it, I’m offended. Don’t leave me out of the centipede.
Something else I don’t get is how people that are really smart can also be really dumb. For example, I dated a woman whose parents were racist, but the dad was a neuroscientist. Or how people can be a scientist, but believe in christianity. The basic tenets of christianity is just as bogus as scientology: an all powerful god, the guy that created the entire universe, had to create a human that is also himself, to absolve the sins of the people he created. Wtf?
How can someone work in a field that centers around needing evidence for something, but then believes something that has no evidence and even breaks the laws of physics?
Baseball, football, basketball, hockey and just about every other sport on earth, except for figure skating and gymnastics, is really, really boring.
You know the concept of rape culture? I think we have a child abuse culture that’s remarkably similar. In said child abuse culture, sure, child abuse is bad, but we will deny each specific case (real or hypothetical) actually constitutes child abuse. Maybe it’s because that’s not abuse, it’s actually good discipline. Or maybe because that parent is a bit strict, but abuse is too strong a word. Or the kid provoked them, and the kid just needs to learn to handle the parent’s anger better. Or because, look, the parent was stressed, overwhelmed, everyone makes mistakes (true, but when they make that mistake on their pet, it’s a felony with jail time and excuses aren’t made for their behavior). Or, that’s not abuse, because, see, kids have accidents and get hurt (again, true, but make sure the study in question actually had faulty methods before dismissing it on the basis of faulty methods). Or… and on and on and on. And we’ll create structures and rhetorics that keep institutionalizing child abuse (eg. “parental sovereignty”).
And yeah, ugh, the South. Plus, there’s all that humidity.
@DominicX I dunno. I mean, I get what you’re saying (and am not saying this out of a “oh no you didn’t”), but it’s always seemed to me like Christianity has a much longer history of extremism and violence. Evangelical Christians make up a large (25–30%) of the population, and the radical pro-life movement has created several more times the amount of violence and domestic terrorism on US soil than radical Islamic factions have. Course, we’re more reluctant to call it terrorism when it’s a white Christian dude doing the bombing…
I was under the impression that this child abuse culture is and has always been the norm.
@ragingloli No, didn’t you know? Child abuse was something that happened in the Middle Ages, but obviously, we eradicated it with the Enlightenment.~ (And, rape culture is an “official” phrase, that has a Wikipedia page and everything; child abuse culture, not so much.)
I hate it when people don’t think out the possible consequences of their actions!
@tinyfaery I agree about Mormonism. However, I also agree with South Park’s message about Mormonism: it’s fucking stupid, but it’s not hurting anyone, so let them be.
@Aethelflaed True about US soil and I definitely agree that Christianity has its history of extremism and violence (Crusades, Inquisition, etc.). Just seems sometimes like being a Muslim extremist is easier than getting into Arizona State. And evangelical Christians, while certainly relatively extreme and obnoxious, don’t seem to have this call to violence that many of the extremist Islamic sects have. But again, I’m not trying to side with a particular religion. It’s something I’d like to look into more.
“I’m in!! (What is it?)”
”@Dutchess_III – If you don’t know what a Human Centipede is, you probably don’t want to be a part of one. Just sayin’ :-p”
“I’m out!!!”
@HungryGuy You are one scary dude :P
I’d like to profess my love for Nickelback.
@MilkyWay – And what about the people who volunteered?!?! LoL :-/
@HungryGuy Um, hello? Hint hint… I’m a volunteer too :P
High heels suck; there’s nothing sexy about the damage they can do.
@MilkyWay Are you ok with that? I really didn’t want to do that to you. You prefer Symbeline over me? We are a seriously twisted group.
I find it ridiculous that some hot looking lesbians only sleep with women.
@Adirondackwannabe – There’s room for a slight rearrangement if some people want to be in front of or behind others. Just let me know…
@Ayesha got dibs on the front, tho.
@MilkyWay – It’s your call. Let me know if you want to wait until another woman comes along to put in front of you and after @Adirondackwannabe…
I’m so glad that I asked this question. I’m laughing my ass off. Actually, no wait.. it’s still there – attached to another jellie’s lips XD.
@HungryGuy Sounds good. I jumped in thinking I don’t mind, but I realized what I was asking of someone else.
@Jude Does that mean you’re volunteering then?
That would be a negative.
I want to see the job description for Centipede Coordinator.
@Adirondackwannabe – Centipede Coordinator: a puzzle solver. A wants to be first. B wants to be behind a male. C wants to be between two females. D doesn’t care. E wants to be behind B. Etc. Then just solve the puzzle…
I think Barack Obama has done a good job as President.
Si with regard to the centipede thing… who is going to do the sewing? Is that your job, too, @HungryGuy?
Hey, hey, hey! I live in the South!!! I’m totally for gay rights, I’d have to blow all the dust off my bible before I thumped it, and I don’t hate Obama. I don’t particularly care for him, but I don’t hate him, LOL. Come on down. And bring your cookies.
@wundayatta – Sure, why not?
Or do we have any doctors in the submarine who volunteer to do the surgery? But it will be done under sterile conditions with proper instruments like Human Centipede 1, not in a grimy warehouse with kitchen knives and pliers like Human Centipede 2.
No offense to the people who are offended by this.
Count me in for the Human Centipede! Put me between two sexy people and I don’t care who it is!
Okay… offensive things to get off my chest… offensive things…
I don’t like vegetables.
I think people who masturbate more than three times a day have a problem.
People who can’t spell simple words really piss me off.
People who rag on me for not eating vegetables really piss me off.
My neighbor down the street is a flaming bitch and has shitty bullies for children.
I really can’t stand Justin Beiber.
@Dutchess_III I’m sorry. That just rolled off with no thought. You’re a special lady. My apology.
@Dutchess_III Then you show me I need to keep up the hardwork to run with the big dogs.
S’ok @adiron…Apology not needed, but certainly accepted.
Ya’ll centipede people are just SICK!! SICK I tell you!
Never claimed to be normal. That’s no fun.
Being normal is about as exciting as watching paint dry.
I love watching pain dry.
You guys are more weird than me in that case, as I think watching paint dry is the most boring thing ever :P
@HungryGuy I think you should start referring to the creature as a Flutherpede.
@WillWorkForChocolate “Count me in for the human centipede!” Hahahah that is hilarious. Thanks for the laugh.
Hmmm. I like this question a lot. I need to think about it.
I have someone chuckling at me on PM, imagining me watching paint dry on my answer keys on all of the math courses I printed out. I guess I have to laugh too! : )
Quit talking about centipedes. Next thing it will be centipede thongs.
This centipede kicks ass. ^^
@HungryGuy I will volunteer my surgical skills. I’d be at the front of the centipede, but that spot is already taken. (This girl does not eat shit. Haha.)
If the aforementioned human centipede enters the Human Centipede Kentucky Derby, who’ll be the jockey riding the Fluther HC? What jellies are small enough to ride such a fragile assembly? Would the jockey have to be human?
Jude’s pretty small plus it’s her question. If I have to be beat with a riding crop, I can’t think of anyone better.I’m just a little concerned with my respiration. I’m a ways down the train.
I had one bad thought. What’s going to be the whiplash affect on the tailenders?
I hold two, apparently, offensive opinions. I have shared them both on Fluther before and been chewed out, but I stand by them.
I think only police and military should have guns. All others should be outlawed.
And, I think anyone looking to become parents should seriously look into adoption options first. Of course, I also think the whole adoption process should be much simpler and less expensive.
@cprevite You just keep getting awesomer and awesomer in my book! GA!
I’ll gladly adopt the Fluther human centipede. : )
I’d be happy to serve as the slave-driver for the human centipede. I have an excellent collection of feathers that would be perfect for this purpose. I would also not be averse to riding certain segments, should that prove necessary.
Kim Jong-un; I don’t like you. Also, humans, you’re annoying.
Thanks, @KateTheGreat! We now have a volunteer mad scientist to assemble the Flutherpede out of the volunteers. (You will use anesthesia, right?)
And we have a caretaker of the creature. Thanks, @mazingerz88!
@Brian1946, that’s an awesome idea! A Human Centipede Derby! Flutherpede, Twitterpede, Facebookpede, Googlepede, Yahoopede, and WIkipediapede. ”[BANG!] And they’re off…”
We even have @wundayatta as the jockey. Since @Ayesha is the head, you’ll be riding her. (Or maybe @Ayesha should have the right to choose who rides her :-/)
A Human Centipede Derby! Flutherpede, Twitterpede, Facebookpede, Googlepede, Yahoopede, and WIkipediapede. ”[BANG!] And they’re off…”
Man that was funny. XD And we’ll totally beat all those pedes. Ate mah energy, so I’m all good and ready now.
You guys are sick. Just sick…...:P
I don’t feel hot or unwell… Where did you get your doctorate degree from again @Blackberry ?
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