Social Question

rebbel's avatar

Who, when it eventually will happen on us, will claim responsibility for Armageddon?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) March 5th, 2012

Usually when an (terroristic) attack has happened there are several groups and/or organisations that will claim responsibility for it.
This means that from ten claims only one claim was true.
Will there be groups/organisations that will claim it (maybe not direct responsibility, but the “I-told-you-so” claim)?
When Armageddon has started, and news channels start reporting on it, who do you think will claim responsibility for it?

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12 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

Rush Limbaugh?

The Kardassians?

Blackberry's avatar

It can’t be blamed on anyone, but it might turn into a political debate. “If these libs weren’t all about the nanny state, we could’ve had the extra money to blow that meteor up!”

“If these conservatives weren’t kissing the ass of the rich, we could’ve had the money to blow that meteor up!”

marinelife's avatar

The word is that Snookie of Jersey Shore “fame” is due to give birth on December 21 thus fulfilling the Mayan prophecy of the end of the world.

wundayatta's avatar

I will volunteer to take the rap. I mean, this is armageddon we are talking about… not something caused by a human being. Right?

dabbler's avatar

Could blame it on the almighty for setting the whole situation up in the first place.
That could be seen as disrespectful, or as awe-filled at the power of each moment coming into being on the heels of the destruction of the previous moment.

Blackberry's avatar

@dabbler It’s a part of his plan, we have to be quiet and accept it :)

King_Pariah's avatar

Me, I just ate a burrito with extra beans and cheese and I can feel a methane gas cloud building up in my rectum that is so immense, everything will whither and die(sorry guys).

gailcalled's avatar

(Wither.Sorry, King. )

King_Pariah's avatar

(@gailcalled, no you’ll turn white and then wither, so whither :P)

ucme's avatar

The people’s front of judea?

LuckyGuy's avatar

Armageddon will be claimed by every member of every group, sect, or religion that uses an ancient text as its guide. They will spent their last moments studying the text, busily calculating and interpreting passages trying to prove the end was predicted at that moment.

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