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filmfann's avatar

Can you cite examples of some of the crazy names we have in this Presidential campaign?

Asked by filmfann (52597points) March 8th, 2012

Foster Friess?
Bain Capital? That name reminds me of Bane
It’s almost like this campaign were written as a story, with names designed to give insight into their character.
Does this bother anyone else?
And don’t get me started on Santorum.

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15 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Rick Santorum.

Bellatrix's avatar

Mitt Romney

Newt Gingrich

Never known a Mitt or a Newt.

I have seen the name Bain. There is a scholar I refer to a lot with that first name.

ETpro's avatar

Before I pick on the Repugs, let me give the Dems a whack. Barack Hussein Obama isn’t exactly a commonplace name.

Now, Willard Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Tim Pawlenty, Jon Huntsman hunting for a single delegate and Herman Cain raising Cain. Strangely the three craziest of the lot had rather ordinary names, Michelle Bachmann, Ron Paul and Rick Perry.

@Bellatrix Until Gingrich came along, I always though Newt was something that supplied eyes for witches brews.

Aethelflaed's avatar

@Bellatrix Newt makes me wonder if his insanity is simply a result of once being a child who’s parents had named him “Newt”.

Bellatrix's avatar

This little fella is a much cuter newt. Apparently though… many newts are toxic…. no surprise there!

Aethelflaed's avatar

Dude’s on fire!

ucme's avatar

Mitt Romney. He looks like his face belongs on a pack of “Just for Men” grey hair concealer.

ragingloli's avatar

While we are at it, this picture of Santorum just screams “slimeball”, especially with that fake smile.
He has a face that evokes nothing but antipathy and revulsion.

amujinx's avatar

How can we forget Vermin Supreme?

People like Ron Paul who have two first names always bother me. Pick one and stick with it and get a real last name.

Whenever I see Santorum’s name I immediately think of sanatoriums.

That witch turned Gingrich into a newt. He still hasn’t got better.

keobooks's avatar

I knew one Newt in my life. His name was short for Newton. Well, he WANTED to be called Newt in middle school. Unfortunately, everyone called him “Fig.” He goes by Newt now as an adult.

mazingerz88's avatar

Mr. Reince Priebus. ( GOP head ) Sounds like what the Kardashians would name their gold chain wearing pet iguana. Lol.

filmfann's avatar

John Boehner is one. How one tries to pronounce that “Bay-Ner” is just wishing for too much.

ETpro's avatar

@filmfann At least when a guy gets a Boehner in the John, he’s somewhere where he can “handle” the problem.

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