Why are we always searching for beauty?
Why do people have such a deep obsession with beauty? What drives it in us as people to constantly search, obsess, fawn, and immortalize it, especially in women?
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22 Answers
It is an indicator for fertility and good genes, so Humans are instinct driven to seek it out, to mate with it and produce offspring.
I blame the media and the people who buy into it. Really though “beauty” as people see it, is a great marketing strategy. If you consider how idea of beauty has changed. So it is a shared consensus. I did also try to mold myself into ideas of beauty but it is a bit of a fruitless endeavor. Fruitless as in did it really bring into my life, that which I craved?
Because we relate daily, individuality and authentic ideas of beauty are appreciated. So it makes me consider that beauty is often something we quite cannot see. It comes deep from within. It is even more rare in its uniqueness. So on that score I love to see beauty too. But maybe not the type you are thinking of.
I don’t search for it, I just know it when I see it. As far as posers go, their almost always ugly on the inside so you could say they search for and use it in order fool others.
Also I’m not just speaking about beauty as in physical in human beings, but beauty in a rose, tree, moon, child, etc. What is the passion that drives people to constantly romanticise it?
Perfection. And surrounding yourself with perfection makes you feel safer, possibly grander in scale. Just as if you were surrounded by ugliness, you’d feel less safe. Bringing us back to what ragingloli said above, ugliness can be equated with sickness. A kitten is cuter than a lion. It isn’t yet a fully blown killing machine. A rose is more beautiful than a weed. It’s intricate, complicated, maybe it seems that it worked harder to be the perfect flower.
Beauty as to women as good physique to men! Obviously, to attract each other.
Yet, some people have an eye to beauty like artists, and thugs look at it snobbishly.
Who’s we, kemosabe? I don’t search for beauty in people. Don’t generalize.
As to why some people search for beauty, I think it is the same thing as making a cult of celebrity. People are lacking self-esteem.
It comes down to people associating beauty with what is “good”. Whether it’s beauty found within us, physical beauty in appearance, in nature, or in things – beauty makes us feel good, and we all want that feeling in our lives.
To men, women have always been a work of art. Men are constantly searching for that one absolutely beautiful woman, that roams the earth. Why? It was built into our DNA from birth. It was God’s plan. Looking for that perfect woman. Not only on the outside, but also on the inside. I believe my city has some of the best-looking women on the planet.
There are other forms of beauty. I went to Italy and the art in the Vatican and the hillsides of that country, is what art is all about. Again, beauty is in our DNA.
That was the original plan for men and women…...to search for the beauty that surrounds us.
So we can have sex with it.
Searching for a healthy partner is an evolutionary trait. Searching for beauty and perfection is a human-made obsession. The definition of beauty can actually change over the centuries. It’s possible to brainwash people by exposing them to too many fashion magazines and advertizing. Perfection is an illusion except in math. Perfectionism is also a risk factor for depression. It’s possible to learn to become less perfectionistic.
”Searching for a healthy partner is an evolutionary trait. Searching for beauty and perfection is a human-made obsession.”
I agree with @mattbrowne‘s points, this is an important distinction to make. Animals don’t know whether the male or female next to it is beautiful…lol .
Centuries ago larger women were desirable because it was a sign they were wealthy and looked-after. Society creates an ideal of physical beauty.
In terms of nature; seeing its beauty is really just another way of saying you appreciate and understand the importance or just plain greatness of something. We search for it because we enjoy it.
We are always searching for beauty because it is our search for ultimate meaning.
LOL @Blackberry! Before or after “it” washes your jeans!
@ragingloli said it best. Symmetry and proportion = beauty. The right side and left sides of your body aren’t exactly the same, but the closer they are the more we perceive someone as “beautiful”. That standard is the same in every single culture. The proportion of your hips to your waist is important too. The more symmetrical and proportionally perfect a woman is, the better her body can handle child birth.
Same goes for men. The more symmetrical and proportionate he is, the more of an athlete / warrior / provider he will be.
And yeah. It all comes down to having sex and making babies successfully. After the laundry is done, of course. :)
My favorite question ever.
Humans are very visual. Our eyes allow us to see better than other creatures. I’m always looking for things that are pleasing to eye. I try not to obsess over women. That’s probably not healthy.
I think living in beautiful surroundings and around nice things makes us feel successful and attractive to others.
Beauty doesn’t have to be perfection in any strict sense. I like the Japanese concept of beauty called Wabi-Sabi. It seeks beauty in organic, assymetries and imperfections such as the irregular bark of a tree, worn imperfections, verdigris and other such elements. If you apply it to people you will see the beauty of an aged face, the odd facial feature that makes a person’s face not classically beautiful but uniquely beautiful, and many other such things. Yes, our culture is a little too fixated on impossible beauty standards. It’s one of the reasons why people get so muc plastic surgery to “improve” themselves. But I don’t think the quest for beauty is ignoble at all. I thnk it’s natural to admire a beautiful face, figure,piece of art. Landscape, song!! In a way it’s part of being proud to be human. We exist.create, seek and beauty is one of the things we seek after. But we can broaden our ideas of what is beautiful. We can learn to appreciate that there is beauty in imperfection as well. I remember learning
(lol, continued because my phone cut me off in the editing process)
as I was saying, I remember learning In Philosophy of Aesthietics class that according to one theory, true art has these 3 characteristics: clarity, Integrity (wholeness) and brilliance. I think we all innately recognize these things when we see them. Because of this and other things,beauty gives pleasure. It is only natural that we crave it.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder but most often beauty is defined by others such as those we call experts and professionals and we usually fall for it like fried ice cream whether we recognize the beauty in it or not. Taking the word of some stranger is the worst part of beauty.. Always recognize beauty from your own perspective.
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