In the 70s, how did the Rasperries get away with Go All The Way?
I am a music lover. But, in the 70s, I am still wondering how the FCC allowed this song to be played on commercial radio stations to the public. It’s 100% suggestive and never would have been allowed air play in the 60s. Question: did 10 years make the difference between radio stations being allowed to play Go All The Way? What make the big changes?
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14 Answers
I am equally amazed that the Rolling Stones got away with the song lyric “She’d make a dead man come!”
The FCC used to take away radio station licenses for such things.
Same reason that in the 2000’s the Black Eyed Peas can say
“I want money, I want cold hard cash
I’ll take your dollar and your euro and go have a blast
So take your debt and your credit and stick it up your ass
And do it now”
Jaques Barzun discusses how the language becomes more coarse as a symptom of decadence in his book “Dawn to Decadence”. A great read.
@gailcalled You’re right. Sorry. I got ahead of myself. And I actually got back in time to edit.
I don’t know how they did it, but I’m glad that they did.
That is my favorite Raspberries song. It still makes me feel a bit like a hormonal teenager.
I think because it almost sounds like “Bubblegum music” even though it’s about sex. I remember there was an album called Bubblegum music is the Naked Truth, lol.
here is the album. But this is not the album cover I remember! The one I remember had a naked baby on it large as life!!! Dating myself here….
Because, to put it bluntly, it was worded as “let’s go all the way” instead of let’s fuck.
CWOTUS I believe the words are ”Please go all the way, it feels so right, being with yiu here tonight!!!”
“Go All the Way” sounds pretty tame to me. It doesn’t get more explicit than the title, really. But yeah, it’s just a couple of years after “Let’s Spend the Night Together”, so maybe that ground was already broken.
I remember the fuss when radio stations were reluctant to play “High School Confidential”, which was much raunchier, and about lesbians to boot! That was a decade later.
@filmfann It was toward the end of the song and as I remember, a lot of stations used to cut the song off or talk over that line.
I always thought it was interesting that Microsoft chose this song, with this line, for their Windows 95 launch vehicle.
99% of songs are about sex. Always have been, always will be.
“Afternoon delight” anyone? I remember my girlfriend’s mother just being AGHAST when she heard that dirty, dirty song!
@Dutchess_III After all these years, it still one of my favorites.
The act, not the song.
LOL! You dirty devil you, @rojo!
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