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iCeskate's avatar

Have you ever stalked someone?

Asked by iCeskate (451points) May 24th, 2008 from iPhone
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15 Answers

xxporkxsodaxx's avatar

I sure hope not

marinelife's avatar

I wish the answer to this was no for me. I like to think I have more self esteem now.

When my first husband started cheating on me and wouldn’t admit it, it made me kind of nuts. I just wanted real incontrovertible proof. So, I started snooping through his desk and car. I called him at his office to check up on him when he said he was working late. It was all I thought about. I knew it was unhealthy, but I could not seem to stop. One night, I took the train in the dark all the way out to his office in the suburbs and walked more than half a mile from the train station to try to catch him with her. He wasn’t at his office (where he said he would be spending the night on a couch).

I got a phone book and started calling around to motels nearby. By this time, it was like 1 A.M., but I told the desk clerk it was a family emergency, and he needed to put the call through to the room. When he answered the phone, I told him where I was and that I knew where he was not. I could hear the bimbo talking in the background. He was so busted.

Having the proof seemed to snap me out of it. I left and divorced his loser ass and never looked back. He married the bimbo, and they were divorced five months later!

monsoon's avatar

I have a sort of mentor in my life who I admire a lot, and, while I’ve never stalked her, sometimes I find myself thinking things like, I would love be able to just see where she lives, or where she works. To know that she goes to that place every day, and sees those people every day, and that they think of her as a mother and wife and friend, because to me she’s just a teacher. I’m just a kid she’ll have known once from a teaching job.

I guess to give myself more credit, I know she’s closer to me than any of her other students, but I digress.

My point is, I’ll find myself thinking one of these things and go, “Oh my god, I bet this is how stalking starts!” Even though I would never actually do any of it. I sort of find it funny where the human mind can wander when you’re not looking. :)

AstroChuck's avatar

In the summer, the ice cream man.

Awww's avatar

Yes Jamie, my darling.

Breefield's avatar

I tend to think I’m not a stalker, I just have tendencies that are attributed to stalkers. My best friend would swear I’m a stalker (in good fun of course).
An example would be something that happened recently.
I went to the movies with Jak, and he saw this girlie he thought was gorgeous. A few days later I noticed she went to my school (not his) and then after that things got creepier. I found out where she sat in the lunch room (by accident), and then I even ended up walking behind her in the hall and when she stopped at her locker I found out where that was too (accident again). All in all, I finally did talk to her and try and set them up, but she’s already dating someone…owell, it makes a good story…

sarbee's avatar

I always stalk the hot emplyees at stores

marinelife's avatar

@sarbee Where do you shop so I can avoid.

trogdor_87's avatar

My girlfriend and her friends stalk others via myspace and facebook.

TheTherapist's avatar

no way! if I ever felt the need to stalk my husband because I thought he was cheating, I would just leave.

I don’t have time for that craziness.

wildflower's avatar

Not since I was 6 and I’m not entirely sure two silly girls caught in the rain trying to find out where that cute (yet mean) boy from class lives, counts as stalking. It was rather embarrassing to explain to our parents.

Trance24's avatar

Not unless you count the times as a young girl following, and “accidentally” running into the cute boy you saw in recess. I’m pretty sure most girls went through that stage. And i am pretty sure all you cute little boys noticed the same little girls showing up all the time. But of course we didn’t actually like you, you had cooties!!! =]

LunaFemme's avatar

I have never stalked but I have been stalked. It was about 20 yrs ago & it was one of the creepiest most disturbing experiences in my life. The police had to get involved as well as the phone company, & postal commission. I had to move from where I lived. It was very scary & this was all before anti-stalking laws. What made it even scarier was that I lived alone.

@Marina—I don’t consider what u did stalking. You were simply confirming what you knew in your gut to be true. Confirming that you’re not crazy is not the same as thinking you’re in love with someone you don’t know & then sending them death threats because they aren’t returning your affection.

noraasnave's avatar

I cyber stalked my separated spouse.

We have sprint phones on the same ‘family’ plan. I found out that I can track her using built in technology in the phones. I tracked her traveling to her parents house and back to our house, and then she made an unscheduled trip to Ohio and may still be there for all I know!!

After talking to her brother who was close until she started cheating on me, I found out that they have no family in Ohio. I think her brother told her that I was able to track her by her cell phone, because she turned it off the next day.

It was a win/win situation because now she can’t run it up to almost $200. I changed all the passwords and pay only $59/month. YAY!

We are separated and it was probably morally wrong as some point, especially because I texted her saying “Wow you are in North Carolina again?” or “Why are you in Ohio”, just to mess with her. I am in Iraq, while she has been cheating on me, so all I could really do was cyber stalk.

In retrospect it was relatively harmless.

franklyfrances73's avatar

there was this older man who just was creepy and i would follow him around just to see what he was going to do

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