Meta Question

Are poorly written posts aggressively moderated? Or is our community just that good?
I was on another board devoted to a game I play. I think Fluther has spoiled me because I was more than a bit grossed out by the awful posts on the site.
First, there is the gross overuse of punctuation and smilies. It seems that if you make smilies available a number of people feel compelled to use them after every single sentence so you can see exactly how they feel at the exact moment.
Then there is the “LOL to myself” poster. I can’t believe how many people seem to think “LOL” is the perfect way to end any sentence. If someone really laughed out loud as much as these posters do, I’d think they were insane.
I just wonder—are people posting like that here and the moderators aggressively work at removing them? Or do people just not post like that here?