Are you happy?
Asked by
nikipedia (
February 28th, 2012
In general, with your life?
Either way, what do you think caused it?
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50 Answers
Yes. I am content, which is as close to sustainable “happiness” as it can be.
I’ve reached the age of wisdom and maturity, I feel at home with myself, I’m secure in who I am and don’t need the approval of others, a relationship or the world to validate my worth.
What caused it?
Life experience and learning to eliminate toxic people from my biosphere. lol
Yes, so happy I think I may have a problem. I was just driving with the windows down and taking in this awesome clear day. I turned off my music to hear the sounds of life, and I was just thinking, “Man, this is so beautiful.” My existence, the earth, the universe…’s all so amazing.
Praise Jesus! Lol.
On the surface it looks like I am, but oh no, not at all.
Yes, I’m happy.
It has had it’s ups and downs, but overall the ups far outweigh the downs.
Some days, yes; some days, no. As with most of us, right?
@Blackberry Haha..great! I was in the same mode the other day, rockin’ down the highway, windows down on a sublime 70 something degree afternoon, singing, overwhelmed with the natural beauty of my area. Woo Hoo! I always joke that I’m going to die gazing at trees..” Oooh look at that tree”...wham! as I hit another tree. lolol
@Coloma I’ve almost died that way admiring some deer.
I don’t much believe in happiness as a fixed state. It comes and goes, like all the others. Much more practical, it seems to me, is a sense of equanimity that allows me to be OK with all that coming and going. Chasing after this or that state, trying to keep this other one at bay—all just a waste of energy.
Quite honestly, I don’t know. Some days I feel fine, normal. Some days I’m smiling with a sense of great joy for no reason at all, and some days I feel like killing myself. Some days are a mixture of all of the above… so, I don’t know.
I am. I wasn’t for a while, but now I am. I think my current state of happiness is a combination of several factors: letting go of feelings for someone for whom I should never have had feelings in the first place; looking forward to many great things in the months ahead; feeling proud of accomplishments/achievements that have my fingerprints on them; knowing that I am loved by others. It’s rather all come together at this point in time. It might not last, but I’ll treasure every moment of it while it’s here. And thank you for asking.
I have an inner joy that is there whether things are going well or not. The wonders of this earth and its people are a never ending reason to smile.
Yes I am, reasons for this state of mind include….love of a good wife & kids, a sunny disposition & a big cock.
At the moment, not so much. I have been failing in my efforts to fend off the cold that my husband brought home. He is now healthy with only a couple of sneezes while I have swollen glands and a sore throat. Also. life is a bit up in the air.
But, on the whole, yes I am.
Extremely happy. I have a good wife that loves me as much as I love her. I have friends on Fluther, of all colors and nationalities, that really care about me as much as I care about them. I have two beautiful, smart and drug-free children. I am debt-free, except for insurance and utilities. I have a great dog that shows her affection by biting my hands and arms.
And, I made it 44 years as a police officer, without having to shoot or harm anyone and vice versa.
Yes, I am a happy person.
Yes. As I have said every time this question comes up, I made a pledge to myself a long time ago to be happy every single day for the rest of my life, and I have kept that pledge.
Yes I am happy. I am happy mostly because over the past couple of years I have finally begun to make choices that have helped me love, learn, and grow.
Because I am strong.
Usually, I’m very happy. I just have to stop, and think of the things I have. And I realize that happiness isn’t something that’s hard to find. I have a wonderful family, despite all of the conflict. My school is pretty stellar. I’m getting good grades. I have food in my belly, and clothing on my body. I have great friends, who support me through everything. And I have a pretty freaking great boyfriend.
I’m happy with my life. Haha.
Some days are a joy, some are neutral, some are a challenge, and some just suck ass. Overall, though, I am very content. Living a life consistent with my personality and most of my ideals, loving and being loved (husband, children, friends), and probably most important of all, knowing and accepting myself for who I am… all of these things have contributed. Not to mention the therapy and medications that got me to the point where all of that was remotely possible in the first place!
Today I am happy! On steroids and did stuff like real folks today!! I feel 20 years younger.
But my usual answer is “I’m neither happy nor sad.”
Usually very happy. I think due to just charging up whenever I can and making sure to appreciate the things around me. Simple joys and perspective are a huge part.
Really numb lately and it’s starting to worry me. Probably due to a combination of things, just a lot going on and I’m wearing down. Part of it is I don’t think it’s going to get easier any time soon so just have to make some changes (and identify what to change).
I think we all have a point where uncertainty will throw us off.
On the upside, spring is almost here, and simple joys are pretty easy to find in the springtime.
@augustlan – pssst… 40k!
I have moments of real happiness but right now I am just coasting and that is making me unhappy on the whole. I am working on it though…
And now, after seeing my urologist, I’m even happier! My PSA ( Prostate Specific Antigen ) test shows no change since the last one. That means that the cancer is probably at least in remission. Yayyy! [ Dances naked around a huge bonfire! ] : D
Yeah, I’m happy. Getting rid of debt and knowing that I’m loved by those I care about helps with my happiness. A positive outlook helps too.
@CaptainHarley Great news and thanks for telling us. Your news put a smile on my face :)
So happy for ya Capt’n :)
<3 <3
I was running a bit of a fever this morning, probably because of that enormous shot of testosterone suppressant they gave me yesterday afternoon. I was awake, but had no desire to get up and move around, so I started singing Negro Spirituals. LOL! My wife about had a bird when I started singing “Swing Low Sweet Chariot!” LMAO!
Thank you, Agustian! : ))
I’m 9 on a scale of 1 to 10.
10 = Very, very happy
1 = Very, very unhappy
At the moment, not really. I had 2 finals and a project due in one class. I did crappy on the exams and more than likely failed the project because I was unable to complete it (I had to leave to pick up my son). In a matters of hours I went from an A to being lucky if I passed the class and able to continue in the course.
Tomorrow’s another day. I’ll have to wait till grades come out.
Thanks for the luck, @augustlan. I ended up with a B for a final grade: )
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