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elbanditoroso's avatar

Do soft-porn actors and actresses have particularly ugly tattoos?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33707points) February 27th, 2012

I was watching Cinemax (also known as Skin-emax) on cable last night – up later than I usually am due to the Oscars. Cinemax has always been the raciest of the ‘premium’ channels, but they also run some decent oldie films as well.

Anyway, it seemed that in whatever softish porn they were running at midnight Eastern, the tattoos on both the male and the female were particularly large – almost to the point of being distractingly ugly. The woman seemed to have a 4-stanza poem inked on the small of her back. But of course, to the viewer, it was unreadable and looked like a blackish blot on her skin.

How does it work? Do soft porn actors get lousier roles because they have ugly tattoos? Or so directors look for ugly tattoos and cast people in that sort of film?

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7 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

I do not watch soft core porn, so I do not know.
It is like drinking decaffeinated coffee.

TexasDude's avatar

That’s why I’m going to go into porn once I get my Teddy Roosevelt tattoo on my chest… so my tattoo will statistically improve the average awesomeness of all porn tattoos in general.

Jude's avatar

^^ Hahaha!

wundayatta's avatar

@elbanditoroso I’m going to say this once, and once only. Take this question down now! You know the CIA question here on fluther? Well this one makes the CIA question look like Teletubbies. If you value your life, you will forget you ever noticed this connection. I am warning you. It is not healthy to know the things you know. Beware the [redacted]!

elbanditoroso's avatar

@wundayatta – your sense of humor is far too subtle for my simple mind.

wundayatta's avatar

You and me, both, @elbanditoroso! ;-)

Aethelflaed's avatar

Um, if you think large tattoos that not everyone will find aesthetically pleasing are only in soft-core porn, methinks you should watch more regular and hardcore porn…

Tattoos aren’t a porn thing. But, in your everyday life, you probably won’t know if someone has a giant dragon on their back, or Grumpy from Snow White on their calf, because they’re wearing clothes.

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