Social Question

Blackberry's avatar

I don't think this has been asked in awhile: Older flutherers, what is some of your best life advice?

Asked by Blackberry (34356points) March 1st, 2012

And don’t be offended by the word “older”. People that are older have experiences that only come with living longer. So, let’s say you’re giving very important advice to someone that could really change their life for the better if they followed it. What would you tell them?

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51 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Always expect to be betrayed and be ever ready to exact bloody vengeance.

CWOTUS's avatar

1. Don’t ask for advice.
2. Don’t take any.
3. Don’t give any.

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

Before you believe anything that you’re told, research it yourself.

Quote from Dr. House, “Everybody lies.”

janbb's avatar

Your life can change in a heartbeat and how you deal with that change is what’s important.

YARNLADY's avatar

In the long run, it will all be forgotten, so be happy every day.

geeky_mama's avatar

1. Ask yourself: “Will I care about this in 1yr? 5 yrs, 10 yrs from now?”
Adjust your actions/reactions accordingly.

2. It’s better to be nice than to be right.

Those two bits of advice cause me to shut my mouth (and prevent foot-in-mouth-itis) on a fairly regular basis.

annewilliams5's avatar

Hmmmm-While I’ve said this before-it bears repeating…
Never yell “movie” in a crowded firehouse.

flutherother's avatar

Never give up.

annewilliams5's avatar

I do, in all seriousness, like the adage-
Remember, no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. -Eleanor Roosevelt

picante's avatar

Take really good care of your teeth.
Don’t burn your bridges.
Judge your success by how much you’ve improved someone else’s life, not your own.
And choose your battles very carefully.

chyna's avatar

Be kind to everyone.
Treat your parents well.
Listen to the stories older people tell. They may not be here tomorrow for you to ask for a re-telling.

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

Never take life too seriously.

gondwanalon's avatar

1. Be frugal.
2. Invest in the stock market throughout your life to prepare for retirement.
3. Be kind to yourself. Exercise regularly and vigorously. Eat healthy foods. Get adequate rest.
4. Lay off the tobacco, alcohol, and other recreational drugs.
5. Appreciate nature.
6. Be kind to others.

marinelife's avatar

Listen more than you speak.

wundayatta's avatar

Beware of one-size-fits-all advice.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Be neither a debtor nor creditor

SuperMouse's avatar

Life is all about the journey not the destinations.
“It’s not having what you want. It’s wanting what you’ve got.” Cheryl Crow
“Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” John Lennon

Blackberry's avatar

@Michael_Huntington I’m on Reddit frequently; that was excellent advice. :)

HungryGuy's avatar

Pee high, and bury your poo.

Brian1946's avatar

If it isn’t broken, don’t try to fix it.

Sunny2's avatar

Women! Make a life for yourself, don’t expect your spouse to make for you. If you’re a wife and mother, that’s fine; but kids grow up and away. Be sure you have something productive to do when the last kid leaves.
Men and women, take time to really enjoy your kids . They grow up so fast and we’re so busy, we don’t take as much time as we could.
Always remember that things are really not important in the long run, as long as you are being housed and fed adequately. I think many of us tend to measure ourselves by what other people own and that’s a false value. It can only make you discontented.
From a grown up Pollyanna.

Blondesjon's avatar

One word . . .

. . . Plastics.

Blackberry's avatar

@Blondesjon I don’t get it :(

Blondesjon's avatar

spoiler alert: it’s a movie reference . . .

SuperMouse's avatar

@Blackberry one more piece of advice, rent The Graduate this weekend.

Blackberry's avatar

Will do. I don’t have anything to do this weekend.

saint's avatar

How old is old. I don’t want to violate the rules

Blackberry's avatar

@saint I won’t answer that question as I don’t want to offend anyone, but if you think you have significant experiences, please share.

saint's avatar

Learn how to take care of yourself. Because if you cannot, you will only survive if somebody else takes care of you. But the problem is, what happens if one day they refuse to do it?
At that point you are fucked. Because history proves that you will get nowhere fast trying to force them.
So learn to take care of yourself.

Ponderer983's avatar

Wear sunscreen.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Trust, but verify… Ronald Regan

ETpro's avatar

@CWOTUS That was extraordinarily good advice you offered.

Now mine:
Never miss an opportunity to mock as long as it’s in good fun. :-)
Don’t sweat the small stuff.
Life is short. Live it fully while you can.
Remember it takes a lot longer to wear out than to rust out.

Cruiser's avatar

Don’t fixate on what you are not getting but first embrace what you have and then set reasonable attainable goals to achieve the things you need to achieve to get to where you want to go.

rojo's avatar

Have no regrets.

rojo's avatar

or, as I have told my kids growing up,
“Hope for the best, but plan for the worst”.

rojo's avatar

“Not everyone who shits on you is your enemy”
“Not everyone who digs you out of the shit is your friend”
“When you are warm and happy in a pile of shit, keep your mouth shut”.
(Don’t know who said this, probably Buddha).

ETpro's avatar

@rojo Certainly not a coprophage.

rojo's avatar

@etpro definity not.

cookieman's avatar

What someone does is a more accurate indicator of their character than what someone says.

wilma's avatar

When I think of all the time and money that I have spent on stupid unimportant things I cringe.
Now every time I want something I think, “will I still want it tomorrow? where will I put it? what am I willing to get rid of to have this instead?” As for wasting time, this computer is one of the biggest time suckers in my life. If I get up and do something else every few minutes, I sometimes don’t come back to the computer for hours, I get a lot more done that way.

CWOTUS's avatar


Those are the three punchlines to the first joke on this page.

Bent's avatar

No matter what life throws at you, you will always have the resources to cope. You may have to work hard to find them, but they’re always there somewhere.

zensky's avatar

Take good care of your teeth.

janbb's avatar

Get out there – you never know what will happen.

annewilliams5's avatar

Protect your own butt first. You never know who you need to be around to rescue next.
Scene safety 101

Brian1946's avatar


If you have a chocolate penis, you better be real nice to whomever gives you head. ;-)

annewilliams5's avatar

I’m sorry Brian? If that (I won’t say it) is a situation-don’t you think a doctor, or at least a good chocolatier, is warranted?

Brian1946's avatar



Yep, it would definitely be a job for a Doctor of chocolate cocks .

Brian1946's avatar


Yep- as serious as an anatomically-complete Easter Bunny. ;-)

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