Meta Question

JilltheTooth's avatar

Amazing that our fearless leader/mom/boss lady/whip-wielding dominatrix Augustlan has the time to participate enough to reach 40K! Are all as amazed and delighted as I?

Asked by JilltheTooth (19792points) February 28th, 2012

Knowing how hard she works to keep things running here, it’s a wonder she can actually ask and answer enough to amass the lurve! Pancakes, champagne, guacamole and of course cakes in frizzers all laid out for the party!

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123 Answers

rebbel's avatar

                                                                                                   Congratulations, @auggie!! Enjoy your party!!

SpatzieLover's avatar

ConGoRats Dearest Auggie!

The Nekkid Pancake Party Starts Now!

King_Pariah's avatar

WHIP ME HARDER!!!! <3 lol

Congrats Auggie!!! This is your partay! Time to spice things up! :)

laineybug's avatar

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Congratulations mommy!

picante's avatar

Madam, I bow to your august achievement. Your intelligence and level-headedness are telegraphed every time you post. Fluther is indeed in good hands with you at the helm. Please don’t beat me ;-)

tom_g's avatar

Wow. Congrats! Keep up the great work.

flutherother's avatar

40Kongratulations @augustlan

fundevogel's avatar

Yay-hooray! I don’t want to congratulate you so much as thank you for helping keep Fluther the place we love with the kindness and wisdom you demonstrate in your questions and answers and the not so secret behind the scenes canings.

Your rod and your staff. They comfort me.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

I lurved you even before I knew you were a red head.

talljasperman's avatar


Lightlyseared's avatar

Well Done!!!!!!!!

Sunny2's avatar

Hurrah and many, many thanks. You really keep things going and flowing around here!

xnightflowerx's avatar

I’ll go bake some cookies!! :D Congrats!!

mangeons's avatar

Congratulations to an awesome Community Manager and an even awesomer mom!!! ♥

janbb's avatar

A blessing on your head, Mazel Tov! Mazel Tov!

(I hear you’re great in bed, Mazel Tov! Mazel Tov!)

Your whip’s the best in town,

There’s no better Auggie around…..

We lurves you!!

(Sung to any tune you can find.)

dappled_leaves's avatar

Well of course you’ve reached 40K, @Augustlan! Everyone lurves you the most! Congratulations.

Aster's avatar

Guacaomole? I’ll bring the chips and salsa ! *** CONGRATULATIONS! ***

linguaphile's avatar

Wha-hooo-hooo-hoooo!!!!!!! Congrats!!!

marinelife's avatar

Congratulations, @Augustlan! 40K That’s a big number. And no wonder you reached it. All the things that make you a great Community Manager: wisdom, even-handedness, sense of humor also make you the great person that you are and contributor to Fluther. You had me at A.

Jeruba's avatar

Apart from the fluthergods themselves, nobody is more deserving of celebration than our Auggie. She welcomes us, makes us comfy, passes around the pancake syrup, and occasionally reminds us when we need to use our napkins.

This verse by @thorninmud is such a great tribute that it’s no immodesty for her to display it on her profile page:

Through this wasteland of spammers and trolls,
Our High-Priestess of Order patrols.
  Thanks to skilled application
  Of her dread flagellation,
We’re remarkably free of assholes.

Berserker's avatar

Congrats Auggie! You and your badass self sure deserve it, for all the work you do around here. We all appreciate it. and thanks for going easy on me XD

Enjoy the party, and keep up the excellent work, but most of all, keep on being awesome! Cheers. ’‘hugs!’’

ucme's avatar

Hey congrats, but a woman in charge….....let’s keep things in perspective here ;¬}

syz's avatar

Wowza! Congratulations!

bkcunningham's avatar


chyna's avatar

Congrats! Wow, what an accomplishment, but I’m only amazed you weren’t there a long time ago. You are a much loved manager and member of this community and the reason that I love coming here. And you are a beautiful red head.

MilkyWay's avatar

Way ta go Auggie! :D

Blackberry's avatar

Congratulations, Brogustlan.

blueiiznh's avatar

I bow humbly to you….

Bellatrix's avatar

Oh my goodness! How truly wonderful to be able to celebrate your presence amongst us. The 40K is no real surprise. I will not be surprised when you receive 100k of lurve and you deserve every little click of it. You are an amazing woman and if you ever doubt how much love you have generated in this world, you need only check into Fluther and I hope it will radiate back out at you. I just wish we could have a real ticker-tape parade for you.

jonsblond's avatar

I dedicate this song for you Auggie. Now get your ass on the dance floor with me! <3

Jude's avatar

Who is this fearless leader that you speak of?

Oh, omnipresent and omnipotent one, congrats!!!

flutherother's avatar

She wears black leather tights and she carries a whip
Which she knows how to use as she runs a tight ship
She is helpful and kind she can be like a mother
She’s the 40K angel of www dot fluther.

wilma's avatar

Congratulations Auggie! And thanks for all you do for us.

stardust's avatar

Fabulisimo :) Congratulations and thank you!

harple's avatar

Oh Auggie, you’re so fine! You’re so fine you blow my mind! Oh Auggie! Oh Auggie!

(That, and what @Bellatrix said!) :-)

XOIIO's avatar

Pfft. 40k? Call me when it gets to triple didgits.

YARNLADY's avatar

* * * Y * A * Y * * * T * H * A * T * * I * S * * A * M * A * Z * I * N * G * * * Y * A * Y * * *

zigmund's avatar

Congrats! Well deserved!

filmfann's avatar

Happy 40 K August Motherfucking Lan!
You are one of the very reasons I love this site!
Congo Rats and WTFG!

thorninmud's avatar

According to the cold, dismal laws of thermodynamics, the universe is inexorably sliding toward chaos. Productive Order must eventually give way to an impotent stasis. But here on Fluther, one valiant woman at the head of a ragtag band of citizen soldiers cries out from atop the ramparts, whip in hand, “Not on my watch!!!!”

fundevogel's avatar

Entropy better watch itself.

HungryGuy's avatar

Congrats, @augustlan!

But you work here. What took you so long? :-p

whitecarnations's avatar

Congratulations! I’m super stoked to see what @augustlan has to say in celebration of the big 4-O

janbb's avatar

Wake up, little Auggie, wake up!!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Congrats augustlan. You and your team do a nice job running this site. We’ve been on the opposite sides on a few hot issues and you’ve always treated me very well. I too wonder how you can run the site and still have time to answer enough questions to get to 40K. But then again it might have been blackmail, the whip, or maybe a little gaming the system. Congrats lady.

laureth's avatar

Lurve you, Fluther-Mom! :) Conga rats!

AmWiser's avatar

Congratulations Augustlan. You deserve 100,000+K! Great job.

KateTheGreat's avatar


All hail the Fluther Queen! I bow down to your large amounts of lurve!

wundayatta's avatar

And welcome to the Artist Colony! It may be a bit of a lonely place at the moment, but believe me, the moon is a lot lonelier! Still, please get your ass in gear and get here pronto!

Ah, lady! You’re a wonderful person who has taken on a thankless job and somehow managed to get people to thank you for it. Your sense of humor must be stapled to you with a lot of very large staples. It’s a good thing you do, even if I don’t always agree with you about your decisions. I bet you never thought it would turn into a real job, did you? And by that, I don’t mean a job that pays you. I mean a job where you really have to work!

Anyway, thanks for being there as a friend back when I was having a pretty hard time, and thanks for being her now, somehow managing to hold this joint together!

Congratulations on 40K!

XOIIO's avatar

@wundayatta Actually, you are still one up from auggie, 50kers have their own thing. Also, who the heck is the other 50ker?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I’m really late, as I have been trying to avoid my computer for a bit… but I just HAD to pop in for this!


We lurve you so frikking much and Fluther would just not be Fluther without you! Massive congratulations, tons of (((hugs))) and lots of chocolate-covered-whiptastic-sex to you!

Jeruba's avatar

@XOIIO, she’s right here in this thread.

Fly's avatar

Normally I don’t participate in these things, buuuuut…

HAPPY 40k, Mommy!
Yes, I still call my mother “mommy.” Got a problem with that?
…I didn’t think so.

XOIIO's avatar

Ahh, there we go.

Man, those too spend too much time here.

FutureMemory's avatar

Congrats, Auggie :)

tinyfaery's avatar

Hey! How did I miss this?

You are an essential part of my own personal fluther experience. I don’t have the words. The best thing I can say is, you are my kinda girl.

Much lurve to you, motherfucking @augustlan.

Ela's avatar

Moocho grats Auggie!! You do an amazing job keeping this cart on it’s tracks
and all peeps in line with the gentle crack of your infamous whip!
<wonders if I missed the pancakes…>

LuckyGuy's avatar

Congrats on the 40k! And thanks for being there when we need you. You set the tone for the whole site.

augustlan's avatar

Awwww. I lurve you all so much! I had one of those days today… one thing went wrong after another, and another, and another. To come home to this is wonderful! You guys are the best.

Seaofclouds's avatar

Congratulations @augustlan!!!

Jude's avatar

Okay, so, who gets to wear the Wonder Woman outfit?

augustlan's avatar

Alright, everyone… pile on and fight over the costumes! Some of us are going to wind up naked, I’m sure of it. ;p

chyna's avatar

I’m already naked doing the nekky dance.

Jude's avatar

A Canuck here who can handle the cold. It’ll be in the buff for me!

augustlan's avatar

Nakey dance!

Note to: @laineybug, @mangeons and @Fly You guys can stop following this thread, now…

ZEPHYRA's avatar

ALL RISE! (all the jelly community rises) The GELATINOUS ZOOPLANTON community bows to your greatness and wishes you many more happy returns.

Well done!!!!!!!

zensky's avatar

Congrats babes. Lurve ya!

augustlan's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Thank you for that. So much. :D

Kayak8's avatar

Many hearty congratulations!

Judi's avatar

Yeah! To a level headed, fair minded leader and a great friend! Congrats @augustlan, I don’t know how you do it, keeping your cool and keeping us all civil. You are an inspiration!

whitecarnations's avatar

I’m going to strive to be like Augustlan.

9doomedtodie's avatar

Congrats Auggie on 40K! Have a great time.

FutureMemory's avatar

I’m so glad you’re here, Auggie. I think the best decision Ben and Andrew ever made was to put you on staff. :)

jazmina88's avatar

Auggie, the voice of reason in our land of jellies. I dont know what we would do without you.


Let’s shed off those clothes. I’m ready for pancakes.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@augustlan : This is such a terrific milestone! I feel like we all get to celebrate with you. You are always the voice of moderation, and I really appreciate that. I am very grateful you are around. We would be lost without you.


Coloma's avatar

Oh wow, I am speechless! Well..only for a moment. lol
Major congrats @augustlan….unbelievable! I too appreciate all you do to keep the zoo fed, watered and the cages clean and odor free. ;-)

SavoirFaire's avatar

You’ve already been offered poems, songs, and pancakes, so all I can give you are my congratulations. All my lurve to you, @augustlan. I’m happy to call you my boss!

rooeytoo's avatar

So sorry I am late for this party @augustlan, as I have told you before, I think you should be in the diplomatic corps, you are the best. Cheers, congrats and thank you for your efforts on our behalf.

Good on ya matey!

Ayesha's avatar

Sorry I’m late. Congratulations!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but mine is better. :D

Come on Auggie. I’m waiting…

TexasDude's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate you make me feel funny in my drawers.

janbb's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Odd – I usually feel socks in my drawers.

DaphneT's avatar


Mariah's avatar

Yay, so happy for you, @augustlan! I think it’s so awesome how you keep everything running smoothly while taking the time to form personal relationships and be a caring friend to so many individual jellies. I know your kindness has touched me and I know many jellies feel the same. A very well deserved huge milestone for Auggie!

ratboy's avatar

So liberal a moderator to moderate so liberally.

augustlan's avatar

Jellies are the best. <3

It’ll take me a while to respond to everyone, but I’m working on it! In the meantime, thanks everyone!

Coloma's avatar

Woo Hoo @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard provides the striptease entertainment, take it off, take it all off! lol

He’s an Aqua Velva kinda guy. ;-P

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I’m just going to mention that it is Boob Wednesday…............

…I think everyone should show Auggie their boobies.

Jude's avatar

Nice, rebbel!

Coloma's avatar

@rebbel Nice boobies, now why can’t I get the ” I smoke two joints” song outta my mind. lolol

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Ooh, love the boobies, @rebbel!

downtide's avatar

Congrats Auggie! ~hugs~

mazingerz88's avatar

Ok, so I’m late. But that’s only because I did feed the hungry in a war torn region and got shot in the nuts. My nuts are fine now. So…CONGRATS!!!!! ( better late with nuts than never and without nuts ) :)

ETpro's avatar

Congratulations, @augustlan . You are an awesome leader/mom/boss lady/whip-wielding dominatrix and friend.

Buttonstc's avatar

Amazing. How do you find the time? You are a wonder. Congrats . Enjoy your new accommodations.

erichw1504's avatar

CongratuMOTHERFREAKINIMSOLATions @augustlan !!!!

SpatzieLover's avatar

vvv Can’t wait to read what @Kardamom has to say :)

Kardamom's avatar

Dearest Augustlan, I wanted to congratulate you last night, but I was in the middle of a weep-fest over the loss of Davy Jones. All cried out now, feeling better.

Just wanted to let you know that it’s because of your thoughtfulness and your attention to detail and your gentle humor that make this site what it is, super-nifty!

And for your special occasion we wanted to do something a little bit different so we’ve had the landscape architects out at the mansion grounds (you know, the newer bigger part that we purchased last year) for a few months now in anticipation of your 40K. They were able to make your plot of land have multiple orgas…oops, I mean multiple landscape features so that you can choose which activities you’d like to participate in when the mood suits you.

So if you look to the west, you will see This and if you look towards the north you will see This and if you look towards the south you will see This and if you look towards the east, you will see This

And for your dining pleasure, we have re-located several restaurants that we hope you might like. Restaurant 1 and Restaurant 2 and Restaurant 3 and last, but not least Restaurant 4

Hope you likey!

augustlan's avatar

@JilltheTooth Thank you for hosting such a great party, my cabin-in-the-woods friend!
To my girls, @Fly, @mangeons, and @laineybug: I’m so glad you guys came along to the Flutherverse with me. Mommy lurves loves you!
@rebbel Lurve you, Ro. One of my first Fluther friends. Thank you!
@SpatzieLover Thanks! Nekkid pancakes are my favorite.
@King_Pariah Oh, I’ll whip you, alright. Bend over, boy! Thanks for coming to the party!
@picante I promise I won’t beat you… unless you ask nicely. ;) Thank you!
@tom_g It’s been a pleasure getting to know you. Thanks!
@flutherother Thank you! Fluther would be something other without you.
@fundevogel My favorite mustachioed woman! May my rod and my staff never come near you. ;) Thank you!
@Imadethisupwithnoforethought Oh, you charmer you. I bet you say that to all the community managers. Thanks!
@talljasperman Thank you, tall-man-from-Jasper!
@Lightlyseared You always come out just right! Thanks for bringing the grill to the party!
@Sunny2 Your lovely disposition shines through. Thank you!
@xnightflowerx Did someone say cookies? Thanks!
@janbb You heard right, penguin! Wanna’ meet me in a cabin in the woods? ;) Thanks for everything, my fine feathered friend.
@dappled_leaves Thank you! But, psh… you should see my hate mail. Trust me… not everyone lurves me!
@Aster Mmmm, guacaomole. Thanks!

augustlan's avatar

@linguaphile I’m so glad to have met you here, girlie. Thank you!
@marinelife Another of my first Fluther friends. It’s been wonderful getting to know you in real-life, too. Thank you, M!
@Jeruba Your wit and wisdom have gotten me through many a rough day. Also, without your and a few others’ help, I’d still be sporting a default avatar! Thank you for the friendship, the books, the avatars, the editing help…for everything!
@Symbeline Oh, man. The most badass person I know just called me badass. Day made! Also, one of the sweetest people I know. Thanks, girlie!
@ucme I am woman, hear me RAWR! Thank you. :)
@syz Awesome animal lady, awesome former-mod, awesome all-around. Too much awesome, I know. Sorry, Gail, but no other word will do. Thanks!
@bkcunningham Thank you!
@chyna And you are a beautiful blond, and more importantly, a beautiful person. I’d meet you in a cabin in the woods, or, you know, a bar, any day. Lurve you, girlie. Thank you!
@MilkyWay The galaxy is yours. Thanks!
@Blackberry Or, Blackberrybro. Lurve you, dude. Thank you!
@blueiiznh Are you asking for a whippin’? You should know better than to bend over around me. ;) Thanks!
@Bellatrix You lovely woman. I’d probably go crazy without all our late-night chats. Thank you!
@jonsblond Whiptastic! I’d dance with you any damn day, girlie. <3 Thanks!
@Jude I knew you were going to say that… ;) No matter what name you go by, I’ll always lurve you. Thank you!

augustlan's avatar

@wilma All of you make my job such a pleasure! Well, most of the time. ;) Thanks!
@stardust Thank you, lovely stuff-of-life. We are all you!
@harple You are such a lovely woman. Lurve and thanks to you!
@XOIIO Don’t make me whip you, damn it. You know you’d like it, anyway. ;)
@YARNLADY * * * T * H * A * N * K * * * * Y * O * U * ! * * * Did I do that right?
@zigmund I lurve you, dude. Thank you!
@filmfann Thank you so much, film-motherfucking-fann! And likewise. :)
@thorninmud And never a better ragtag band of citizens has existed. Thank you for everything!
@HungryGuy You answered yourself! What took me so long? I work here. ;) Thanks for not eating me!
@whitecarnations This is what I have to say: YAY! Thanks for being a part of it!
@Adirondackwannabe Gaming the system? BITE YOUR TONGUE, SIR. I don’t wannabe banned, you know. ;) Thanks!
@laureth You are one of the smartest and most thoughtful people I know, Fluther-Daughter. Thank you!
@AmWiser I love your name, if I haven’t said so before. Thanks for coming to the party!
@KateTheGreat The great one is bowing down near me? Quick, where’s my whip? Can’t leave that opportunity untouched. Thank you!
@wundayatta Thanks, W. I appreciate that! Now, does anyone have a staple remover? Ouch!
@WillWorkForChocolate Anyone who writes on their boobs for me, beggin for a whipping, surely deserves one. Bend over, girlie! I’ll give you some chocolate afterward, to ease the sting. Thank you!
@FutureMemory Thanks for being such a good friend. Lurve you!
@tinyfaery I’ve lurved you from day one, even when I have to whip you. My kind of girl for sure. Thanks!
@EnchantingEla There are always more pancakes for lovely jellies such as yourself. Thank you!
@LuckyGuy No name change has made me happier than yours. Muuuuuch better, now. Thanks!
@Seaofclouds Mad mod lurve. Thank you!
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Best. Picture. Ever. My husband walked by while it was on my screen, and he was like, “What the hell?” Hahaha. Thanks!
@ZEPHYRA Your avatar makes me happy. So bright and cheery. Thank you!
@zensky I’m betting on this zencarnation making it to 10k. Don’t let me down! Lurve you, too, and thanks!

XOIIO's avatar

@augustlan Damn straight ;)

augustlan's avatar

@Kayak8 Hero dogs and their owners are the best. Thank you!
@Judi You are the real inspiration. Really, truly. Thank you, girlie!
@9doomedtodie << I really hope that isn’t true any time soon. We’d miss you around here. Thanks!
@jazmina88 Woot! More nekkid pancakes! Thank you. :)
@Hawaii_Jake It is I who wold be lost, whithout all of you. Lurve you, Jake. Thanks!
@Coloma Thanks, goose-lovin’-lady!
@Keep_on_running Hope you don’t run away from here. I’d have to find you and drag you back! Thank you!
@SavoirFaire Never has a boss learned so much from an employee. You are a smarty-farty, mister! Thanks for expanding my gray matter. It needed it! :)
@rooeytoo Thank you, rooey! I could probably pick up a few tricks from an expert dog trainer. ;)
@Ayesha Glad you made it to the party! Thanks!
@DaphneT Thank you!
@Mariah I wish you a fantastic life. You sure do deserve one! Thank you, sweetie. :)
@ratboy Fluther wouldn’t be the same without you. Thanks!
@downtide I’ve loved getting to know you here. Thank you!
@mazingerz88 Sorry about your nuts, dude. Glad you made it, though! Thanks. :)
@ETpro I’ve learned so much from you. Thank you!
@Buttonstc I still remember learning what your name meant, and how it all made sense then. Thank you Buttons-the-Clown!
@erichw1504 It’s never too MOTHERFREAKINLATE to party. Thanks!
@Kardamom You are one of the hardest working jellies around. I love the effort you put in to your posts. Thank you so much! Auggie’s House of Crab should be the name of our complaint department. :D

augustlan's avatar

Did I miss anyone? Someone please PM me if I did!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@augustlan Honey, I’ll write on my boobs for you anytime you ask.

BTW, I’ve been bent over, waiting on you for 2 days. I’m afraid I’m stuck in this position now. :*(

smilingheart1's avatar

Epic! Thanks for your day in day out sincerity Augustine! Savor the flavor of contribution at its most meaningful pitch, with no attitude. That’s you

skfinkel's avatar

Great work, Augustian. We are all indebted to you.

augustlan's avatar

@smilingheart1 Thanks, sweetie!
@skfinkel Well, if you think about it, we are all really indebted to you. Thanks for giving us the lovely Ben! Without him, thus you, we couldn’t even be here. :)

Cruiser's avatar

I came back just to say Congrats young lady! Been a long time coming and very well earned and much deserved!

Congrats on the 40 grand!! :)

Jeruba's avatar

@Cruiser—I’ve missed you.

Cruiser's avatar

Hey @janbb!
@Jeruba I have missed you and the pool full of friends.

MissAnthrope's avatar

Holy crap, I totally missed this!

A belated congratulations to an amazing, sweet, warm, and wicked smart jelly goddess! <3

augustlan's avatar

Thank you, @MissAnthrope! Lurve you, m’dear. <3

MissAnthrope's avatar

Back at ya. :)

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

BTW @augustlan, the other night, when you said, “This is going to hurt me a lot more than it hurts you? You lied. I still have bruises. Thank you! :D

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