Are there any words that you find awkward or displeasing to the ear?
Words like moist, ointment, yeast, and flagellate are very displeasing words to me.
Are there any words that you don’t like hearing or that you find awkward to say?
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56 Answers
Nigger, it hurts just to type it.
Also, from seeing this question a lot over the internet, it seems a large portion of society doesn’t like the word “moist” for some reason, lol.
@SpatzieLover Ewww. I don’t like those either.
A few more for the list: constipation, mammary, phallus.
@Blackberry beat me to it, but the word moist. Shivers. It sounds so unfortunate..
All the illnesses and diseases generally!
Displeasing – beheading
Hard to say – ohhhh, there’s one I stumble on all the time, and now I can’t think of it. “Beheading” is easy to say, I’m sorry to say ;-)
I really dislike the word cunt. I think it is foul. Other words I can handle, but cunt just sounds so awful. One of my girl friends punched a guy at a bar because he kept on saying that word.
I, for one, love the word “cunt”. I don’t see why so many hate it!
@KateTheGreat – If a man ever called me a cunt to my face I would punch the fucking shit out of him. And spit on him. Ok maybe much.
Difference of opinion I guess, I think it’s really foul, especially to say to a woman.
@KateTheGreat Same. I like it better than pussy.
The older and mature I get the more I realize how deep words can be. How important words are, how deep they cut, or how strong they can influence a person.
I really dislike “IDIOT” also… I think it’s so demeaning….
I take back what I said about being much, maybe I wouldn’t spit on anyone, but I would definitely be upset and have something done about it. Or maybe I wouldn’t do anything and let another guy handle it. IDK.
it hurts to type it
Oh, and cockroaches. Eeew.
Literally, anesthesiologist. I made friends with the daughter of one when I was 12, and spent many an evening going over the syllables.
Displeasing: anything that’s not a word! Irregardless! Even if someone says “alot” in such a way that it sounds like it’d be spelled like that, I get mad!
Starting to really hate the word “slut”.
Oh, and my newest one (which is currently a much-commented on facebook status of mine) is incorrect Italian plurals/singulars. Panini and biscotti are already plurals, making “paninis” and “biscottis” redundant! Similarly, “cappuccinos” and “espressos” aren’t words.
Diabetes, especially if it’s pronounced how Wilford Brimley pronounces it.
@ucme “Bieber” is such a good answer!
“February” is awkward to say when I bother to pronounce it correctly. Things get a lot easier if I just leave out that “r” in the middle.
Came to my mind as I was reading answers: vomit.
@ucme Glockenspiel is a good word, if you know what it means.
Off the top of my head I can’t think of any words that I loathe the sound of, though there are some. I do have trouble getting “anonymity” and “schadenfreude” out properly on the first go.
@partyrock “If a man ever called me a cunt to my face I would punch the fucking shit out of him. And spit on him. Ok maybe much…..
”....I take back what I said about being much, maybe I wouldn’t spit on anyone, but I would definitely be upset and have something done about it. Or maybe I wouldn’t do anything and let another guy handle it. IDK.”
I’m glad. I don’t think words, no matter how ugly, ever justify violence.
Like @KateTheGreat like the word. Pairs well with “cock” and I love it when Shakespeare spoke of “country matters”. When referring to persons by the word I apply it the same way I would “dick”, “prick”, “douche” and all the rest of the fun words for folks that can’t be bothered to act like decent human beings.
@ucme “Glockenspiel”
That is a wonderful word.
There’s an episode of the The Simpsons where Homer and Marge drink a fattening soda called “Lard Glug”. And that just sounded to me to be the most hideous sounding phrase in the English language. If “cellar door” is the most beautiful, then surely “lard glug” is its opposite. :P
An unusual dialect word I used to hear was gochle. I’ve never seen it in print before so can’t be sure of the spelling.
Don’t ask. It’s a long story :-p
I really want to write a story with all of these words in it.
Testicular- it sounds almost as bad as they look.
@Brian1946 On the other hand “the walking pneumonia” sounds like a hoot and a half.
@HungryGuy I know exactly what you are referring to with “blaylock” and I’m laughing my ass off right now.
A story for you all, including the worst English words we could conjure up:
My dear friend Blaylock was an interesting character. He was a wee little guy, a severe case of anaphylaxis had inhibited his growth from a young age. One cold February morning, I went to his house for a large glass of Lard Glug. He sat me down in his kitchen, avoiding eye contact at all costs. I asked him what was wrong and he simply replied “Promise not to tell anyone?”. I nodded and agreed as all good friends would do. He immediately began explaining some atrocity that had recently developed on his bottom. I asked to see it, giving that I was a doctor and was an expert in odd cases like his. He pulled down his pants and I saw a grotesque pustule. It was oozing all sorts of junk and pus. His pubes were stuck to it and the moist blob looked as though it was breathing! I immediately puked everywhere, barely able to grasp what I just saw. I looked at it again (which took some gonads, I’ll tell ya!) and squished it with my finger. A disgusting secretion of black and green color seeped out of the lump. Blaylock screamed so loudly I thought he was about to disembowel me! “Well Doc, what is it?! Hemorrhoids? Syphilis? Gonorrhea?”. “I have no clue.” I replied. I reached into my doctor’s bag. Giving that it was 9 years after the Zombie Apocalypse, we had come up with alternative medicine for these types of cases. I pulled out a bag of cockroaches, some turkey giblets, goat placenta, bird diarrhea, and some pungent testicular matter of a toad. I threw it all in a bowl and stirred it with the bones of Justin Beiber. I played the old classic “Peace, Love, Tolerance, Understanding, and Friendship” on my glockenspiel as I waited for my mixture to brew. Once it was done, I slathered the moist ointment upon his bottom. All of a sudden, a small alien popped out of Blaylock’s ass. We were stunned at first. The little alien stood up immediately and looked extremely confused. “Am I on Planet Cunt?” he asked. We both nodded our heads “no” in complete disbelief. “What are you doing here, little dude?” Blaylock asked. The alien replied “I was an anesthesiologist on Planet Cunt until a giant war broke out. To escape apartheid, I immediately hopped into a ship all alone and somehow I ended up in some dude’s ass.” All of a sudden, piles of goo squirted out of the alien. It rained down on top of mine and Blaylock’s head. “What the hell is that shit!?!” I screamed. The alien replied “Oh, that’s just schmuck, it’s how I reproduce! It ain’t that bad!”. Out of nowhere, thousands of little aliens popped up out of the schmuck and scurried about the house. Irregardless of all of this weirdness, Blaylock asked the little alien dudes if they wanted to stick around for some panninis, biscottis, capuccinos, and espressos. I left his house in a rush, blaming it on my diabetes. I couldn’t stand any more weirdness. 6 months later, I found out that Blaylock and his little alien friend got married and had 1600 children. THE END.
Sheesh! That was hard.
However, I didn’t include some of the more offensive words. Sorry!
I can’t belieive I just read that!
@KateTheGreat I’m afraid to read it…
I find the word “awkward” very awkward. Just when you think you’ve got away from that “w” to a nice, crisp consonant, it pulls you back in.
Masturbate. Pretty much anything to do with sex and bodily parts/functions I find awkward to say out loud – this is why I love the internet.
I don’t mind moist if it’s in the context of cakes and sponges.
Moist, panties, cunt, tits.
@fundevogel & yes. you too @Sunny2 I mean, seems like peronal opinions differ here, who knew eh?
@ucme Even so, everyone hates “lard glug”.
Rosie O Donell’s breakfast drink?
@MilkyWay Yes, really. My avatar must be giving away the city that I live in. It’s a common saying here that it never rains in…...
I don’t like the word fuck.
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