“old people you see on TV talking about “their” SS are actors” I know you have no proof of this because there isn’t any. Unless you count something you heard on talk radio.
“no actuarial assumptions”
The GAO (General Accounting Office of the executive branch) among others do extensive analyses on SSI costs and cashflow regularly which is how they knew to bump the premiums up years ago to establish a reserve big enough to accommodate the baby-boomer pulse.
“on which success could be based”
Success by what standards? It works just like any other insurance pool, except with hugely more efficient overhead (unless you are lucky enough to buy your insurance from commie-pinko-socialist co-op institutions like Agway and AAA auto club). It’s also very successful at its stated purpose to keep seniors and disabled out of poverty.
It’s true that SSI can’t roll along forever as it is. As it is it can roll along for a few decades, which is probably more than you can say for most business plans or most other government programs. Programs need adjustment and modification from time to time to work with changes in their costs and constituents.
It’s very easy to ‘fix’ SSI to last ‘forever’, especially by raising the income ceiling on which the premiums are based.
It’s an insurance program with unusual intentions to Cover Everyone, not to make a profit. Shocking as that is to some, it’s why it appears to not be an insurance program. It behaves differently because it won’t dump you when you become a liability and it will include you even if you have only been able to pay in a little, or not at all. That is its intention to Cover Everyone, especially those who need it most. SSI works well for those people. Sorry if that doesn’t fit your profit-or-to-hell-with-you sensibilities.
If you’d rather see seniors who couldn’t save enough for retirement, and people with disabilities starve on the street, there are plenty of countries on the planet where you can enjoy that sort of thing. The US for the time being isn’t one of them.
Calling SSI a Ponzi Scheme is fun, because it sounds funny, like “Fonzi” and who’d buy anything but hair-gel from the Fonz. But that’s also willfully ignorant of the contrary facts that it collects revenue and pays out all the money transparently as claimed, no tricks, no MBA at the top siphoning off billions until it collapses.
“recent tax reduction Obama pushed through insures that there will be little money” @Jaxk is right about that, it was a big mistake in the wrong direction and contrary to previous decades of sensible administration of SSI toward its stated purposes.
“And don’t make me explain this again.” Being adamant doesn’t make you correct. What are you going to do next, hold your breath til you reach a blue state?