Have you ever loved a book but only been able to read it in small doses?
I am currently reading Room by Emma Donoghue and as much as I am looped into the story, I am finding that I can only read it in small doses because of the intensity of the story. Have you ever had a similar experience? What was the book?
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16 Answers
Atlas Shrugged. But it was worth it in the end.
Absolutely. I feel that way about A Clash of Kings by George R. R. Martin, but I am really trying to finish reading it. I want to be finished it by the end of this week.
Yes, The Voyage Out by Virginia Woolf. It’s a beautiful book, but the amount of sensory detail can be overwhelming in large doses.
Yes, I’m having that experience with Amy Tan’s Saving Fish from Drowning. It’s mostly because she doesn’t break up the chapters into smaller sections and for me, I like to read a whole section at once, but sometimes they’re so long that I have to go to sleep before I can finish and that irritates me.
I’m loving the story, but sometimes it seems too much like a daunting challenge. Some authors that I like, have books that are just as long and just as interesting, but they break the chapters, themselves, up into smaller obvious sections. I wish Amy Tan would do that too.
The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran. It just washed over me.
This happens to me fairly often. I have been chipping away at The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle for years in small increments. I don’t know why it is taking me so long to get through the entire book because it’s well written and interesting enough.
Anna Karenina when I was preparing to teach it last year and many others.
The Fountainhead
Naked Lunch
It took me forever to read Tess Of the d’Urbervilles, and it was kind of overwhelming, but I had to close-read that, so I don’t know how truly overwhelming the book was or if it was just the close-reading.
Abhorsen, by Garth Nix. It’s the last book in his Old Kingdom trilogy and when I finish it, I know it’s done and that just breaks my heart. Sabriel, the first in the trilogy, is my favorite book ever, so reading all of the books is one of my greatest pleasures but when it’s done, I feel a little bit empty.
Geek Love by Katherine Dunn. It’s one of my all time favourites but I culd only read a few pages at a time.
I have Room in my pile of books yet to be read.
I couldn’t get in to Room although others love it.
@janbb, my sister couldn’t get through it either, she could not stand the narrator/ perspective. I can’t say I loved it, I am not really even sure I would say I especially liked it. I did read the whole thing. That’s about the most I can say for it.
Ohhhh, I know another one.
Gravity’s Rainbow
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