Did you ever hear someone else's voice come out of your mouth?
I was just walking down the hall and someone said, “Hi.”
I turned to say, “Hi,” but I have no idea whose voice that was. It didn’t sound like mine at all. It was much higher than my voice and kind of reedy. It felt like a drag queen had taken over my voice for a moment.
Did you ever feel like you didn’t know who was talking when you opened your mouth?
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22 Answers
Milo here; No. I always meow on G# or A above middle C. Any orchestra can tune simply by waving a can of organic salmon in front of me and then listening.
Only when I am demonically possessed.
Let me see, yeah, five years ago when I was possessed by a demon who had James Earl Jone’s voice. Lol.
Sometimes when I sing I hear my brother’s singing voice! We have a similar tone to our angelic singing voices. :)
My mother’s voice. Of course, one could argue that she was the voice in my head, while I was growing up. But, seriously she shows up when I least need her.
I hear my mother’s voice, too, in the sense that things she always said to me, I find myself saying to my kids.
When I’m tired, I speak with my mother’s voice. And it always frightens me just a little bit. When I’m angry at my husband, I speak with a voice does have a bit of a demonic possession to it.
Sometimes, Satan talks through me. He makes me say horrible things, and then a bunch of flies come out of my mouth.
Must be just me then…maybe I should just brush my teeth sometimes.
@Symbeline That’s actually me. Sorry bout that.
This happens to me on rare occasion. It’s almost like a frog spontaneously appears in my throat right before I open my mouth.
Since I’ve been on testosterone therapy my voice is changing by the month.
Yes, that “black dog” depression Churchill referred to. It pounces out of my mouth rather frequently and may say things that I would not say otherwise.
Yeah, I’ve had that a few times. Some people often mistook me for my mum on the phone, when I don’t usually sound like her at all…
Sometimes, when I have a sore throat, my voice goes all deep and growly like a rock star as well.
Why has no one yet confessed that sometimes they hear Voldemort’s voice come out of their mouth? “It was ME! I was the snake!!”
Yes, I’m very good at impersonations.
Sometimes when I have sinus drainage, I’ll start talking and there will be a tiny bit of something or other in my throat and for some reason it will make my voice sound like a little old lady’s. And I’ve had sudden belches that came with no warning in a middle of a sentence and I sounded like I was suddenly possessed by Satan. (The latter was cured by antacid and a modification in diet, thank God!)
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