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zensky's avatar

If you liked Movie X, you might like Movie Y?

Asked by zensky (13426points) February 29th, 2012

I love Sci Fi, Action, but also decent dramas and comedies now and then. I recently enjoyed Kick Ass (I also like a good comic book movie like the Spiderman and Batman franchises) and thought it was both comicbookish – but unique.

Then I thought I’d start a thread where you help out the jelly above you, and get assistance from the next one as to recommendations.

I liked Kick Ass – so I might like _______________.

Someone suggest something, then say which movie they liked to get more suggestions.

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17 Answers

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

If you liked Kick Ass, you might enjoy Kill Bill.

I quite enjoyed The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

YoBob's avatar

If you liked The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, you might enjoy The Da Vinci Code

I enjoyed the The Omega Man

rebbel's avatar

If you liked The Omega Man, you might enjoy Alpha Dog.
Or Outbreak, with Dustin Hoffman.
I enjoyed Léon (called The Professional in America, I believe).

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

If you like Leon aka The Professional, you might enjoy Collateral.

I really like The Mummy trilogy—(with Brendan Fraser).

zensky's avatar

If you liked Leon, you might like The Mechanic.

If you liked The Mummy you might like Raiders of the Lost Ark et al

I liked Inception

King_Pariah's avatar

If you liked Inception you might like Memento

I liked Fight Club

fundevogel's avatar

If you liked Inception you might like A Scanner Darkly.

I liked Pan’s Labyrinth.

zensky's avatar

If you liked Fight Club, you might like the 25th Hour (I also like Ed Norton)

I did like Memento actually.

I liked The original Star Wars but not the “Prequels”

flutherother's avatar

If you liked Memento you might like Timecrimes

I liked A Serious Man

LuckyGuy's avatar

If you liked “This is Spinal Tap”, then you might like “A Mighty Wind”.
They are a talented bunch.

6rant6's avatar

I liked Ground Hog Day

ucme's avatar

If you liked Groundhog Day, you may want to watch it again & again & ........

SpatzieLover's avatar

If you liked “Groundhog Day”, then you might like “Sliding Doors”.

I liked Run Lola Run

filmfann's avatar

If you liked Run Lola Run, you might like Crash

I liked Payback.

SpatzieLover's avatar

If you liked Payback, then you might like Ransom.

I liked Crazy, Stupid, Love

King_Pariah's avatar

If you liked Crazy, Stupid, Love you might like Assassin in Love

I like Postal

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