Social Question
What constitues a [bleep NSFW] partner?
Wasn’t sure how to word this…
As I approach (or possibly reached, last Thursday) a round number of sexual partners, I’m going over the list and considering a few that may or may not count.
Basically, in all cases, the intention and consent was fully there to have sex, but the only reason sex wasn’t had was because the guy was too drunk to get/keep it up.
Is penetration enough? In one case, we were able to go for about 20 seconds.
Or is intent enough? There was one I brought home, and it’s a really memorable story, but there wasn’t actually penetration. It makes sense to not count him, but I don’t want him to slip off the radar!
I feel like if I don’t count the second one, I shouldn’t count the first either, although they only differ by 20 seconds. The clever line was delivered, the walk home done, and the awkward next morning endured in both cases.
There’s one more that I don’t always count, but it definitely counts, upon further consideration. It was just so terrible that I hardly noticed the penetration. Sorry, TMI.
Anyway, hope this question didn’t destroy any sort of wholesome image anyone might have of me, and I hope we can sort this out!