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Dutchess_III's avatar

If you didn't have to get up by a certain time everyday, what time would you get up, and how long afterwards would you eat?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) March 4th, 2012

I usually got up about 9:00, ate for the first time around noon.

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39 Answers

HungryGuy's avatar

On workdays, I get up at 8 to be to work by 9. I usually grab something light when I get into work, and eat at my desk, so I eat about an hour after I get up.

On weekends, when I can get up whenever I please, it varies greatly. I’ll usually sleep until 10 or 11. But if I lose track of time and find myself killing zombies or jumping through inter-dimensional holes until 2 AM, then I’ll sleep until noon or later, and eat straight away.

Bent's avatar

Probably not much later than I get up now, around 8-ish. I usually eat about an hour after getting up. On a work day I get up at about 7.30.

marinelife's avatar

I would get up around 8:30 PM and eat about 45 minutes after I got up.

Kardamom's avatar

I’m like @Dutchess_III Even though I would get up at 8:30 or 9:00 I don’t get hungry until noonish.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Kardamom Oh, I get hungry, but fixing food is just a hassle so I put it off!

DaphneT's avatar

I always seem to eat within an hour of getting up, no matter what time that actually is. If I could get up when I wanted to, I usually go by the sun and let the sun wake me. That way I sleep longer during the winter months and less during the summer, a more natural way to refresh. Since I can’t do that right now, I get up at 6am and hope I get an hour of peace to myself.

MilkyWay's avatar

I don’t like to have breakfast, it makes me feel queasy… and I’m not much of a morning person anymore either. So I’d probably wake up at 10 and have something to eat at 12.

rebbel's avatar

11:30 AM.
I’d eat seven hours after that (although I’d snack before that).

xnightflowerx's avatar

Well I rarely have days that I have to get up at any certain time. Yay self employment.

So I like to go to bed around 6–8am, wake up at 2–3pm. I make coffee right away, occasionally I’ll grab a banana or something. But usually I won’t eat anything for 3 or 4 hours after I get up.

My sleeping schedule tends to move around the clock and change where needed. Or I go to bed earlier if I didn’t get as much sleep and or later if I slept in later. Always fluctuating. But I like it this way. (:

wilma's avatar

I usually get up at 5:30 AM on weekdays. When I get to sleep in, I usually get up around 7AM.
I normally eat within 30 minutes to an hour after I get up.

MilkyWay's avatar

@wilma Woah, talk about gettin up early.

KateTheGreat's avatar

I’d wake up at 5 PM and eat as soon as I woke up.

I’m a night owl and I love to sleep. It’s not rare for me to wake up extremely late.

gondwanalon's avatar

My work schedule is variable and so I’m required to report to work at different times nearly every day. So I get up at different time ranging from 4 am to 6 am. I nearly always get in 1–1½ hours of exercise before work. I slurp down my standard breakfast (one liter of a mix of oatmeal, “Wheaties”, non-fat milk and 60 grams of whey protein that I make the day before) on my commute to work.

On my days off I sleep in to 7am, work out 1–2 hours then eat breakfast (whole grain cereals and fruit).

wilma's avatar

@MilkyWay I have to have my son to school before 7AM.

rooeytoo's avatar

It is amazing how much the climate and daylight savings impacts this for me. For the last 8 years I have lived in the tropics with no daylight saving so in order to beat the heat and make the most of the day we would be up at 5. Walk the dogs in the cool mornings, watch the sun come up, come home and have brekky. Now I am in the cold, it doesn’t get light here until 6:30 to 7:00 and the morning is the coldest time of the day! So I must admit I have been staying in bed until 7 or 8. It feels absolutely decadent, I am wasting so much of the day! I am not sure how it will evolve when work starts in earnests.

Sunny2's avatar

Usually, I don’t have to get up at a particular time. It depends on what I have to do that day. (Retirement has some benefits.) I don’t sleep later then 9 as a rule, but I may not eat until noon. I’m not particularly hungry in the morning. If I have a busy day, I make myself have a bowl of cereal or a piece of toast, otherwise I can have lunch as the first meal. I look back to when I was working and had to be there at 7:30 with my kids having had breakfast and a lunch to carry to school. I wonder how I did it, but youth, energy and a sense of purpose is the obvious answer.

ucme's avatar

Maybe an hour or so later. Too much day’s a wasting to be spent cooped up in bed.

Cruiser's avatar

Probably pretty close to the same as I do now. I love the sunrise and am up and out of the shower by the time dawn roles around. I eat when I get hungry and that has been averaging around lunch time.

JLeslie's avatar

90% of the time I can get up whenever I want, except that my husband wakes up early which wakes me up, and sometimes for weeks I get onto his schedule. But, I am not waking to an alarm, so I can roll over and go back to sleep, which I do sometimes. He wakes me around 5:30am. Naturally I would probably wake up around 8:00, latest 9:00 am if it was not for his interference.

I eat within an hour of waking up, no matter what time I wake up.

JLeslie's avatar

@Dutchess_III Do you eat late at night?

Jeruba's avatar

Most days I can get up when I want, and that generally turns out to be around noon. I have coffee, two cups, first thing, but I don’t want anything resembling breakfast much before 4:00 p.m.

This daily freedom is one of the greatest joys of retirement, earned through 40+ working years and not yet losing its appeal.

I must admit, though, that I am really starting to wonder when the “older people need less sleep” part is supposed to kick in.

flutherother's avatar

I get up between 8:00am and 9:00am and have breakfast within 30 or 40 minutes.

AshLeigh's avatar

Get up at noon-2 Pm. Eat at one-3PM.

Chief_Brody's avatar

I get up at around 6 or 7 am every morning. Just coffee and cigarettes for breakfast.

Berserker's avatar

Eh Christ. My sleeping is so weird and always messed up. When working, I’ll obviously always get up at whatever time I need to, but give me not even a week of not having to get up at any specific hour, and I’ll go from getting up at six in the morn to five in the afternoon/evening in a very short time. I’d say that, not needing to get up at any specific time, I’d lead a pretty nocturnal existence, I guess until my body was jonesing for sunlight. I base this on fact, because on more than one occasion I’ve been idle, and in all occasions, I’d go to sleep at six/seven in the morning and get up when it started to get dark. My last experience was a few years ago, where I spent most of Autumn and all of Winter without a job, and barely ever saw any Sun. Maybe I got some reversed cycle sleeping thing going on. Drinking had a lot to do with it, but other experiences which were the same, but didn’t last as long, yielded the same results. While being a drunk I can still control my hours and attend to wtv responsibility is demanded of me though. And if there is no job to go to, it’s all vampire style, with or without the drinking. Always been like that, whether it takes me forever to fall asleep or I pass out before my head hits the pillows.

And I’m like a dog, I eat whenever I’m hungry. XD

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I don’t have to get up at a certain time. Sometimes I go to bed at 3AM and sleep until 11AM-Noon. Sometimes I sleep from Midnight until eight or nine in the morning. I never eat for about five hours after waking.

partyrock's avatar

I know some girls at the playboy mansion who say they don’t get up or do anything before 10AM.

partyrock's avatar

For me I’d like to wake up at 9AM, then eat at 9:40

Bellatrix's avatar

By nine am. Breakfast by about 10.

wilma's avatar

I am really surprised by all of you who sleep until what I would consider late in the day. Do some of you work the night shift? Do you work from home? Don’t have kids? I know some are retired, and maybe some are in college and don’t have any morning classes?
Most of the people that I know are up by 7 or 8 AM on weekdays.
I’m looking forward to the day when I don’t have to get up early, I’ve been doing this for a long time now.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I like getting up at about 8am, not too early but not late enough that I feel I have wasted the morning. I would probably have breakfast around 10am.

augustlan's avatar

Since I work from home and have a flexible schedule, I usually do what my body wants me to do. That means going to sleep somewhere between 6AM & 9AM and waking up sometime in the late afternoon most days. I don’t eat until several hours later, at about lunch time in my schedule. Sometimes I don’t eat anything until my dinner time.

When I have an appointment in the real world (on ‘daywalker time’), or my kids are with me, I wake up earlier and just survive on less sleep.When fibro pain acts up, I take a nap in the evenings. When it’s very bad, I’ll sleep for 15 hours straight.

lonelydragon's avatar

During the work week, I’ll get up whenever I need to, but given the choice, I’d adopt a night owl’s schedule. I’d stay up late and wake up between 10 am—noon. I would eat two hours later. I don’t generally like to eat when I first wake up.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

If I’m allowed to pretend my dog doesn’t wake me up and that I never suffer bouts of insomnia? Right on! I’d wake up about 9am and eat an 11am brunch.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@JLeslie No. I don’t eat after 4:30 p.m.

I love mornings. It’s the getting up part I hate!

JLeslie's avatar

@Dutchess_III So you eat all your food for the day between noon and 4:30?

Dutchess_III's avatar

@JLeslie Only on the days (weekends usually) when I don’t have to get up. During the week I eat all my food for the day between 8 a.m. and 4:30.

JLeslie's avatar

@Dutchess_III Oh, I see. I had misunderstood. And, you don’t binge-ish during those hours?

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. I’m in a classroom. I’m not going to eat in front of them. Some days, though, I’ll pick up a couple of dollars worth of inexpensive candy for everyone for the afternoon and take a couple of pieces for myself. I call it “taxes.” ; )

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