I'm intimidated by ____ (fill in the blank)
Asked by
Jude (
February 28th, 2012
smart, beautiful women.
(They’re intimidating in a incredibly hot sort of way).
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28 Answers
Gayatri Spivak (who falls into that category of yours, btw)
My best friend. Mostly because no matter how mad I am at him, I still can’t be mad.
Do you mean intimidated or the verb form of intimate?: “to make known especially publicly or formally: announce. To communicate delicately and indirectly: hint”.
Ah, where’s the edit button?
Indomitable intelligence.
Extremely blowhard, aggressive, domineering people.
@Jude Ditto. Sorry to be unoriginal. Well educated, opinionated and beautiful.
authority figures, maybe, can pretty much STAND UP these days
Grammar queens. Jeruba and gail immediately come to mind.
An attractive man in a well-tailored suit.
Cops. I always feel irrational guilt around cops. “Yes sir, no sir, please don’t take me to jail, sir.”
Big dogs that bark and growl. I’m not intimidated by much else.
Court appearances. Depositions. Alien probings. Those sorts of things.
You are strange. I always look forward to alien probings. Especially anal ones.
the idea of facing a major illness alone.
the thought of eating Spam
Public speaking, figuring out my computer, bridges.
Detached people—people who have obvious walls up and talk to you from a far distance even if they’re 2 feet away.
Hmmm…@ragingloli calling someone else strange. Now that is funny :D
@linguaphile I know, right? I just don’t understand people like that.
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