If you could do anything right now, what would you do?
The title pretty much speaks for itself, hah. It can be absolutely anything. Maybe something you’ve always wanted to do but couldn’t for some reason?
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58 Answers
Take a six month paid sabbatical to explore the beaches of Hawaii.
Open a bicycle store in a good location that allows me to lead bike rides with customers a couple times per week.
Base jump into a cave in Borneo, assuming I knew how to do it properly and would not be stranded at the bottom.
Fly to Africa and go on a photography safari.
I also really want to make out with the hot guy I met last night. mmmmrr.
Right now? Go grab a beer or two at McMenamin’s in Eugene, OR.
Go to Hawaii for a couple of months. :)
Retire on a £100k-a-year pension.
There’s a smoking hot MILF I saw earlier today. I would really like to do stuff to her. Lol!
Go on an “all expenses paid” world tour.
Get rid of this headache.
Travel. To no specific place, just travel. Wherever and whenever I want to go.
Fly. Also, spend the next six to ten months traveling around Europe.
Go camping in the thousand lakes wilderness.
Go out and run 20 miles at a fast pace. I’m nursing an injured left ankle now and have to behave myself.
Take a two month family vacation to Ireland and Scotland.
Go under general anesthetic!
Lay in my bed and try to sleep.
Go for a ride with Stephen Hawking, pull some handbrake turns & shit…...only I don’t know where he lives & stuff.
@deni Wear rubber boots. I’ve been in a cave in Borneo. Lots of guano.
@digitalimpression Canoeing in the Quetico wilderness north of Minnesota was one of my favorite trips. Do it if you can.
What would I do? Go to New York City and see the latest shows, if I didn’t have to pay for it.
Be physically active again. I miss that.
Go on a date with a fine gentleman!
Get a magic Genie for life.
Buy a beach house from which I could watch the ocean and pretty much step out onto the beach. Preferably a fairly quiet beach. Then retire or at least take a sabbatical and write a novel. The beach is to walk on while thinking. I find the ocean mesmerising so that probably isn’t such a good idea in terms of production…might need to be a long sabbatical.
I already did it today! lol
I filleted an asshole!
An arrogant bully biz. aquaintance. The guy is 59 years old and fancies himself to be the ultimate authority on everything, major control freak, authoritarian personality. I let him have it big time, and when I was done, he was positively putty in my hands! Heh…it was great! Ego be damned…I have never had anyone kiss my ass the way he did. Woo Hoo…I am in my power, and he had it coming! haha
Come out of my basement from this stupid tornado. Then happily eat peanut butter ice cream.
@Sunny2 What were ya doin down there?!
@deni Seeing where bird’s nests used in Chinese soup lived. Or do you mean Borneo? We made a list of places we wanted to go and ranked them by physical difficulty. Borneo was on each of our lists, so we went. The biggest joy of the trip was seeing Proboscis monkeys in their natural habitat.
Fall asleep with my boyfriend.
HEY BLUEBERRY! Talk to us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You OK?
Yeah! We’re all okay! Part of our roof is gone though…
@blueberry_kid ! Oh dear!
I’m glad you are all OK, but my goodness your roof!
Learn Portugese. I know that I probably didn’t spell that correctIy, but I spell phonetically, not always correctly!
If I could do anything… oh boy, a list, a list!
I’d take a month off from work to go on a road trip through Illinois to Alabama, to Florida, over to Louisiana, Texas, up through Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota then back home.
If you mean literally anything, I’d build a working fusion reactor that generates more electricity than it consumes, and sell them for about $10,000 a pop. I’d become so wealthy in a matter of weeks that Bill Gates would be a homeless bum in comparison. Plus, I’d have solved the world’s energy crisis and stopped global warming in its tracks. With everyone producing their own electricity at home (essentially for free except for the initial cost of the unit), demand for oil would drop to zero, and sales of pure electric cars would skyrocket. High-tension power lines that criss-cross the country would be a thing of the past, and there would be no more regional power failures. An enemy couldn’t knock out the whole country’s power grid by bombing a few major power plants. And nobody would have to worry about nuclear disasters (fusion plants don’t work like fission plants…there’s no danger of meltdown or explosion or release of nuclear gas into the atmosphere)
Oh yes, then with my new-found billions, I’d have sex…lots and lots of sex :-0
It’s amazing how we put these incredible brains of ours to work in all kinds of creative endeavors whose main purpose are in service of passing along genes. Literally. What the fuck?
^ Blame it on evolution, bleh…
@wundayatta Us religious types have more to live for than genetic procreation. =D
@Nullo Seems to me that religious types believe in procreating more than just about anyone else. Especially all those who are against birth control. I’m guessing that family size is correlated positively with religiosity.
It really does matter what you think you believe. It’s how you behave that tells us what is really motivating you. But that’s a controversial point of view.
Take my mother, grandparents, in-laws and husband with me on a world cruise for at least 4 months.
@Neizvestnaya, can I come too? Can I? Can I? (looks up at you with puppy dog eyes)
@GracieT: are you wee and stowable in a regulation carryon bag?
I’d go and have a hot shower.
@Neizvestnaya, no, but I can play one on TV. (Sorry, I know that made very little sense, I was just trying to be cute.)
I would give the world a cure for mouth sores.
Got about 10 right now, and won’t be rid of them all until nearly April.
Take a redo of the last three years of my life and do many things differently.
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