Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Is anger or laughter your first reaction to the link in the details?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) March 9th, 2012

Give them to your women
I checked but didn’t see this asked so I’m asking now—sorry if it’s a repeat
If it makes you angry, please tell us why.
If it makes you laugh out loud, please tell us why.

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97 Answers

tom_g's avatar

Snore. Marketing.

TexasDude's avatar

My reaction.

It’s a cliche’ joke that isn’t really funny, but I don’t get mad about shit either, so yeah.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Laughter. This is an obvious way to get attention to a brand that was otherwise failing.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I LOL’d! I wonder what kind of woman would feel threatened and angry about it?

JLeslie's avatar

Neither really. I just think it’s stupid. That’s my first reaction. My second reaction is I really prefer it did not say that.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@JLeslie I hope it starts a label fad! “Give it to your woman to wash because you can’t handle it!” (Who really reads labels, anyway? Unless it’s a piece of delicate clothing.)

JLeslie's avatar

But, it says give to your woman it’s her job.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes, it does. And it’s hilarious!

wundayatta's avatar

Oh GoD! I love it! I never believed that idea that feminists have no sense of humor, but this could prove me wrong.

For Christ’s sake! A label?


Under the fucking orange tree, fer sure!

I LOVE it!!!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Somebody send me to the orange tree!!

JLeslie's avatar

It does not make me angry, just to be clear.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I think it’s stupid.

picante's avatar

I’m a solid “meh” with this—it is, IMHO, nothing more than a marketing gimmick.

Keep_on_running's avatar

Not funny. These days you have to be original otherwise people roll their eyes.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Where is the orange tree???

Keep_on_running's avatar

Wth is the orange tree?

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t know! But it’s real! It’s around here somewhere!

lonelydragon's avatar

It’s somewhat funny, because it’s making fun of old-fashioned gender stereotypes. The problem is that they are still accepted as reality by many people. For that reason, I can’t be entirely comfortable with the joke (though I wouldn’t say it makes me angry).

OpryLeigh's avatar

It made me chuckle a bit. This kind of humour doesn’t bother me.

Mat74UK's avatar

It really should be taken in the humour that was meant.
Like this and this

CWOTUS's avatar

Laughter (or at least a sardonic laugh) is my first reaction to most things these days. My boss hates to send me to Project Review Meetings (or Project Revues, as I call them).

SuperMouse's avatar

My first reaction was an eye-roll! It didn’t really make me laugh or make me angry, it just kind of is.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Mat74UK Exactly! (The second one just sent me to Google, BTW.)

deni's avatar

@SuperMouse Yeah, it’s obviously trying to be funny. It doesn’t make me laugh or angry, just makes me x-out. I don’t care for shit like that. In my experience women do tend to fuck up the laundry less than their male counterpart so I mean it’s partly true, even if it was trying to be a stereotype.

Mat74UK's avatar

@Dutchess_III – sorry about that I’m trying to do it on my phone.

wundayatta's avatar

The orange tree is that alpha and omega and transdimensional storage depot for all things absurd in this life. That label came from the Orange Tree, and it will end up back there when everyone is finished either laughing or studiously not laughing at it. Then it will be shipped off to another dimension for another go-around. Plus ca change and all that.

syz's avatar

Stupid marketing campaign (look how much attention it’s gotten).

By the way, it probably would have been accepted more easily as humor if we didn’t have a public figure calling a college student a “slut” and a presidential candidate who thinks that birth control is evil and that women belong in the home.

wundayatta's avatar

That marketing campaign is nothing compared to the Kony campaign.

AshLeigh's avatar

I smiled.

Sunny2's avatar

Tiresome and mildly annoying.

Blackberry's avatar

I just woke up, so I have no reaction, lol.

Coloma's avatar

Haha..I think it’s funny, anyone that really gets upset over this needs some time in therapy.
Lawnmowers and BBQs should come with that label too, “give it to your man.” lol

wundayatta's avatar

@Coloma LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!

zenvelo's avatar

I smirked and thought’ “how obnoxious”.

SpatzieLover's avatar

I feel the same as @Sunny2.

I find it tired and not humourous.

I’m a tomboy that does most of the building/repairing…so if I saw a label that said “Give it to your man”, I’d probably be irked.

6rant6's avatar

I like that they tried to do something entertaining. But. Meh.

__And if they hadn’t added, “it’s her job.” it would have been funnier.__

Berserker's avatar

Pretty meh. But that’s not because it’s either offending or not funny or anything like that, but because it has nothing to do with zombies.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Symbeline Your tag would read “Wash these pants or the Zombies will eat your brains”. Now how do you feel? ;)

SavoirFaire's avatar

My reaction was an eye roll. If it’s supposed to be a joke, it’s a rather played out one. I appreciate creativity in my marketing campaigns.

Berserker's avatar

@SpatzieLover Made me smile. :)

ucme's avatar

Nowt really, just a simple piss take.

Buttonstc's avatar

And how many men are actually going go bother reading the label anyhow. (As long as we are mocking gender stereotyping)

I think its funny.

Coloma's avatar

Well, obviously it is meant to be humorous, and I don’t think anyone would take it seriously, but ya know, I gotta say, in my generation I’m 52 now there are plenty of stereotypes that do abound, because…some of them are true! lol
Honestly, for every middle aged guy I know that has found his inner chef and gets off on cooking, I know 2 more that survive on Hamburger Helper and soup in their bachelorhood.

Just like so many men I have dated that want to give me a gun because I’m a woman that lives alone on property in the high foothills. haha
I can’t tell you how many guys have brought me shotguns over the years and are ‘blown away’ pun intended that I refuse to keep firearms. But, but, the caveman protective instinct kicks in, OMG! what IF I had to shoot a Mountain Lion or a bear? lol

rojo's avatar

It did cause me to snicker.

Blackberry's avatar

Lol! I just found this. What’s your reaction?

SpatzieLover's avatar

Holy F*ck! I had to read it twice to get it. Then came the sinking feeling

rojo's avatar

@Blackberry crude, but not unexpected.

ratboy's avatar

I don’t get it. If the pants are meant for men, how does washing enter the picture?

picante's avatar

re the bumper sticker, @Blackberry: I’m neither amused nor angry. I’m saddened by the ignorance. Just saddened.

tinyfaery's avatar

Meh. But then I thought about it, and it is my woman’s job to wash the clothes. Apparently, I don’t do it correctly so only she is allowed to do the laundry.

wilma's avatar

I grinned.
I agree with @6rant6 that if they hadn’t added, “it’s her job.” it would have been funnier

I also liked @Dutchess_III‘s “Give it to your woman to wash because you can’t handle it!”

It doesn’t bother me, but I don’t find it hilarious.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Sometimes things are funny because they are so patently ridiculous, and that was MY take on it. I think I’d be “offended” only if I felt threatened that they were somehow serious. Which I wasn’t.
Like @Coloma, I was raised during the women’s libbers revolution and I think she and I are an example of the first product to come out of that, thumbing our noeses and crossing our eyes, wagging our fannies “BYE BYE!!!”

digitalimpression's avatar

It makes me laugh. Then again, I’m not easily offended.

Esedess's avatar

I’ve seen those type of labels in other meme based humor before. It’s a joke. Weather or not it’s funny is besides the point. I am however offended that people would be “outraged” by this. I have issues with people who have issues.

SavoirFaire's avatar

@Esedess So you have issues with yourself?

Esedess's avatar

@SavoirFaire LOL! I guess so. But I think we all have issues with ourselves from time to time.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I have issues with my issues. :(

Esedess's avatar

I have issue with the issues that I have about your issues with your issues.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Bless you! Bless you! Bless you! ..... Oh, forget it! You ain’t never gonna stop!

Trillian's avatar

I snickered. It seems tougue-in-cheek to me. Not funny enough to pee one’s pants, certainly nothing to get angry over. Seriously, if reading that were the worst thing to happen to a person in a day, one should probably pause and give thanks. There are plenty of real issues to expend energy on. This doesn’t qualify as even an issue. IMO.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

It made me LOL. Really. It’s funny!

I don’t have issues, I have the whole damn subscription.

DominicX's avatar

It’s maybe a little “meh” (at least it didn’t say any crap about “making sammiches”) but it’s not offensive; it’s obviously a joke. It is possible to use stereotypes or old ways of thinking as sources of humor.

downtide's avatar

I wasn’t amused but it doesn’t really make me angry either. I just think it’s a marketing gimmick that’s obviously worked, judging by the amount of attention it’s getting.

wundayatta's avatar

I don’t think people are taking this issue with the seriousness it deserves. You know, they always say we have five senses. I just don’t understand why people keep trying to add the sixth: a sense of humor!

Dutchess_III's avatar

He’s not done with mine, yet @Symbeline.

wundayatta's avatar

Wait, @Dutchess_III You didn’t want that car back, did you?

@Symbeline Listen, zombie lady! I’ll wash your car when I’m good and ready to! And when @Dutchess_III’ car is out of gas or otherwise inoperable. And don’t forget, it’s costing ya double to have me wash it nude! And no touching, neither!

Berserker's avatar

@wundayatta Oh I got the cash. now take it off, hotshot!

wundayatta's avatar

You got it boss lady. And I’m not responsible for what happens next! I’m just doing my job.

Dutchess_III's avatar


Dutchess_III's avatar

I need earplugs too, please.

Esedess's avatar

Sorry… Fresh out. I could walk behind you and plug your ears for you though.

wundayatta's avatar

Just taking a moment to savor the image of @Esedess walking behind @Dutchess_III stuffing his fingers in her ears.

Ok. Moment over.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes, walking through the dark with someone elses’ fingers in my ears and then we trip over you and @Symbeline. WTH hell are you two doing down there?????

Esedess's avatar

However, despite explaining themselves thoroughly, in near pornographic detail, Dutches III just keep responding “WHAT!?”. Finally I explain to wundayatta and Symbeline that she can’t hear you guys… because my fingers are in her ears. When you ask why…...... a long pause, then…. “because I was out of ear plugs.”

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well that was sho nice of you to help me out @Esedess!

wundayatta's avatar

So everything’s clear now? I can go? Because I have a nude date to shower with a car.

That doesn’t sound right, does it?

Berserker's avatar

It sure doesn’t. now get to it

wundayatta's avatar

You’re not going to make me say, “Yes, Mistress,” are you? Because that’s gonna cost extra. A lot extra.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Pfft, you suck. I’ll do it for free. “Yes, Mistress.” See? I’m a lot more compliant than you are. :D

Berserker's avatar

Yall makin me horny.

Esedess's avatar

@Dutchess_III I’m on it. 1 sec… ... ... ... Almost… *rustling…..... got it.

OK! Now I’m naked too!

Dutchess_III's avatar


Esedess's avatar

Nmnmmnm~ but I’m heping!

AshLeigh's avatar

… LAWL. You guys. :)

Dutchess_III's avatar


WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Mistress, I brought the nipple clamps, cat-o-nine-tails, and the fish bowl that you requested. Ummmm, the fish bowl makes me nervous…

wundayatta's avatar

Oh Mistress. How kind! Your brought me a bench to stand on so I can wash the top of the car.

@WillWorkForChocolate You can kneel over here. You don’t mind if I sit down, do you? I’m a bit tuckered out. And wet.

Oh. Where are my manners? Would you like me to make you wet, too?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Nothanks, I’m already wet. It’s raining.

Esedess's avatar

LMAO, we were so good at staying on topic! Laser focus. Good job everyone!

On a sidenote, none of these damn links work anymore, and now I don’t know what started this whole mess.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh man, @Esedess! Thanks for waking this up for us! Of course, seeing @Adirondackwannabe makes me cry.

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