What does Fluther think of the Trespass Bill?
Asked by
likipie (
February 29th, 2012
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24 Answers
Seems pretty unconstitutional to me. And given how things are worded, it looks like a legal protest can become illegal in virtue of someone protected by the Secret Service showing up unannounced. So just about any protest could be made illegal at a moment’s notice without the protesters even being informed. Yeah, that sounds fair. ~
It comes as no surprise for someone who thinks that the US has been sliding into despotism since 2001. They harp about freedom and the constitution and how Obama is an evil socialist dictator, but then pull this shit behind the curtain.
At some point the world will have to declare war against the US, just wait.
I’m actually surprised this wasn’t already a law. Obviously, it’s a huge violation of civil liberties, but I’m not surprised that the government’s attitude towards protesting is “not anywhere where I might have to hear it”.
@Aethelflaed I knew it was only a matter of time before they started taking all our rights away, one by one. I hope the government knows this won’t stop us from gathering and making our voices heard.
@likipie It just seems so on par for the course, with free speech zones, having to get a protest permit, not being able to protest in the capital building (though, that last one might be a local law). They’ve been taking away the right to protest (and other rights) for quite some time.
@Aethelflaed It’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. The ONLY thing they’re going to accomplish by doing this is filling up the county/state prisons with even more completely innocent people. In the end all it’s doing is costing the government money that they don’t have to spend.
And I was called out for being an alarmist?
We are losing our rights left and right. I despise the Westboro Baptist Church but I did agree with the ruling last year that they should be allowed to protest.
You’re talking about the secret service? I’m not as worried about them as I am our local cops and am completely uncomfortable with the militarizing of our police forces. 1 2 3 4
One more nail in the coffin lid of liberty, and one more step into Fascist corporatocracy.
I don’t like it one bit. Cut us off from our elected officials, will they? Spare themselves the inconvenience, will they?
Wow… That is sickening and despicable.
@ragingloli There’s lots of people here, in lots of different groups. I think you’re conflating two separate groups.
I thought @ragingloli had already declared war against all and anything vaguely American. It is a shame we can’t all be as wonderful, pure and progressive as the germans.
What the hell. I’m so disappointed in my country at the moment.
@rooeytoo There’s lots of people there, in lots of different groups. I think you’re conflating two separate groups.
@nullo – I was basing my comment on the comments of the germans I know who claim germany to be like heaven (or whatever atheists call that state of being) in its perfection.
Are they kidding me??? It’s not really perfect???
@rooeytoo I know a girl who finds the place to be less than ideal. But then, she is not very culturally German.
My guess? Good ol’ favoritism/nationalism/patriotism/what-have-you. Of course they like it; it’s their home.
@Nullo – of course that is it, they are blinded by their own flag and that is fine. I simply get tired of hearing the constant, unrelenting criticism of the USA. I have not yet found the perfect country in which to live. The ones in which I have traveled and lived all have wonderful and despicable aspects to their policies, etc. I suspect Germany is no different, and I know that is true of the USA and Australia.
@rooeytoo I suspect you are right about that. If you are looking for perfection, you’re not only on the wrong planet, you are in the wrong universe.
@rooeytoo The root problem is that people are not perfect. So no matter where you go, you’re eventually going to find the armpit.
Totally missed your sarcasm up above. I second you on the U.S.A.-bashing. It grows wearisome.
@rooeytoo People criticize the U.S. because we’re supposed to be a free country where we can practice all our rights without being punished by the government. They’re slowly taking those rights away from us. They passed this bill to protect the people under Secret Service protection, making it nearly impossible for us to protest anything without risking being arrested. What about all the people the police have killed, injured or arrested for being a part of a peaceful demonstration of our First Amendment? All we want is to be able to make our voices heard without having to threatened.
USA bashing? No, no—this is patriotism. That’s what you call it when someone does their level best to keep their country from betraying the ideals upon which it was founded.
Thank you @Nullo. You are so correct, I do find the constant USA bashing tiresome especially when done by those who live in a less than perfect country also.
And just for the record, I was first arrested for protesting in 1965, Washington DC, Vietnam war protest, soldiers with bayonnets drawn lining Key Bridge, interesting sight.
@Nullo Ah, I see. My mistake. I’ve been reading people wrong all day, and this seems to be part of that streak. Thank you for setting me right.
@rooeytoo My apologies for misinterpreting you.
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