Do you decorate your appliances?
Asked by
February 29th, 2012
I put stick on jewels all around my new big screen TV, since the black trim was so ugly. I glued a needlepoint picture on my laptop lid, and I made appliance covers for my toaster, blender and the knife caddy. I also made washable book covers for the monthly science fiction magazines I subscribe to.
I made washable covers for my juice containers and most of the reusable plastic containers in my cupboard, such as the flour, rice, sugar and beans. The soap bottle that stands on my counter above the sink wears a little dress, which I can change according to the season or holiday.
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27 Answers
Wow. No. I don’t like clutter.
No, I don’t. I have a few magnets of my fridge.
My toaster has googly eyes glued to it but that’s about it.
my friend did that while drunk. Now every time I toast a bagel, I just giggle.
No, unless you count all the fingerprints on all the stainless appliances. LOL!
I think appliances themselves are beautiful, and I would never, ever clutter them with decorations of any sort. I didn’t even know that people did this. If it were up to me, the refrigerator wouldn’t even have magnets on it.
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No. My name is not Martha Stewart :)
I’m wondering what the purpose of the washable covers for your plastic containers is. Like, are they decorative, or do they keep the dust off, or what, exactly?
The only thing I have on any appliance is magnets on the fridge, but even those are on the side of the fridge, which most people don’t see.
Now, my grandmother… at one point, she had a ‘cozy’ for her toaster, and for a while there she made these kookie doll toilet paper covers, and I seem to recall some similar air freshener covers.
@augustlan I cover the plastic containers strictly as decoration.
I also make coasters for all over the house, and tissue box covers.
@YARNLADY Thanks for reminding me… my grandmother made tissue box covers, too. Probably the same way you do, with plastic canvas and yarn?
@augustlan yes, nearly all my work is with plastic canvas and yarn.
I used to. I’d put floral stickers or jewels on the bathroom mirror and stuff like that. Now I don’t do it as much because I tire of them quickly and discover that some of them (like those stickers) can be a pain to remove.
Our fridge growing up was covered in banana stickers—in neat little, OCD rows.
And for some reason, I put all of my “I voted!” stickers on my sewing machine. Does that count as an appliance?
I remember in the 70’s people used to have covers on the toaster, mixer and cute covers on the tissue boxes (that would be on the toilet tank). I don’t decorate anything – I think the trend now is to have things put away, when possible, for a cleaner look.
@YARNLADY That is SOooooo cute ! Especially the well-dressed soap dispenser.
That much decorating would be over the top for me, but we do amuse each other here by adding ad-hoc doodads to just about anything. More or less a collage effect.
It is not uncommon to find some toys staged in an impromptu scene.
Our decorations have decorations. A painting of tulips in my ‘office’ has a small cutout dinosaur staged among them.
And regularly, I put a picture of our parrot on the tissue box in the bathroom, making it the “house brand”.
@YARNLADY Ah, I see. I was somehow picturing plastic bowls, completely covered with fabric or something. This makes more sense to me, now.
I do have a question, though… how do you wash it with the decorations on it?
@augustlan It goes in the dishwasher. The glue has hold so far, but I can always re glue if it falls off. The coasters are fully washable as well.
Oh, I was thinking water would hurt the yarn for some reason. Now I want to see the soap bottle dressed up… do you have any pics of that?
I think it’s awesome @YARNLADY, that your home says “YOU!”
I don’t decorate my appliances. But, the container like yours, I decorate things like that & coffee cans with paint & Sharpies or labels from my label maker. I then use them for dog/cat treats, office & art supplies, hardware-etc.
It’s wonderful to walk into someone’s place and feel them there. That’s a great vibe.
@SpatzieLover Thanks. I also have covered all my light switch plates with homemade decorations, or in the kitchen, specially purchased wrapping paper that matched the decor.
I think your home sounds amazing. I would love to see photographs of it. It also sounds very time consuming? I also had not so good images when you explained it. But the photograph you showed us cleared that up. Very artistic. Also quite clever I think. How did you decorate your light switches?
Here’s an idea of how you can decorate light switches – just an idea – you can decoupage them or paint them.
@Shippy Most of my art work is done with yarn on plastic canvas These are some commercial patterns, but I usually just design my own, unless I am going to donate them to charity.
Augie – that’s a brave woman that took on that project! It’s one of those “once you start, there’s no turning back!”
@augustlan Oh, I just love that. My washer and dryer have a room of their own, so I don’t look at them often enough to think of decorating them.
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