I definitely do not have kids, and do not have an answer to this question.
But it reminded me of a special I saw on TV, with my entire family, a while ago. I thought it was a Lisa Liang’s “Our America” episode, but I can’t find it. It may have been a different special around the same time I saw a few Our America’s, and so I’m blending the two in my mind, but anyway…
It was comparing the social perception of teenage sex in the USA and _______ [it was a specific city in a European country, I can see the locations they filmed, but I don’t want to try to name and get it wrong, and I think they said this was a common view in many European countries?].
Where, in the USA (as a vauge whole, the special was more precise on various locations) it’s a taboo concept, of teenagers having sex, and so the idea of the parents allowing it is mostly beyond foreign. But, in ______ and elsewhere with a similar mentality, that sort of intimacy is seen as completely natural, and the parents in a way sharing that with their teens. Where they have open discussions about it, and no one finds it weird for everyone to know what the teenage couple is doing in the room. It’s so much more open; the parents and the teens both want the kids to have sex, if the teens are in relationships where they’re ready for that kind of intimacy. Both the parents and teens want to talk about it with each other, the parents helping guide, the teens taking the guidance. A family in ________ was interviewed, the mother actually a US citizen who moved to ________ after marriage, and she said that it took some getting use to, but now, having such open discussions with her son, ‘felt like the most natural thing in the world.’ That she wouldn’t want to go back to the way it was before, that she likes being able to talk about it with her son, make sure he’s being safe, make sure it’s meaningful, etc.
They also interviewed kids on the street, about what they’re reaction would be if they found a guy/girl with a condom. In both cases, the teens thought the reaction was a no brainer. In the USA, everyone went, ‘well, that they’re a slut.’ In ________, everyone went, ’...and?’ and ‘so what? I do too, everyone should’ and one girl actually went into her wallet and pulled it out, and waved it around in front of the camera laughing that it was being made into such a big deal. The teens in ______ would be concerned if the scenario-teen was sexually active and not carrying around a condom.
Anyway, there was more in the special, and it was more precise/in-depth, but those were two things that jumped out.
There was some statistic about teens in both countries being just as sexually active as the other, (as in, some very, some somewhat, some not, in both places) but teens in USA having a much higher chance of catching STIs and having pregnancies.