So what does the fluther collective think of Answer Bag?
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38 Answers
Answerbag is like Craigslist. Fluther is like Ebay.
Just overall, aesthetically way more organized.
I thought well enough of Fluther that I completely left Answerbag and moved over here in late 2009, and I haven’t been back since.
I don’t think I’ve thought of it at all in the past two years. On the other hand, Answerology is still doing pretty well, and I still visit from time to time.
Answerbag seems to have a desire to sell advertising. Fluther (so far) does not.
Answerbag? More like answer nutsack.
lol nah, I haven’t even use dthat site
This seems to be an odd question, especially in the general section. Answerbag is fine. The folks there seem to have more fun than here—it’s less serious.
Answerbag is ok, but it seems to have a lot more kids asking stupid questions than Fluther ever does. [ Before you start tuning up on me, let me hasten to add that only SOME kids ask stupid questions. It just seems that more of them hang out on AnswerBag! ]
What does Fluther think of Answerbag ?
Not much :)
And not OFTEN either! So there! : D
If you happen to catch a case of the dumb, you may spew your momentary idiocy into the answerbag provide beneath your seat. Or you can call up a jelly who will gladly give you a fluther pill and a drink of your choice to reset you onto a more intellectual and fun course. Thank you, enjoy your trip
There is nothing fun, unique or interesting about Answerbag at all. It’s boring and most of its Q&A’s are silly and repetitive. IMO
The last (and only) time I checked it out was over 2 years ago, after a ton of AB members defected to Fluther. Honestly I thought it sucked. Big time. If Fluther no longer existed I wouldn’t even bother ‘moving’ there, I’d just give up on Q+A sites. Fluther or bust!
I don’t think anything of Answerbag. I haven’t been there.
Right on, Brother !
Nice to know that great minds think alike :D
What’s an answer bag. :) Sounds a bit random or like something you light on fire and leave on a doorstep.
It used to be good, but it’s not anymore.
Full of trolls spammers and harassing questions and answers about religion… but I get answers every so often.
I’ve never been there, but I’ve heard that it’s a shithole.
Either way, I simply don’t care.
I’ve never been a member of AB but I did scope it out a few times when I left sodahead, since I was looking for a new site to post on. I didn’t like what I’d seen of AB; it was full of trolls that would gang up and post the nastiest comments against a dissenting opinion. It seemed to me that the majority of the userbase at AB consisted of two types of people; immature young women/teens and hypermasculine men. AB seems to me to be like a combination of The Lost Art Of Manliness and the Yahoo Answers websites.
Too many fluff questions, and people asking shit which seems to have so little essence, or even a goal of some kind. yall think I’m bad, go over there and see
There is the occasional good stuff, but I don’t like having to wad through endless crap questions to find something interesting to talk about.
I think the site has potential and seems to aim at something constructive, but it’s like a highway motel for all sorts of bored people, spammers and trolls. I don’t know how the cool and interesting people over there can even hack this.
Have to say that I was introduced to Fluther without ever hearing of other Q and A sites. I know we have had an influx of folks from other sites in the past (temporary reduction of question quality) and then things even out again. So, I can only guess the quality of other sites by the types of questions posed by denizens that formerly haunted them—ummm, interest, not so much . . .
@cprevite Ba-dum chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…
*breaths in *
sounds like it’s not better than a colostomy bag
@XOIIO: Thank you. I’m here all week. Try the veal.
God damnit, forgot
*jazz hands *
I think it’s a “rival” Q&A site & the responses here were entirely predictable.
I used to like it but now it’s a sprawling un-moderated mess.
I was the rising God-King of Answerbag until it went to shit. Then I migrated over here and started my meteoric rise to cosmic mastery all over again.
Note how I mentioned that Answerbag went to shit. It was once a wondrous place full of sunshine and laughter, and the air smelled of warm rootbeer and the dreams of smiling children. Now, it is a desolate waste populated by subhuman monsters and covered with the menses of ten thousand screeching harpies.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard You described it and what happened to it perfecly. Nice turn of the phrase. I can’t even stand to go back there to keep touch with some of the people that left fluther. It kills the soul.
I can’t believe how many answer questions sites there are but as long as fluther stays how they are now, they’ve got me for the long haul.
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