What do you think of Facebook and this analogy?
Is Facebook essentially an open, “photo album?”
You know, back in the day, we would go over to our friends home and look through their photo album. Now, it’s just evolved into, “I’m at home, but here’s my “photo album/diary.” Does this put Facebook users in a frenzy of a rat race type of society? What are your thoughts. Pros and Cons?
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10 Answers
Not essentially, it’s just a part of it. People use facebook to spread information and make groups; informing others about things going on in the world
Personally, I can not remember a time in my entire life during which I got whipped up or had any desire whatsoever to go over to someone’s house and look at photo albums. I feel pretty much the same about FB. At best it is a place to pretend to “Know” people from my past whom I did not care to know at the time and do not wish to know now. As for any useful information on anything from FB, I choose to get mine from NYT, USA Today, WSJ, Yahoo News.
FB, in my perception, is an advertising medium..no more, no less.
@plethora So according to your logic. It would make sense for an artist, or band to use Facebook as advertisement?
@whitecarnations A whole crapload of businesses, bands and such, use facebook to do exactly that. Cheaper than website hosting.
Zuckerberg once stated that he wanted Facebook to fill the role of the telephone, and really, I think that’s more accurate – especially when you mean ‘smart phone’ instead of ‘rotary-dial’. He did not specify what sort. I have seen all of the Facebook operations executed on a modern cell phone.
Facebook will never be a place for me to post my life. I see what some people put on there and I just wonder what the hell is wrong with them. No one will ever know very much about me via the likes of Facebook. It’s fun because I have connected with people from my childhood up to now. But these 300 people are not close friends with whom I am going to share the intimate details of my life. That’s just crazy!
I hate Facebook. I even deactivated it. Sure, it was a ‘fun’ sort of thing when it first came out…But now?
What do you actually think of those girls who’re obsessed with adding pictures of what they’re doing every 0.00025 milliseconds? Not to mention the ‘status’, gosh. It drives me crazy. People are actually spending 50% of their time online than they are socializing. Besides, where’s the fun in publicly sharing photo albums online? It means a lot when they’re safe in you’re house, it actually means something, and evokes memories.
I use it like a Rolodex.
Yes, I went there. Ancient techology FTW.
@Luiveton Yeah I liked it when the interface was just your profile. And one could be into themselves, maybe it was closer to a diary then. And if you were truly interested in someone you’d have to manually go to their profile, and then you’d see a little “about me” but now it’s just straight up wall/bulletin. Rat race style. So strange.
Someone once said that
@Luiveton I use facebook as a kind of time capsule. I like going back two or three years and looking at my pictures and things I’ve posted to gauge how much I’ve grown and changed.
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