@Mamradpivo Yes, I can only hope the advertiser boycott doesn’t lose steam in the wake of Rush’s phony apology, where he repeated his Big Lie that Sandra Fluke wanted taxpayers to pay for her birth control because she had so much sex.
1—She actually testified about the cancer preventing propertied of birth control pills, and how prescriptions for this need were being denied on “moral” (just let the bitches die) grounds.
2—Georgetown’s student healthcare program is not payed for by taxpayers, but by the individual students.
3—Rush is an idiot if he thinks women have to take more birth control pills when they have more sex. Everyone on the prescription, even if they are celibate and taking it on their doctor’s orders to prevent ovarian cysts that may become cancer, take 1 pill a day.
@janbb They are all already back on the front burner. Racist Sheriff Joe Arpaio is back in the headlines with “proof” that the birther conspiracy, tossed out of court again and again across tis land, is “fact”.
@Cruiser Thanks for already providing your pathetic list. As pointed out, though right-wing memories fall apart in the onslaught of with wing propaganda, George Bush pushed through and signed the TARP. And it has been fully repaid with interest. The taxpayers actually made money on that, and it probably kept us from another Great Depression. I hate to praise Bush, since most everything he did, like his economic policies that collapsed the economy, and his invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq were miserable failures that Republicans seem determined to repeat. But he actually was right in arguing for TARP. Oh and we would be so much netter off in millions of auto manufacturing jobs and support industry had been lost by refusing to save GM and Chrysler. That would have doomed the support industries as wll, which would have brought down Ford and drastically depressed the economy Bush ruined. And just how was Bush’;s foreign policy superior to Obama’s? Flunk on every ridiculous charge. As @@ragingloli points out, you are going to need to craft a better set of lies. The truth certainly won’t do. The current proposed Republican policies are all massive failures, and they will fail again and again as often as you apply them.
@ragingloli Very true.
@Tuesdays_Child There is too much truth in that for comfort. But since these are our choices, teh right path for the future of America is clear.
@dabbler Even though the corporatist have their meat hooks deep into Democrats, they will spare no costs (and they have boatloads of money to spend) to elect a Republican; as they are solely committed to enriching the CEOs of multinational corporations and multinational billionaires.
@tom_g You are so right. The Big Lie machine has been calling Obama a socialist for 3 years now. Most of their base has no clue what the word actually means, so it’s an easy charge to level. And it is so easy to launch smears when they don’t have to be connected in any way to truth, and your base will believe them anyway. But that won’t win the middle.
@jerv It does seem people are beginning to notice.
@Linda_Owl Yes. I am expecting that Romney will end up with the nomination, and that billions in attack advertising will flood the airways in an attempt to secure a victory for fascist corporatism. If they can pull it off, it will pay back those billions with trillions in plunder.
@LuckyGuy That’s a good starter list.
@Cruiser You are right about the sting of Solandra, even though you are totally wrong about the conclusion you and your right-wing friends draw from it. China is investing hundreds of billions in being the renewable energy supplier of the future. The future is not with fossil fuels, it is in renewable, clean energy. And when you invest in R&D, not everything works. If we rely on Bain Capital to take us into the energy future while China spends hundreds of billions in government R&D, we will end up being shut out of the next great market explosion. We;ll import all our energy from China instead of the Middle East. And the Volt just suspended manufacturing fir 5 weeks.
But yeah. Subtleties like those are hard arguments to sell, while demagoguery and BS is easy to market. The only problem is demagoguery and BS don’t actually work. Understanding the nuances and planning based on reality do.
@jerv Buddy Roemer would have my vote. But the Con Men aren’t even willing to let him onto the debate stage. They still prefer Big Lie politics, and still believe that nature will succumb to the lies.