The Yes or No game. Wanna join!
Asked by
rebbel (
March 5th, 2012
The rules are as follows:
I ask a question (just the first one, after that you will ask the next one), you will answer it with just a Yes or a No.
No, Yes, provided that… and/or No, unless…. answers.
Just Yes or No.
After you answered you may ask a question which will be answered by the next Jelly.
If a question is not ‘your cup of tea’ just don’t come in the thread.
Don’t, please, make a fuss about the (possible) offensive or objectionable or saucy or whathaveyou character of questions.
So, my question for responder number one:
Your child’s pet died, while he/she is on a school trip.
Coincidence will that there is an identical pet in store.
Will you buy the identipet thus keep your mouth shut about the death?
Observing members:
Composing members:
946 Answers
Would you walk up to a complete stranger in a bar or pub on a dare and ask him/her to go home with you and have sex with you (and go through with it if he/she says “yes”)?
Would you eat another human being if the only other option was to eat your own sh*t?
Would you kill an innocent human being to save a loved one’s life?
Did man walk on the Moon or was it all a hoax?
In space, can people hear you scream?
Is Obama really going to keep the promises he made?
Yes and no.
Do people really have soulmates?
@janbb X
I am strict today; it is either Yes or No.
Will you house-sit my plants?
Would you lick your lover’s boots during role play?
Would you ever run for president?
would you ever call in sick to work just because you fancied the day off?
Would you ever steal candy from an adult?
Would you let a someone make a copy of yourself that’s an atom-by-atom perfect copy to be someone’s sex slave?
No. (sorry ladies)
Would you be in a band that you knew was going to become famous if there was a 50/50 chance that you may wind up addicted to heroin?
Would you ever give something up that you really love if you knew it was harming you?
Would you let someone make copies of yourself that are perfect copies, memories intact and everything, but miniaturized to about 2” tall, to be swallowed as snacks at a party?
(sorry @HungryGuy )
Would you like to swing on a star?
Have you ever broke someone’s heart knowingly?
Would you take a drug that would boost your IQ by 20pts, but kill your kidneys?
Can you wriggle your ears without using your hands?
If you were condemned to death for a horrible crime (whether you really did it or are innocent), but you were given the option of having your spine severed and turned into a remote control cyborg and sold at government auction (you can see and hear and are aware of everything that happens, but your body is controlled by a remote controller like a RC plane controller, and there are no guarantees how your owner could use you), would you take the option to become a cyborg?
Would you give up all of your worldly possessions if you had proof that in doing so, you could make the world a measurably better place?
Do you think I’m selfish for answering ‘No’ to the above question? :P
If medical science discovered the secret to immortality, but in order to receive the treatment you would have to board a starship to a primitive planet and live like an aborigine for a few hundred years until civilization achieved technology again, would you take the treatment and go?
Would you give up all kinds of music if someone offered you a million dollars/pounds?
Would you sell your non-dominant hand for a million dollars/pounds?
Can you sit cross-legged with each foot in your lap?
Have you suffered an injury in high school/college that still causes you problems?
Is the Italian word Numero abbriviated to Nu or No?
Can you touch the tip of your nose with your tongue?
Can you do a back flip?
Do you actually believe everyone in England has bad teeth?
Was it okay for Billy Crystal to do blackface?
Is “when dogs are in heat, it means they want sex” a valid defence?
Would you have sex with your father to save your mother?
(Love how you answered your own question @ragingloli)
Would you give up your SO for your one true love (assuming your SO is NOT your one true love)?
Heterosexual men, if you were forced to choose, would you have sex with George Clooney over Anne Widdecombe?
Yes. Would you sit in a car with a really sweaty fat guy?
Just sit? Yes. Would you kill yourself to save your child?
Yes. Point to be noted, I’m not a parent yet.
Would you want to adopt?
Would you want to accept this offer of a free beating human heart for just 14.99?
Yes. (I’m out of questions,)
would you strangle your 10 year old daughter to death face to face to save the other 7 billion humans?
Yes (I love to fly).
If you were kidnapped and forced to be the front of a human centipede, would you refuse to eat in order to not have to “feed” the person behind you?
No. What’s a human centipede?
If you were suspected of being a serial killer and all the evidence was against you but you were innocent and the police were searching for you, would you turn yourself in?
If I would say No to @HungryGuy ‘s last question, does that make me selfish?
Have you ever lied answering a question during a job interview?
Yes. (I really don’t know)
Anybody watch/like/remember The Magic School Bus?
Are you a sexual person?
No. (I’m perverted though)
Was the last ‘yes’ that @MilkyWay directed to me?
[oops my answer/question got posted out of order—redacted]
Have you ever been shot at with a gun of any kind?
No (Where I live it’s illegal to even think about owning a gun).
If you knew that a plane was going to crash before it left, would you try to warn everyone and be accused, and possibly convicted, of being a terrorist and mass murderer?
No. (I would just jump off)
No. (we are not allowed to be anywhere near people with guns of any kind)
No. (that’s just gross)
(ralphie quote) is it just me, or are we going on a field trip???
I LOVE the magic school bus
@sydsydrox Me too, I kinda miss it.
Have you ever eaten an insect?
Yes. (on accident, a fly flew in my mouth)
@MilkyWay did you answer my question? Is it just me or are we going on a field trip?
This could go on forever, does anyone know why we’re doing this?
Do you own an android phone?
Did you make hot sweet love on Valentines day?
Anybody here like math?
Are you an artistic person at heart?
Do you know how to program web sites in Javascript?
Yes, yes, YES. @MilkyWay
Would you kill someone if you had nothing to lose?
Absolutely not!
Could you bring yourself to eat cockroaches if that was the only protein available?
Could you really survive a large-scale societal breakdown?
Have you ever had a policeman come to your door?
Do you believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life?
Do you ever question the existance of a ‘God’?
Do you ever question existence?
Do you ever question?
Would you eat canned spagetti for dinner every night if every breakfast you awoke to a chef prepared meal?
Do you tend to skip breakfast?
Are you confident in your ability to handle yourself in a fight?
Have you ever took part in any form of the martial arts?
Would you consider yourself a philanthropist?
Do you think people’s needs should be put over other people’s wants?
Do you believe yourself to be hypocritical?
Do you think the world would need a one-child policy to have any chance of saving our planet?
Do you hope you can survive the heat death of the universe?
Do you wish you had more willpower?
Do you undress people with your eyes? I mean like, do your eyes come out of their sockets and rip the clothes off of everyone you see?
Would you be happy if smoking (cigaretts) was illegal?
Would you be constipated if pancakes in tesseract doghouses were invading the pants?
(utter nonsense is utter)
Do you collect weird shit?
We’re you proud of what you did for a Klondike bar?
Do you think Psychology is a science?
Do you think science is art?
Do you find the sheer number of adjectives to describe the taste/aroma of wines oppressive?
Are you hungry right now?
Does anyone want to come with me to get some Antartic fried penguin and freshly grounded baby seal burgers? The meat is tenderized and grounded upon order!
No, no, no!
Are you achey any where today?
Do you love that penguins are dressed for any occasion?
Yes! (waggles tailfeathers)
Do you like spicy foods?
Yes! (waggles jalapenos)
Is there a little tune you just can’t shake from your head today?
Yes! Hakuna Matata (because Abu Qatada is on the news a lot at the moment!)
Would you rather be somewhere else right now?
Would you agree to having a body part amputated if it would allow you to live an extra ten years?
Would you give up 10 years of your life if you could redo something that is making you very unhappy?
Are you a tree hugger?
Have you ever tapped a maple tree?
Have you ever been involved in a political protest or rally?
People say you should take time to smell the roses. What are you supposed to do it the roses are not blooming?
Have you ever jumped off a waterfall?
Have you ever jumped off a bridge?
Have you ever played chicken with a train and won?
Would you eat rocks for a week if you could get a huge TV contract for it?
Have you stopped beating your wife?
I hereby declare this thread closed. ~
Nothing to see here. Everyone move along now and go home.
NO!! I have a right to know. Being a citizen of blady blady blah, I have the right to blady blady blah, and I have a right to feel safe in my own blady blady blah. I demand my rights be respected! Blady blady blah…
(Said in the typical annoying protestor tone and voice.)
Can @rebbel close this thread?^^
No. (the last time I checked, @rebbel wasn’t a Fluther moderator)
Will you pay me $1 to eat a bug?
Have you eaten a bug without getting paid to do so?
Yes (but not intentionally)
Do you like winter better than summer?
Would you prefer a vacation to a colder climate?
Do you like the rain?
Do you like modern architecture?
Do you love historical buildings?
Have you ever saved a building from destruction?
No (in fact, I may have tilted the leaning tower a millimeter or two… My bad)
Have you ever helped save a tree?
You mean like leaning against it refusing to move? Yes
Caffeine has no effect on you, right?
Yes! (meaning right, it has no effect on me)
You’ve ever stayed awake 48 hours (or more) in a row?
Have you ever used illegal/recreational drugs to stay awake for something important?
Is the sun shining where you are at the moment?
Want to join the Yes or No game?
Which band scored a huge (number 1) hit with Owner Of A Lonely Heart?
Sharing a drink called loneliness is better than drinking alone, yes or no?
Is the world overpopulated with humans?
Do you know Britain once ruled over a quarter of the world’s population?
Do you like the darkness and peacefulness of night more than the brightness and bustling of day?
TJBM considers themselves as nocturnal
Yes but this isn’t TJBM ;)
Would you live in a cardboard box for a week if someone paid you with free groceries for a year?
Do you like twitter?
“This statement is false.” (yes or no?)
Living in a post apocalyptic world would make one actually feel “alive.” Yes or no?
Anyone listening to any sort of music right now?
I can only answer for myself. No
You spend an equal amount of time on Facebook and Fluther.
Do you have an iPhone?
Why do so called ‘celebs’ wear dark glasses on every occasion – everybody knows who they are!
That’s not a yes/no question, mamacazz
Do you understand how to play this game?
Did you know today is International Women’s Day?
Do you rely on the Google Doodle to know when particular days of note are occuring?
Do you have a sugar addiction?
Are you still on track with your new years resolution?
Yes (I didn’t make any)
Have you said “I love you” to someone today?
Are you happy right now?
What would you say if I asked you to say “yes” or “no”?
Do you realise just how small you are, in accordance with the universe?
Could you eat a grasshopper?
Have you ever thrown up after eating something disgusting?
Have you ever eaten something you expected to be disgusting, but actually found you liked it?
Can you do a side split?
Would you rather live somewhere other than where you live now?
(optional: where would that other place be?)
If your home was taken by eminent domain, where would you go?
Do you socialize with your neighbors?
Do you like Milky Way Midnight candy bars?
Yes, actually one of my favorites is my favorite
Do you have an exotic pet (trophy wives/husbands, strippers, hookers, etc DO COUNT :D )?
Do you abuse a legally addictive stimulant? (coffee, soda-etc)
Did you have sex today?
It’s a shame anyone would ask this question just like they are asking if someone went to work or skipped lunch today. Fluther allows children on this site.
Did you miss or cancel an appointment this week?
Do you know the difference between social responsibility and socialism?
@MollyMcGuire If sex offends you, you may be the child.
Have you tried acupuncture?
Did you receive any good news today?
@Facade i think that what @MollyMcGuire is trying to say, is that she hasn’t had any good shagging in a year or so lol
Did you mow your lawn today?
No. We live in a loft apartment in a city. No lawn to mow.
Do you ride a motorcycle?
Response moderated (Personal Attack)
Have you ever slept in the attic of a frat house?
Have you ever written a story (any genre) and posted it online for the world to see?
And what’s with the personal attack on a friendly thread like this? Are you stirring up trouble, Molly? :-)
Have you made an important decision this week?
Have you given up on anything lately?
Have you released endorphins lately?
Does it make you angry when someone advocates censorship (someone doesn’t like to talk about certain topics, so they want to prevent everyone from talking about those topics)?
Do you think we should change the topic? :P
Would it be weird for you to see a black person using a tanning booth? I’m so pale.
Have you ever owned a Jaguar?
No. But I love my motorcycle.
Do you like to have a big meal for breakfast?
Not unless I have it a good couple of hours after I wake up. My ideal daily breakfast would be a couple of boiled eggs but I never leave myself enough time to prepare and eat them before having to leave for work.
Did you spend a lot of time in a car yesterday?
No. I work from home, and my clients usually come to me, though I sometimes have to go to job sites to check on the work, but yesterday was Sunday.
Have you ever designed your own floor plan from scratch and taken the sketches to an engineer or architect to have construction plans made, whether or not you actually built the house?
Have you got an embarassing relative?
Do you like to hear the sound of your own voice?
If you were held at gunpoint and was forced to strip to your drawers and run around your neighborhood yelling “I’m a pretty princess!” would you do it?
If held at gun point, would you eat until your gut literally busted?
No. (I would say yes depending n the food being served ;)
Do you want to listen to Super Mario’s heartbeat with a stethoscope? (random doctor mentality)
No. (depends on the song, nothing in English)
Do you own any waterproof technological devices?
Did you eat peanut butter today?
Did you skip breakfast today?
Are you a non-student?
Is your Fluther name your real name?
Are you a light-hearted person?
Do you wear masks in your day to day life?
Are there people on Fluther you try to avoid?
Have you pranked someone recently?
Is your avatar descriptive of you?
Do you go to church?
Is there someone you really miss?
Oh yes!
Did you, as a kid, have a Davy Crockett or Daniel Boone hat?
No… :’(
Did you ever wish someone would stop comparing you to someone else and would just see you as you and not as someone else?
No one has ever done that to me. Oh, I think I’m supposed to just say no. So. No.
Do you look forward to one day being a grandparent?
Yes! And that will happen in July!!!!
Do you pack way too many clothes when you travel?
Yes (one reason I prefer road trips) Congrats!
Have you ever been personally attacked by someone on this site?
Have you started a “nutrition plan” (aka diet) in recent days?
No. I belong to the “everything in moderation” diet.
Did you sleep well last night?
Yeah, my dreams were great!
Was this morning a lovely one to wake up to?
Would you care for a cup of tea?
Can you make me a cup of coffee instead?
Milk and one – right?
Would you bring me rum instead?
Yes ;)
Did you ever grow a horrible fungus on any part of your body?
EW No.
Have you seen Never Back Down?
Would you follow me on tumblr? ~
Do you like Linkin Park?
Yes no yes no ehhhhh… yes
Do you like Adele?
Do you have a shit diverse taste in music?
Diverse, yes.
Did you just conclude a telephone conversation?
Do you take an interest in martial arts?
Do you like waffles pancakes French toast chicken?
Yes :D
Do you like to stuff your face full of food at every possible opportunity?
… Yes damn you! lol
Have you partaken in Grappling?
Did you beat a boy at grappling at the age of seven?
I’m thinking no.
Have you been accused of being superstitious?
Are you happy to be alive?
Are you currently in school, feeling bored in an I.T lesson?
Would you accept a marriage proposal from your other half if they asked you tonight?
Are you too frikkin young to get married? :P
Lol, no!
Do you find yourself compelled to answer this question?
Do you speak more than two languages?
Are you tired of excuses?
No I don’t use them and no one tries to use them on me
Do you use shaving cream?
No just a little water and I’m good not for the past 2 years at least
Do you hate the idea of having to get up 5 in the morning to go report for jury duty?
Do you ache at all today?
Is blue your favourite colour?
Would you take advice on a serious matter from someone younger than you?
Are you good at Rock-Paper-Scissors?
Do you normally vote in the US presidential elections?
Could you touch a snake?
Could you eat a snake?
Could you pet a “snake”? O.o lol
Could you pet a cat?
Do you listen to DAB Radio?
Have you had your hair highlighted ever?
Is your hair a virgin?
Is it time to go on a diet?
Did you know that “dieting” doesn’t keep you healthy?
Do you believe that you have a guardian angel?
Do you sometimes wish you could undo just one thing in your life?
Yes, one thing
Have you ever cooked chitlins?
Have you read The Hunger Games Trilogy?
No. I have only just (in the past month) been made aware of it’s existence!
Do you currently have an animal sat on your lap?
Are currently eating a pack of Doritos?
HELL NO!!!!!!!!
Don’t just hate it when your dreams seem all too real?
Do you believe in, and/or have seen a ghost?
No and/or no.
Do you believe in aliens, like I do?
Did you have fun today?
Have you ever napped inside a government building?
Have you ever been to a police station?
Have you ever slid down a fire pole?
Have you ever been to a playground?
Have ever glued someone to the playground? (I was an evil child)
but i have pushed someone off the slide… and pushed their face in the dirt… and made them cry…
Have you ever put bees through someone’s window?
Do you grow your own herbs?
Do you like homegrown corriander and mint?
Yes (and you are to short :P)
Would you throw a rock through the window of a bank?
Are you keeping up daily with the election stuff?
Yes. I used to be a journalist for a print newspaper. Remember those? Old habits are hard to break.
Did you like the brief warm spell we had last week, if you live in the northeast? (If you live elsewhere, do you like the weather you’re having now?)
@King_Pariah I wouldn’t call 5’8” short :P And I’ve still got a bit of growing to do yet :P
Do you think glueing someone to their seat is funny?
Do you think tacks on a teacher’s chair is funny?
No (too cliche and overdone, now rubbing down the teacher’s desk with poison oak, there’s a prank for the ages)
Do you think gluing the hem of the dress of your teacher to the leg of a chair is amusing?
Not a bit!
Do you prefer a laser printer to an inkjet?
Was it a very hot day today?
Did you hug someone today?
Have you experienced the recent death of a loved one?
Can you pick up spiders?
Yes. with a glass and a piece of paper
Do you vacuum up insects in your home?
There are no insects in my home. The occasional one that accidentally comes in gets squished and flushed.
Did you forget to do something?
Yes. ;)
Are you often forgetful?
Are you often forgetful?
Do you like being organised and precise, and follow a daily routine?
Do you like ‘Singing in the Rain’?
Can I interest you in some snack mix?
No thanks!
Have you read ‘What Dreams May Come’?
No. I saw the movie. I also have painting done by a disabled local artist of a purple tree next to a lake/pond. She titled it What Dreams May Come. It is quite lovely.
What is the nature of your biggest mistake? (not details)
I thought the point of this game was that the answers be summed up with a yes or no?! You can’t really do that with your question @PurpleClouds
Do you know how to play this game?
I have absolutely no idea.
Did you ever bought a piece of clothing because your boy-/girlfriend liked it much, but you yourself not that much?
Does this game require yes and no answers only, then to write a new question for the next person?
Do you understand now?
Are you in graduate school?
Have you been to a hen/stag (for the Brits) or bachelor/bachelorette (for the Americans) party recently?
Have you been smoking a lot recently?
Did you do well in grade school?
(Grade school? :/)
Is grade school same as secondary school?
No.Grade school is primary/elementary.
TJBM wonders why it’s been eight hours since anyone played this game.
Yes. Tehehehe!
Have you ever had a long hospital stay due to illness or injury?
Have you ever had an asthma attack?
Do you hate to wear green?
No, I quite like it actually.
TJBM has bright neon green Dickies jacket that they like to wear.
No, can’t say I do.
Has somebody made you feel loved today?
Do you think MilkyWay just had a blonde moment? :P
—-TJBM- Damn.—Are you struggling to stop laughing at the moment?
Nah, I am thoroughly amused and intend to enjoy it.
Does MilkyWay’s repeated stumbles brighten up your day a bit?
Nah, they brighten my day
Have you ever injured yourself during making love? (torn rotator cuff)
No but she did chafe my junk
Have you ever wished upon a shooting star?
Are you a very un superstitious person?
No, I am superstitious!
Have you had a busy day today?
Busy – yes; fun – no ;-)
Are you eagerly awaiting your next meal?
Do you ever watch The Golden Girls late at night?
Do you like odd food combinations?
Do you like watching the idiots on The Apprentice?
I’ve never even thought about tuning in.
Are you a big sports fan?
Did you talk to a really old person today?
No, that was Tuesday I went to see a lady that’s 99 and 11/12 years old. She still wears earrings.
Do you know anyone over 100 years old.
Do you think you’ll live to be 100?
Will you take a shower already?
I just did! ... fine, yes
Will you take it like a man?
No, I’ll take it like the ferocious young woman that I am.
Will you take it like a gigantor?
I suppose I will… you shorty McShort short you :P
Are you plotting something?
Do you plan on shaving someone’s hair off after putting them under?
No, (I don’t intend to put them under, I’m doing it Law Abiding Citizen style! BWAHAHAHA!!!!!)
Do you consider yourself funny?
Yes, I have my moments.
Have you taken your supplements today?
Do you have conversations with your pets?
I used to No.
Are you happy?
Do you miss someone very much and ache because if it?
Are you trying to spend less time on Fluther?
Do you play the lottery?
Yes and no.
In your opinion, are pets just as important as people?
Do you think this woman is foolish to stand by her husband?
Yes. I think she is foolish.
Is tomorrow going to be a bad day for you?
I hope not. I don’t have to go to work tomorrow so that already makes it a better day than usual.
Do you enjoy watching Keeping up with the Kardashians even though you wish you didn’t?
Do really like the Aussie accent?
Do you like V8 Supercars?
Eh… I guess I’ll go with no
Are the skies clear where you are?
Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?
No (but I think I must have gone back to bed in the middle of the day, as I definitely got out of the wrong side of bed this afternoon!)
Will you be answering this question?
Are you from the States?
Do you find yourself making snap judgements on people based on how they sound?
Do you wish you didn’t have to go to work for the rest of the week?
Have you ever had an affair with a married person?
Do you like folk music?
Have you spent the day painting someone else’s kitchen today?
Did you buy your granddaughter-to-be the cutest nightgown and cap this afternoon?
Do you like eating caviar?
Do you like eating bird ovum?
Do you wish you were somewhere else?
Do you wish you were in sleepy sleepy land?
Do you know what bird ovum is?
Laughing. Yes
Have you ever shoplifted?
Yes No?
Is juggling two balls considered as juggling?
Yes (I think)
Have you ever walked a tightrope?
Are you in need of a cuddle?
But the gun is a little disconcerting.
Are you comfortable handling firearms?
Do you have firearms in the house?
Did you/Will you go out for a run today?
No (I’m sick)
Would you like a hug from me?
Aw! Yes :)
You’re not going to hug me to death though, are you?
You can never tell with you Pariah, you’re a sneaky little gigantor b******...
Nope (just halfway :P)
You’re still alive, right?
Are you going out tonight?
Are you glad it’s the weekend?
Are you concerned that it’s Friday the 13th?
Are you shopping for a future grandchild this weekend? :-)
Aggressively ;-)
Do visions of sugarplums dance in your head?
Are Visions of Waffles dancing in your head?
Do you feel hungry now?
Is your freezer all frozen up so you have to defrost it?
Are you really starving and want some food right now?
No. I eated.
Are you are in the market for a tractor with a brush hog, a bucket and a scraper blade.
Have you ordered some fish n chips from the local chippies?
No. Oh that sounds good!
When you cleaned out your freezer did you fid a yummy surprise?
Have you ever made double posts on social media websites?
Yes. Yes. Yes. : )
Did you post a recording of your voice for all the Jelly’s to hear?
Have you ever belched your ABC’s?
Never got beyond P.
Ever been hit by a motor vehicle?
Nadda. I never belch. I may hiss, but never belch.
I keep wanting to start out with TJBM… Have you ever eaten frogs legs?
Yes… twice… (my poor poor ribs and legs)
Ever attempted to pull off 99 bottles of beer on the wall in real life?
I love frog’s legs. Back to P’s question.
No. No 99 bottles of beer on the wall. Who in the hell glues bottles of beer on their wall, anyway?
Do frog’s legs taste like chicken?
Yes… (ish)
Have you ever made a bomb? (or 47?)
Yes ;)
Do you think Batman is way cooler than Spiderman?
Yes… No… Yes… No… Yes… No…
A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.
Beginning dump of physical memory
Physical memory dump complete.
Contact your administrator or technical support group for further assistance.
(brain explodes)
Is it sometimes just impossible to answer a yes or no question with a yes or a no?
TJBM changes his/her desktop background often.
@MollyMcGuire Ha ha! This is the TJBM thread!!
Do you like auctions?
Yes (but only with my husband when we disagree)
Have you ever won a lottery?
Do you like this song?
But do you like this one even better?
Eh… no, not better, (I’d put them as roughly equal)
Did you ever wonder if it really went down like this?
Have you ever asked a dinosaur for a date?
No. Unless your count my husband. Who wasn’t a dinosaur then.
Do you think my tractor’s sexy? (My husband is SO freaking thrilled!!)
Yes ;)
Do you like country music?
Yes/No. The older stuff I like better than most of the new.
Would be be ascared if you were alone in a room with 11 convicted male felons? Even if they were nice felons?
would be be ascared? lol
No with nice felons thrown into the mix, maybe the were arrested for tax evasion, you know, like Al Capone… oh shit…
Do you like rap rock?
Yes! :D
Do you love dried plums?
I swim like a fish.
Do you like mushrooms?
What sort of mushrooms? Mushroom mushrooms or “Mushroom” Mushrooms?
Either way, Yes (being someone’s sober buddy while they’re on shrooms is Hilarious!)
Do you think that @Adirondackwannabe was asking about special shrooms?
Never touched special mushrooms.
Have you ever tried special mushrooms?
Do you take an interest in politics?
Do you think it makes a difference if you vote?
Not really, but I still do it because it feels like a civic duty. And you can’t complain if you didn’t vote.
Do you love your job?
Do you love sleeping?
I need my rest but I like doing stuff.
Do you like exploring new places?
I LOVE exploring new places! Driving along I see a road that winds away, like down in a valley and I have to follow it!
Do you make awesome baked beans?
Um, the only baked beans I’ve ever eaten have always come from a tin… so… No.
Are you cuddled up in bed?
OMG!!! @MilkyWay! Give me your address! I’ll Fed Ex some of mine!!
No, not yet.
Did you almost step on a snake today and didn’t even know it?
Today? No. But I have done just that before, twice and a half.
Ever been caught with your pants down?
Yes. (toddler pulled my baggy sweats down—it was a no undie day)
Is there a restaurant close enough to your home that you can make the walk easily?
Do you live very near the city centre?
Does your car need new tires?
@Dutchess_III It’s lunchtime now… I seriously didn’t know you could bake beans at home…
Will you PM me telling me how to make baked beans at home.
No. But, just put whatever type beans you want to use (I prefer navy or black beans myself) in a baking dish (already cooked or use canned ones). Add something sweet (sugar, brown sugar, maple syrup, honey, etc.), something hot (Tabasco sauce, chopped chiles, etc.), and meat (bacon, polish sausage, ham, etc). Add a small can of tomato sauce or some ketchup or BBQ sauce. Chop an onion and some bell peppers and add. Stir it all up and bake at 350 for about an hour. Experimenting will give you the recipe you prefer.
There are many many different ways to come up with “baked beans.”
Are you going to bake some beans?
No, it seemed to take days to cook the things the only time I tried!
Can you fly a kite?
Yes. Well, I used to.
Do you make the best baked beans in the world?
No. But my MIL might.
Have you ever considered going Vegan?
However, I’m more into non-meat dinners than meat so I would consider “Vegetarian.” “Vegan” has too many rules and rituals for me. Like some sort of religion.
Are you sick of American Idol?
No (out of sight, out of mind)
Do you know anyone who’ll be on the X-Factor?
Are your fingernails painted?
Are your toenails painted though?
Do you take time to smell the roses?
Do you like jasmines more than roses?
Yes. And I love stock even more.
Do you enjoy gardening?
Are you going to a wedding anytime soon?
Are inline skates cooler than quads?
Do you think that in quite a few ways, the US is pretty backwards when compared to other first world countries?
Do you like crisps/chips?
Would you like to meet The Queen?
No. I’d rather meet Katie M.
Does your cat lay on your keyboard when you’re trying to Fluther?
No. (Ours like to lay in the sunshine upstairs)
Do you cats act like dogs sometimes?
No cats
Do you know why geeky mama calls herself geeky mama?
You know that this is the Yes or No game thread, not the TJBM thread, right? :P
We have to make allowances for some of our challenged jellies.
Do you try to help the handicapped?
Yes (when/if appropriate)...
Have you ever secretly learned a skill to surprise a loved one with?
Do you think ‘Lonely Women Make Good Lovers’?
Do you dye your hair?
Is your cell phone also your alarm clock?
Do you know I often say TJBM on this thread on purpose?
I meant to say it, I swear!
Do we still love MilkyWay?
Yes, of course!
Do you make new friends easily?
Never fainted in my life. I’ve been knocked unconscious way too many times though.
Have you been within a few feet of adult timber wolves recently?
I wish No.
Have you ever been unconcious due to general anesthetic?
Have you ever suffered 3 major concussions within a week’s time?
Have you ever broken a limb that required a plaster cast on it?
Do you prefer salty snacks over sweet?
Oh man! You can’t make me choose between snacks!
Have you ever had stitches?
After a drunken fraternity party when the back of my head met the TV.
Have you ever been to a drunken fraternity party?
No (not frat at least)
Have ever got wasted off of the shine of the moon?
Uh, no. 0_o
Do you have an impossible deadline to meet?
Do you have a nick-name?
Yes (not telling :P)
Do you think that the media is blowing out of proportion the amount of high school sport related deaths?
Yes. They blow everything out of proportion.
Have you ever been on an eating binge?
Do you want to know my personal nickname for @King_Pariah ?
Do you want to know what’s on my shopping list?
Are you currently eating some chinese?
Are you going to cut and dye your hair this weekend?
What’s on your shopping list @PurpleClouds? Just nevermind @MilkyWay! :}~
No cutting and dying.
Do you like to watch ice skating competitions?
Have ever been in a skating competition?
Would you answer this question with a ‘yes’ if it meant a mutant zombie from the 6th dimension would materialise behind you.
I do not speak of zombies as though they are real.
Do you allow your children to eat in front of a TV?
I don’t have any children, and I always eat something whilst watching TV. No
Do you like to have fun?
Yes, but our idea of fun may be different.
Do you think Tebow will be successful in NY?
Do you like grasshoppers?
No, but i should be asleep by now.
Can you ski?
Do you need a shower now?
Are you dreading going to school in the morning?
The bully in homeroom wants my milk money.
Do you drink chocolate milk?
Oh, I LOVE chocolate milk! So I avoid it.
Would you rather sit on the deck in the evening than watch TV?
Yes (provided there are no mosquitoes out)
Do you wish you were taller sometimes?
Did you have a busy weekend?
Have you got your shoes on?
No. Yet another reason why I love working from home…
Do you make friends easily?
Have you been experiencing some very very windy weather lately?
I couldn’t sleep last night, I was so scared :/
Yes (I made my own roaring 140 mph down the highway)
Do you like to go a “bit” over the speed limit?
Yes, five mph.
TJBM wears shoes without socks.
No :P
Do you have a habit of always wearing socks, even when your at home?
Yes. I like wearing socks!
Have you had hiccups today?
Just 5 minutes ago in fact.
Do you hold your breath when you get the hiccups in order for them to go away?
Yes. Though the drinking backwards from a cup trick works for me usually
Have you ever been to New Hampshire?
No, but I used to live in the ‘old’ Hampshire, ‘old’ England!
Can you yodel?
Can you howl like a wolf?
No, not at the moment though I have to practice before Saturday to have a damn good howl at the Extra Big Full Moon.
Are dogs but one step away from wolves?
Get close to an adult wolf. You will feel the difference immediately.
Do you love wildlife?
Yes :D
Have you ever stayed at a beach house?
I love waking up on the water.
Have you ever been awoken by loons?
UM… yes.
Are your eyes blue?
Do you like the song “Old Red Eyes is Back”?
Do you have a callus on your body?
Yes sort of
What is your favorite Jack Ryan story (Clancy book)?
@MollyMcGuire Join MilkyWay in the corner on the stools, facing the wall. This is yes or no.
Red Storm Rising was my favorite. :)
Could you tell me the two letters between M and P in the alphabet please?
Slick. Welcome to Fluther.
If You Wanna Get To Heaven,Do You Need To Raise A Little Hell (OMD)?
Is MollyMcGuire slowly getting the hang of yes / no (Choose only 1)
She just messed up her most recent one she must have been thinking about sex. ; }~
Do you love your job?
Yes… (grumble grumble grumble… seething anger and frustration…)
Do you believe that success is an abstract invention of man?
Success is getting to discipline MilkyWay!
Have you been able to find a job in your preferred field?
Yes. Finally. After 20 years of working jobs outside of it.
Do you mow the lawn?
Do you like to put a slice of chocolate cake in a bowl, saturate it thoroughly with milk, and then eat it?
Do you know the technical term for a monobrow?
No (and it’s not a term I have ever hankered after to be honest!)
Can you drive a car?
Do you know who Squilliam Fancyson is?
Do you like computer techs?
Yes, generally I suppose.
If you know who Squilliam Fancyson is, will you share that information with us?
Yes (Good old Google)
Do you have a list of jobs to do today?
Yes, a mental list.
Is there anything special happening this weekend in your city?
Probably. But the city is 60 miles away so I won’t know about it.
Is it a BEAUTIFUL day in your neck of the woods today?
Yes! Bright blue skies, brilliant sunshine, but bitterly cold (there’s snow elsewhere in the country – really unusual for this time of year).
If you had to lose one of these senses, would you choose to lose touch over taste?
Is it time for you to take off your shoes and not put them on again until fall?
No. Don’t I wish. But it is the season of keeping my toe nails painted.
Do you prefer women with short hair?
No I have no preferance.
@King_Pariah I do the same with my choc cake. Yum! :D
Do you have weird eating habits?
When I eat pancakes I HAVE to tip the plate so that the syrup stays at one end of the plate, so my pancakes don’t become a disgusting, soggy mess. I’ve done that for as long as I can remember. Which is why I don’t order pancakes when we eat out.
I like to eat Crisco sometimes. Just Crisco. No chocolate syrup or nothing.
Do you like catamounts?
Yes, they are beautiful.
Crisco? You mean, vegetable shortening—- you eat it? I’m sure I’ve never heard anyone else say this.@Dutchess_III
Do you like to eat something that would be as surprising as Crisco?
Do you bake a mean sourdough bread?
No, but I bake a mean homemade yeast bread, cheese bread, garlic and herb bread, and cinnamon bread. Oh yeah, and great corn bread.
Do you like Twix with peanut butter better than the original?
Have you seen 13 assassins? (best film to come out of Japan in a LONG time, like since the 7 Samurai long time… I’m just gonna walk away now…)
Do you use public transportation?
Yes. I used to commute daily by train before my job required me to work from home.
Do you prefer travel by train over airplane?
TJBM loves flying (on a plane)
Yes. It usually means I am going somewhere for a holiday which is always welcomed!
Will you be flying to another country anytime before Christmas?
No, I’ve no plans for that.
Have you ever put eye drops into your own eye?
I find it a bit difficult
do you know what’s the opposite of opposite?
@Elm1969 You get to sit in the corner with MilkyWay. Welcome to fluther.
Have you ever been bitten by a snake?
do you know what the opposite of similar is?
@Elm1969 You’re a good sport.
Are you a poor loser?
I very rarely do, but I can take it in stride.
Have you figured out a cheap way to keep your laser printer full of toner?
No. We do ink jet – which is also expensive.
Do you believe in ghosts?
Yes, although I don’t think I have ever seen one!
Do you have more than one job?
Are you salaried at work?
Yes, when I was working.
Are you paid what you are worth?
Do you love your job?
Have you ever had a rat as a pet?
No. But my sister did. And they both escaped one day. Didn’t find them for 4 or 5 days, but you could hear them at night.
Have you ever had a snake as a pet?
No. Never will.
Have you been shocked by fruit prices in your area?
Do you enjoy shopping?
No. Yes. Well, depends. Malls, grocery stores, no. Flea markets, Goodwill, garage sales, yes.
Have you given your dog a bath lately?
No. No dog thank goodness!
Did you Congressional District boundary change as a result of the 2010 Census?
False, no idea what that is.
TJBM has an exam tomorrow :/
No (but good luck to you in all your GCSE’s @MilkyWay)!
Have you tried something new today?
Are @harple and @MilkyWay the same freaking person??? I mean, look at your avatars!
Good luck on your exam @MilkyWay! You’ll do fine.
Did you have to put drops in your eyes today?
Have you thought about living in a motor home full time?
@Dutchess_III Ha ha – no, quite different!
@MollyMcGuire YES! I love my wee motor home, and the life that goes with it. Sadly, no room for all my harps…
Do you drink soy milk? (or soya milk as we say in the UK)
Did you have a bad dream last night?
No, did you?
Did you get Mario and Sonic at the 2012 London Olympic games?
@harple @Dutchess_III Thanks guys, first one went pretty well :)
TJBM is looking at a lovely sunset out their window
The thunderstorm is kind of obscurring it.
Luck on your next test MW. We’ll let the TJBM go too.
Do you love lightning?
Yes! I think it is amazing to watch.
Have you seen ‘The Sound of Music’ more than once?
Do you like Disney films?
They mellow me out. And I need that.
Do you have a temper?
Yes. But I’ve worked for decades on tempering it.
Are you enjoying a delicious breakfast?
@Adirondackwannabe Can’t you see? I don’t want you to let it go. I want to be punished.
Are you currently writing a poem?
Ode No!
Do you like the Works of Shakespeare?
Do you think flirting is a healthy habit?
Yes ish (in moderation when single it’s fine, when in a relationship flirting with others could be hazardous to your health [genitals])
Do you like the works of Hermann Hesse?
Is it time for a dental visit?
No. did that two weeks ago
Do you drink coffee?
Are you going to make some coffee now? Brb
I’m making crabcakes.
Do you like seafood?
Yes – I am on the See Food Diet . . . I see food and have to eat it!
Do you like dark chocolate?
Have you tasted Marmite?
Yes. Love it!
Are you finally relaxing after a busy day?
Have you got a science exam soon?
Have you a statistics exam soon?
Do you want some chocolate?
Oh God Yes!!!
Are you about to finally get to the bottom of your laundry pile?
No. I haven’t got one…
Do you want some chocolate cake, with freshly whipped cream, sweet juicy strawberries, and a lovely hot cup of coffee to go with it?
No to the coffee! Yes to everything else!
Is it a beautiful day in your neighborhood?
No, quite dull.
Do you prefer rain to just cloudy weather?
Yes, oh very much so.
Do you like the resulting smell of the mingling scents of green tea and jasmine in the morning?
Do get the feeling @King_Pariah is being patronising towards me in regards to how I speak/type?
… >_>
… <_<
No? :D (crap! She’s onto us! Shit just got real! Abort fluther!) Really, I’m not.
Do you have a favorite nursery rhyme?
Jack be nimble, Jack be quick. Jack jumped over the candlestick. Great balls of fire.
Do burns hurt worse than other injuries?
No, paper cuts are much worse.
Do you love @Adirondackwannabe ‘s take on the nursery rhyme?
No. It doesn’t even rhyme. What rhymes with “injuries”?
Do you have four particular questions that sit in your “Activity for you” box that just sit there for a while till you get around to answering them AGAIN?
Have you ever bought a used car?
Do you love garlic-y dishes?
Do you have a lot of friends who are pregnant at the moment?
LOL Nope.
Do you enjoy stand up comedy?
If it’s clean. That is now the minority of stand up comedy.
TJBM is watching The Five on FoxNews right now.
TJBM is about to have some fish and chips with baked beans
You do know this isn’t TJBM game, right?
That’s why she spends so much time in the corner.
Have you ever seen anyone in a dunce hat?
No (there wasn’t a mirror in the corner)
Have you ever super glued someone’s feet (okay, shoes) to the floor?
Do you like being punished by the Wolf Man?
I suppose no? (how does one get punished by the Wolf Man? I mean, I know how one can be “punished” by a fictional character – Harry Haller and Hermine punished me – but a character like the Wolf Man? How?)
Do you loathe realistic dreams?
Yes I do. Dreams can often leave me anxious for the rest of the following day.
Do you read your horoscopes?
Yes, sometimes. (For entertainment value only, really.)
Can my garden be killed by excessive amounts of rain? (Some of my plants are underwater. This can’t be good…)
Yes Plants can drown.
Do you hope @geeky_mama ‘s plants survive the ordeal?
Yes I do! And I think they will, too.
Do you hope @geeky_mama will keep us updated on her garden?
Yes? When my hubby came back from his work trip and I told him how I’d been trying to bail out the steel tub planter with my lavender, basil and berries in it he promptly went outside with some tools and drilled several extra drain holes in the bottom.
I think the plants have survived the record (nearly 8 inches in 2 days time) rainfall. I think I would be better off growing mushrooms around here…
Have you ever grown mushrooms for your own consumption?
No, I would like to try though…
Have you ever wanted to fly? Other than in an airplane?
Can you speak more than one language?
Yes. I can also speak Welsh fluently.
Do you think @rebbel is still following this question?...
Do you like the Irish accent?
I love the Irish accent.
Have you had Irish coffee?
Do you work in the IT field?
Do youwork with animals?
No, not unless you count Postman Pat’s cat, Jess!
Do you like Brussels sprouts?
No (I don’t like them but their okay)
Have you ever been in an all out fight?
Have you ever done bare knuckle boxing?
Yes (I admit, Brad Pitt inspired me to try it out)
Have you ever partaken in a martial art?
Are you a very flexible person?
EDIT : If you meant MARITAL then no, I have not.
thanks for catching that Physically flexible, I’ll go with No.
Are you good at sneaking around and up on people?
Oh yes, very, I then proceed to poke them hard in the ribs, which I find very amusing. And they, annoying.
Do you like writing poetry?
Yes, very much so (have a habit of destroying the ones that mean something to me though :/)
Do you find it to be rather ignorant when people think someone should be in therapy or a psych ward just because the person is different than the “norm”?
Yes Unless he’s a psychopathic rapist or killer or pedo…
Are you hungry?
Would you like a week off?
@Dutchess_III No.
Not a yes or no question. Go set in the corner.
Does everyone think it’s guy that are the psychos?
No—(Hello, Misery anyone?)
Do you think @Adirondackwannabe needs to improve his or her grammar and spelling?
Do you like ice cream cake?
Although I did have one that was in the fridge for 8 hours.
(@King_Pariah He needs to stay offline if he’s been in the wine for a bit)
Have you ever had ice cream cake soup?
Yes lol!
@Dutchess_III What habit?
Do you find politics interesting?
Do you like sashimi?
Do you like chicken tikka?
Yes, I had it today in fact.
Is it late where you are?
Yes Half an hour till midnight.
Do you skip breakfast in the morning?
No, I don’t skip any meals. Or snacks. I’m on the Hobbit-diet.
Do you have hairy feet?
At 5’9.5” I’m to tall to be a hobbit (in otherwords, Nope)
Are you hirsute?
Will you go to another question/answer site tonight before you go to sleep?
Do you want to kill me?
Do you have a robin’s nest in your backyard?
Actually on my back porch. It’s about the 6th time a bird has raised chicks on the porch.
Do you get a lot of hummingbirds?
Yes, whenever we refill the hummingbird feeder.
Do you have allergies?
Do you have long fingers?
Can you drop and give me twenty?
Yes, but I won’t (I’ll do em for myself :P)
Can you drop and give me 100 in 2 minutes?
A 100 what? I can give a 100 punches and kicks in two minutes, yes.
TJBM loves bass
Milky, this is the yes/no game. However, the answer is no.
You have eaten a Milky Way this week.
Yes (not our MilkWay mind you)
Do you ever wish you could take home every dog you see at the kennel?
Has someone hurt your feelings in the past 24 hours?
My family forgot it was my birthday today, but it didn’t hurt my feelings exactly…
Do you love cheesecake?
Yes (And Happy Birthday!!!)
If 42 is always the correct answer and 17 is always the wrong answer, do you know what the wrong answer is?
No :P
Thanks :)
Do you like Antonio Vivaldi?
Today Yes
Do you like Franz Liszt?
Sure (that’s a yes)
Are you ready for your Monday?
Yep. Up and at em.
Did you have pizza for lunch?
I do most days..and probably will today, too.
Parlez vous Francais?
Oui, un peu… ?
Do you find languages very interesting?
Yes I do. I would love to learn Hebrew.
Are you watching the Diamond Jubilee Concert?
Yes, sort of?...Thanks to Facebook I was just looking at videos of my friend’s (toddler) daughter dancing to the Jubilee Concert on the telly. They’re having a grand time sipping Pimms and wearing masks of the Queen and Prince Phillip dancing around waving the flag. As for me I’m in the middle of a work day sitting in my gazebo enjoying the sunshine.
Do you Skype frequently?
Are you feeling restless?
Sort of. I need to get up in two hours to make a doctor appointment. I don’t whether to try to take a nap of just make a cup of coffee.
Have you ever tried a magic jack?
Do you like squash drinks?
Yes but they aren’t my favourite.
Did you watch any of the Jubilee celebrations over the past few days?
Not at all.
Have you ever killed a deer?
Yes, accidentally with a brand new Honda Civic. Civic vs. 6-point buck—neither of them fared well.
Have you ever been in an accident where the airbags deployed?
Thankfully no.
Do you know about the Treaty Of Versailles?
Yes (does someone need some schooling? lol)
Do you just loathe it when you go someplace that requires a membership card only to realize that you forgot to bring said card?
I usually attempt to “sweet talk” my way in when that happens. Works about 90% of the time for me.
TJBM has talked (or cried) their way out of a ticket (police citation).
No. I’m not that type.
TJBM knows the name of the movie that uses the song It’s Raining Men by the Weather Girls. It’s a 5 guy strip tease story.
Oops, this is the yes/no game. But no, I don’t.
Are you going to go to any college football games this year?
Do you have a Youtube account?
Have you spent any time in Minnesota?
Never been that far to the west. I should change that.
Have you ever been to the Dominican Republic?
Does your last name begin with the letter M?
There’s no M’s in my name.
Is Europe going to bring down the financial systems of the rest of the world?
Yes. No. hmm.
Do you think the USA should have skipped the bank bailout in 2008?
No. As bad as capitalism is, it’s the best we’ve come up with so far, and destroying it or letting it decay would create chaos, chaos is rarely good in a society.
Do you think by 2200 humanity will have a colony on Mars?
No. They’d all be dead by then.
Are you craving some lasagna right now?
Not so much. As it’s summer here I am craving my usual summer menu dishes…I like cold foods for hot weather: Caprese Salad with my own fresh grown basil, Taco Salad, Fruit Salad w/ cream cheese & marshmallow fluff dip, Avocado & goat cheese (with garlic, virgin olive oil and chives) spread on crusty french baguette slices…
Do you live to eat?
Nope, food is merely fuel. It’s nice when it tastes good in addition to that.
Do you also hate your ISP?
No, not at the moment
Are you waiting for something to happen in your life?
No. I am waiting for ME to move my lazy donkey and tie up all loose ends before I begin the next chapter of my life!
Do you think tattoos are sexy?
I enjoy tattoos but whether they are sexy or not depends on the person wearing them and the design of the tattoo.
Did you face a fear today?
Did you go for a morning run?
No, and quit bugging me about it, conscience! ;-) I will go tomorrow morning… if it’s not raining again.
Have you ever seen the rain, coming down on a sunny day?
Did you go for a morning run? :P
Do you ever wish everything would stop so you could find a lonely place where you can just vent everything?
Yes :/
Do you hate filling in forms?
If I did I be insane by now.
Have you ever been dishonest when filling out forms?
Have you ever been to see an 18 rated movie when you were under 18 and got in without any trouble?
All the time. That and bars and buying beer and throwing parties. I was a JD
Were you a juvenile delinquent?
Hmm, maybe.
Do you believe in God?
No, and if there is one, then it’s just an obstacle to overcome.
Have you seen Prometheus?
Have you recently come into a decent amount of money?
You must be really rich to waste money by coming in it @Leanne1986… or maybe you dry it after? No, I’m not that rich.
Do you get it?
Always. Yes. ‘Cept not that!
Do you sometimes see lettering on a sign or a vehicle or a building or whatever that reminds you of a jelly you know?
Yeah, there’s this strip club I’ve passed by a few times with an A that reminds me of our great leader.
Do you just hate it when zombies spawn out of the walls?
Yes. Yes I do. When that happens I put out roach killer.
Do you have a YouTube account that you’d like to share with us?
Yes I have an account, No I don’t like sharing I’m a greedy little mothafucka
Do you like to mimic how other people talk?
Er, no..but I do it (without meaning to) every time. My kids/husband mock me for it—but it seems to be beyond my control.
Have you been bitten my mosquitoes lately?
Do you know about the spray that keeps mosquitoes away from your house?
No. When I was a kid they had big trucks that would drive around the neighborhood sending out giant fogs of mosquito spray. They quit doing that for some odd reason!
Are you HUNGRY???
Have you ever been to California?
Yes (I live here in Cali)
Have you ever been on a wine stroll?
We have the Finger Lakes Wine Trail. And one of our wineries was just named Winery of the Year at the Riverside CA festival.
Do you know who won winery of the year?
Are you blessing and cursing the rains.
No. I love rain.
Are you watching the TV right now?
No. I’m (supposed to be) working.
Is it your birthday soon?
Yes, just a couple of weeks to the big 4–0. Though, I think @MollyMcGuire‘s Birthday is today..
Do you have pets?
Yes! Happy Birthday, Molly McGuire!
Do you often act on impluse?
Yes. If you mean impulse.
Do you love wearing scents?
Are you wearing a black shirt?
Kinda. It’s got black in it.
Are you wearing a top with hot pink, dark blue, mustard, turquoise, black and yellow stripes?
I’m not wearing any. Shorts and a tee shirt only.
Do you like to shed as many clothes as possible?
;) Yes.
Do you confuse this thread with TJBM thread?
<.< .... >.> ... No.
Do you hate confrontation?
I don’t mind it a bit if it’s needed. And if necessary I can be a real ass.
Do you tend to bury your head in the sand?
Yes. :D
Are you listening to a beautiful song at the moment?
Are you eating something?
Have you been to the dentist recently?
No and it’s time.
Has anyone ever threatened your life?
I had a mafia guy get in my face while he was carrying a gun.
Do you stay cool under pressure?
No. Hysteria reigns.
Can you make bread?
I make awesome bread. I messed with the recipe big time until I got it right.
Do you like bean soup?
Yes :D
Do you absolutely love going out in the rain?
Yes, sometimes
Do you think it’s smart to buy expensive furniture and expect it to last a lifetime+?
No, I think it’s smart to buy well-made furniture and expect it to last a lifetime. this assumes there are no teenagers rough-housing on it daily Expensive does not equal well-made.
Does the sun shine on you today?
Yes. A bit too much, perhaps. We’re due to hit 106 today [sigh].
Do you long for cooler days/nights?
Do you play this game wrong, by writing more than “yes” or “no”?
No, I don’t. On second thought, yes, I do.
Well noticed, @AshLeigh!
Have you difficulty answering with just yes or no?
Yes, well maybe no.
I’m not quite sure.
Are people from Alaska weird?
No, weird is an aberration of the norm, and I’m as normal as the rest of you.
Do you hold your keys too long?
Do you have curly hair?
When my hair get’s long it curls like crazy.
Are you missing someone?
Is someone missing you?
We are missing each other.
Are you having a tough time sleeping?
Do you get bored of things very quickly and easily?
Nope :P
Are you a cowgirl?
Do you like to ride horses?
Yes!! Although I haven’t ridden in years.
Do you like Bob Marley?
Yes every little thing is gonna be alright :P
Is your favorite color purple?
Is your favorite color green?
Do you read the full article in magazines?
Usually yes.
TJBM loves libraries.
AHA! YOU LIAR. You said you don’t mix them up!
Are you in your bedroom?
Nope. I never fluther in the bedroom.
Are you experiencing a heat wave?
It’s 64 degrees F and 44 percent humidity.
Do you hate me right now?
Seriously, people? 593 new responses….............?
Did you g see the new Spiderman?
Is it time for a part 2 of this question?
Hmm, yes.
Will you answer no?
Yep. Nearly always. It’s one of my super-powers.
Do you tend to procrastinate?
Are you questioning your trust in someone?
Nope. I don’t trust anyone to that extent.
Are you an introvert?
Are you 6 feet tall?
No even close.
Did you buy gasoline today?
Not yet but I might have to on my way home later.
Did you watch a film yesterday?
Have you drank enough water today?
Do you have apple trees?
Yes, I have one apple and one cherry tree.
TJBM has abandoned this question.
Are you drinking coffee?
Are you wondering about the wonders of the world?
Will you buy peanut butter this week?
Yes :D
Who doesn’t?
Mind = blown
… No.
Did you sleep well last night?
Yes, it’s funny you asked that question. I slept an unsually deep sleep last night, usually I’m an unfortunate light sleeper.
Do you dream every single night?
I rarely dream.
Do you sleepwalk?
Do you love watching documentaries?
Nature with George Paige used to be one of my favs.
Do you watch PBS?
Do you watch TV every day?
Do you go out in the garden/backyard everyday?
Do you have brown hair?
Yes I do!
Do you have brown eyes?
Very dark brown.
Do you have all of your teeth?
Lol! Yes.
Do you like someone?
<—- Yes.
Did you get a haircut this week?
Nope. I wanna grow my hair really really loooooong.
Well, yes. I ain’t blind.
Do you color your hair?
Do you annoy people with your supposed expertise?
Yes :P
Do you like to annoy people?
At least not on purpose.. I suppose I probably annoy some people without even trying.
Are you watching a lot of Olympic events?
Yes. I’m dipping in and out of the coverage. I’m seeing as much as I can though.
Have you been on the phone a lot today?
Do u decorate your house for holidays like Valentines Day or St. Patricks day
Do you support a football club?
Yes but it doesn’t look like the team I support will exist for much longer as they areheading for liquidation. I support Portsmouth FC.
Have you recently been offered a job?
Do you like the sports brand Nike?
Not big on overpriced brand names. I’ll stick with my bland Converse.
Ever have a really embarrassing error in sports?
Yes. One of my first times playing for my high school’s basketball team I scored a point for the opposing team by momentarily forgetting which end of the court was our basket/goal (because you switch baskets at half-time). But—my life is full of far greater embarrassing moments.
Have you ever worked for an evil boss?
Have you chosen your back-to-school outfit?
Like I plan things. XD
Do you plan things?
I just like to let them roll.
Would you go to a rock concert lasting 4 hrs? (The Boss strikes again).
If I liked the band/singer, definitely!
Are you drinking tea right now?
Yep! (I’m basically never without my glass of iced tea right next to me..)
TJBM is a teetotaler.
A what??
Do you love strawberry jam on toast?
It’s even better on an english muffin.
Ever realize you posted something that could be interpretted in more than one way?
Um… no?
Do you like Pineapple juice?
Will you have a lazy day tomorrow?
Are you procrastinating?
I’m continuing a pattern since yesteday
Have you had kidney pie or bangers and mash?
Not today, no.
Did you have lamb steak, gravy and mash for dinner today?
No. I had a tomato samwich.
Did you pull all the furniture away from the walls and deep clean your floors?
Do you have a date?
I have a bunch of pitted dates. They’re delicious.
Do you like sardines?
No. I like smoked oysters, though.
Have you hurt yourself recently?
Are you about to watch Usain Bolt race?
Bolts? No.
Are you crazy?
Do you know dates are very high in iron?
No. I don’t date any more anyway. I’m married.
Have you made banana bread recently?
Have you cleaned your room recently?
Well, I cleaned the living room really well! My bedroom…no. Not recently.
Are you tired?
Yes. Too little sleep for too many days.
Are you bloated?
Have you ever fasted?
Are you listening to music?
Bachman & Turner, Live at the Roseland Ballroom, NYC (BTO)
Have you ever heard of them?
I thought it was Bachman-Turner Overdrive? I’ve heard of BTO and ELO. I feel officially old, btw.
Are you a “non-compliant patient” (in the eyes of medical professionals)?
No, I’m good with medical pros. I trust them to know what they’re talkin bout :)
Have you had any teeth extracted?
I had one pulled to make room for my wisdom teeth. Fun isn’t it?
@geeky_mama The old group was BTO. Now they go by Bachman & Turner.
Do you have a high pain threshold?
Yes, I do have an unusually high pain threshold. How did you know? (I even have a note on my dental chart that explains I’m “A-OK” to have dental work (extractions, fillings) without any pain medication or Novocaine.)
Do you color your hair?
Do you write in cursive?
Um. no. I write big and bubbly.
Are you the toughest in your family?
Of course. HULK SMASH
Can you do the Hulk Smash?
Are you intrigued with the Olympics results so far?
Urm. no.
Will you watch the Olympic closing ceremony tomorrow?
Have you seen the film, Ted?
Have you an electric pencil sharpener in your house?
Did you cry whilst watching the Closing Ceremony?
No, didn’t get to see it.
will you be doing fall planting?
Are you glad someone finally asked a question for you to answer?
Think the Brits did a great job with the Olympics?
Yes :D
Do you think the USA kicked ass?
We took a lot of medals, but we have so many resources it isn’t always fair. Ask the sprinters if they kicked ass.:)
Was that one of the best Olympics?
Would Yes be a good name for a blog?
Depends… No.
Do you have full lips?
Do you have long hair?
Do you have big eyes?
Um, no, I don;t think so…
Are you tall?
Have you ever had singing lessons?
Can you play an instrument?
Do you adore classical music?
No, not adore, but I do like some of it.
Do you profess strong feelings in every conversation?
Are you good at controlling your emotions?
In a real crisis I go totally cold.
Have you made homemade ice cream?
Have you ever tried ice cream with curry?
I quite liked the combination.
But it sounds interesting.
Do you like okra?
Yes. (I love it, especially fried)
Are you excited that school/college has started?
Will you have breakfast tomorrow?
Will your breakfast include eggs?
No. I’m on a cereal it is.
Do you think it’s harder to lose weight after age 40?
Are you sick in the head?
Yes, my nose is all stuffed again.
Will you pick the next winner?
Are you sad that the summer holidays are almost over?
No, I’m glad as that just means it is getting closer to my own holiday!
Have you been affected at all by hurricane Isaac?
Will you help me sprinkle salt on the injured?
Um, only if it helps rather than just hurt them.
Are you going to bed soon?
No. I still have 4 hours left of work before I caneven go home let alone to bed!
Have you ever worn braces (the kind you have on your teeth not the kind that hold your trousers up!)?
Nope, not yet.
Are you feeling nervous about something?
Are you bored to tears?
Are you an angry person?
Do you need a pampering session?
Nope – had one today. (Used a gift cert. for a massage. Loved it!)
If allowed to sleep as long as you like, is your natural sleep set point in excess of 8 hours?
Yup, I usually sleep 9–10 hours on weekends.
Are you feeling tired?
Not too much at the moment; just got off three-hour phone chat.
Do you have to get up early in the morning?
No, I wouldn’t consider it early (althoughsome might). On a normal workday I have to get up around 7.30am ish.
Are you going to a concert this weekend?
Do you love history with a passion?
Did you drink chocolate milk today?
No but it is only 8.45am so there is still time!
Do you like Lady Gaga?
… Yes.
Is it sunny at your house?
No its night time.
Are you excited for tomorrow?
No. Not so much.. it’s a busy work week ahead and we had a super busy (tiring) weekend so I’m facing a sleep-deprived Monday morning..
Are you a conscientious bill-payer? (Always on time?)
Nope. I don’t pay the bills, my dad does ahah.
Did you just sleep for 16 hours?
Do you think the Snuggle bear is a creepy son of a gun?
Are you a bad person?
Did you sleep in today?
Yes, a bit..on accident. Luckily my husband woke me up because I’d failed to set an alarm.
Is it raining where you are?
No, glorious sunshine today.
Are you waiting for a phone call at the moment?
Welcome to fluther. I hope you enjoy the site.
Do you welcome new jellies.
Thank you, I’m looking forward to being here. I was referred here by a friend.
Are/Were your parents ridiculously strict on you?
I raised myself from 16 or so on up. I was on my own a lot. Don’t dis strict parents. I was lucky I came out okay.
Do you love animals?
I’ve always surrounded myself with all sorts of creatures.
Do you have pets?
I had two Golden Retrievers. I lost them a few years ago.
Have you ever been adopted by an abandoned animal?
This one cat always followed me around the parking lot of a place I frequented and loved me. We eventually adopted it.
Do you think we’re the only ones here at the moment?
Sometimes it gets a little slow here. Other times it’s crazy.
Do you like Siamese cats?
I like all cats.
Do you have a favorite breed of cat?
We had mostly mixed breeds growing up.
Do you think people will talk if we keep this up?
I don’t care. :)
Yes. No. I don’t know, people are unpredictable. But hopefully yes.
I think there are lurkers out there at the moment. Do you agree?
It’s been dark for a few hours.
Do you still have leftover halloween candy?
Do you need to go to the post office?
I mailed a care package to my niece today by UPS.
Do you have itchy piles.
That’s from chyna. Don’t blame me too much.
Is today significant to you for some reason?
It’s the anniversary of D-Day.
Is there any other significance to today?
It’s my younger brother’s birthday.
Do you have cake on your birthday?
I get strawberry shortcake this Sunday.
Happy birthday to your brother.
Do you like birthdays?
Unless it’s my sister’s, she’s heavily spoiled and it makes me angry.
Do you like ice cream cake?
Did you brush your teeth this morning?
Did you sleep in this morning?
No, I was up at 6.50am
Will you be changing jobs soon?
I hope so.
Are you moving soon?
I love where I live.
Do you like riding horses?
Yes, very much. I especially like to canter.. I ride like I drive, too fast.
Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?
Are you feeling good today? (Health wise)
Do you play a musical instrument?
Nothing like you do. I make dogs howl.
Have you ever made a dog howl?
My dog likes to howl particularly when I play violin with one of my family members accompanying me on piano. If we play only one instrument, the dog is quiet, so I suppose it’s the frequencies created by the sound?
Do you do anything musical? (Play and instrument, sing, compose, have a band, etc.)
Yes. I sing.
Have you been disappointed by someone today?
My mum.
Do you have farm animals?
Do you enjoy the rain?
Does this question still pop up in Jelly’s “Activity for You”?
Answer this question