Where do people get their usernames?
I have been on YouTube and I have seen some of the weirdest usernames (I will not disclose any for the protection of the users of YouTube), and I want to know, where do people, or you, get their usernames from?
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24 Answers
I got my username from my parents, lol.
Me, too. I blame it all on my parents. Thank goodnes they changed my name from Jerry to John at the last minute on my birth certificate.
I picked mine because it’s one of my favorite French words.
@mangeons What does that word mean anyway? (My Internet is stupid and won’t load any other tabs)
@sydsydrox It’s the “nous” conjugation of “to eat” (manger), so it means “we eat”. I just like the way it sounds!
Mine is after a queen in England in the 10th century.
Mine is self explanatory.
I got my YouTube username from the extreme frustration I experienced at the inability to choose a username that was available.
@mangeons; Nous mangeons means “we eat.”
Mangeons alone is a form of the imperative and means “let’s eat.”
Dormons means “let’s sleep.”
Dansons means “let’s dance.”
@gailcalled My mistake, thanks for setting me straight!
I made mine up with no forethought.
^^ Milo here; And what about that gorgeous four-footed creature and his name?
@zigmund You made me laugh!
I kayak and my name is Kate . . .
@zigmund I too was delayed in the art of clever decision making.
Sometimes people put a lot of thought into them, or get lazy and just want to join a place real quick and think up whatever works. For example, my YT username is Bweep. When I wanted to make another YT account, I just put in BweepII. Convenience, originality…before we know where people get their names from, we would probably have to know what motivates them towards a certain username.
My Fluther username, I got lazy because I rehashed it from another site I was at, but I did put thoughts into it when I first decided on it. It’s a Shakespeare play, only I replaced the C with an S because I’m just that godlike.
On some other places I go as Terminus Est, which is a sword from one of my favorite video games. That game took its idea from a fantasy novel which used Latin to name a sword that’s designed for decapitation, which is pretty funny when you think about what Terminus Est means; the end, point of separation, and the like.. I just thought it was cool. Not a Latin expert, dinnae be quotin’ meh. On this horror site I’m at, I use Stairway to Heaven, because I think it’s funny that in the common slasher flick, people always run upstairs when being chased by a psycho. On image hosting sites, I just want to use the functions, so I type in something real quick, like Vile or G6669.
Not that I see usernames as an indication of someone’s worth. But welcome threads don’t otherwise work for me. XD
There’s probably a lot of reasons why people choose the usernames they do, or where they get them from. I don’t think there’s a specific source that could wholly answer this. You’d also have to consider the place they’re joining, and why someone would make an effort or not. Unless you just meant Fluther.
ProTip; 0.99SeiferSefiroth777 VS God’s Mistake
Mine is my birth month followed by my initials. I like to have a name that is personally connected to me in some way.
For lack of a better username is how I got mine.
Night Flower started as a personal nickname for myself. And I started using it and the Japanese equivalent(yoru hana) as my screen names and in my poetry and drawings. I am the most nocturnal person I know and I tend to “bloom” at night and have since I was a youngin’. I’ve always found great beauty in the darkness.
Eventually I started selling my art at conventions as a hobby and needed a studio name like everyone else so I dubbed myself Studio Night Flower, and now I’m sorta stuck with it even though I’m not completely satisfied with it as a business name. I didn’t realize I would end up doing the art and sewing and creating thing full time.
Usually I use a variation of my real name. Here (for the first time) I picked something anonymous. “Bent” for two reasons: I’m gay, and I have scoliosis.
Some of you here will remember the Mamas and the Papas? I am nicknamed Caz so just double the ‘z’ and the rest as they say is history! (Actually I couldn’t just have Caz as it’s been and gone already.)
I got mine because my nickname is SydSyd and I rock, but I wanted to make it present tense. But “rocks” is just to long, and SydSydRox is way easy to remember. For all my usernames, I use some variation of SydSyd, for my YouTube account is SydSyd12321 and my deviantart is also SydSydRox. My email, however, was established a long time ago and is named flyer a Pokemon…. i was into Pokemon back then, don’t judge
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