General Question

6rant6's avatar

Is there a brand you associate with aesthetician services?

Asked by 6rant6 (13710points) March 2nd, 2012

Is there a brand name you associate with aesthetician services, plucking, massaging, waxing, injecting, creaming and whatnot?

Maybe there is a department store that has services that could be counted on to be excellent wherever you find them?

If you were in a strange city, what name might you look up in the phone book for this kind of service?

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3 Answers

Kayak8's avatar

In a strange town, I would probably look up Aveda and I can’t really explain why. In my hometown, I know the spa place I would go for these services, but in a strange town I might just google aesthetician services, town name and see what turned up.

Kayak8's avatar

I might also contact the manufacturer of my favorite skin care products (Mark Lees) and ask them where their products are used in the town I am visiting:

Judi's avatar

Dermalogica products are only sold by licensed estheticians.
I might also check out

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