Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Why don't they ask questions on Facebook?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47210points) March 11th, 2012

All I ever see are statements.
“I got up today.”
“I cut my hair today.”
How come no one ever asks questions like, “What do you think of the battle over contraception that’s in the news right now?”

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17 Answers

FutureMemory's avatar

Isn’t that what Q+A sites are for?

Dutchess_III's avatar

What? I thought Face book was just a place to go hang out with people you know. When I hang out with my friends IRL, I ask questions some times.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Asking questions would require thought on the part of the asker, and possibly thought on the part of the person who is replying. Sadly, most folks on Facebook are incapable of that effort.

JLeslie's avatar

I was asking a bunch of questions on facebook, and that is why auggie recommended I check out fluther. I still ask questions, but not as often. My sister and a friend actually both told me not to be serious on facebook, it is just a pace to be funny and make connections. Everyone has their own opinion of what facebook is supposed to be.

MrItty's avatar

Because people you correspond with on Facebook are your friends. You already know how your friends feel about most issues – that’s why they’re your friends. You ask questions on Fluther and other Q&A sites to hear what other people have to say.

HungryGuy's avatar

Actually, a lot of former Answerbaggers landed on Facebook and have created a “little Answerbag” there, asking questions and following with answers. FB isn’t really set up to encourage a Q&A format (getting notified of specific questions that may appeal to you, getting a list of just new questions, etc), but it works well enough for a small group.

john65pennington's avatar

Someone please correct me if I am wrong, but some people do not know how to ask a question on Facebook. And, besides I do not beleive Facebook has moderators and would end just like Answerbag.

Let them make statements on Facebook and us smart guys will stay on Fluther and learn something from each other!!!!

downtide's avatar

Most of my posts on Facebook are questions of type “What time are we meeting up at such-and-such a place?” and “Should I bring beer?” I seem to use it exclusively for organising face-to-face meetings.

KateTheGreat's avatar

I’m pretty sure a lot of people I have on Facebook aren’t capable of holding intelligent conversation or will just troll for fun. That’s what Q&A sites are for.

SavoirFaire's avatar

I’ve seen people ask questions. For some reason, they often end up leading to flame wars way quicker than questions asked on Fluther. Facebook seems to be a touchy place for some reason. There’s also the Facebook Questions application, though I don’t know how many people use it. They took so long rolling it out for general use that I think most people gave up on it.

digitalimpression's avatar

Because Facebook = Narcissist-book. Asking questions of others means you want someone to respond with something of their own.

mangeons's avatar

Partially because you don’t have as wide of an audience on Facebook, and it is far less likely that someone will know the answer to your question/be interested in holding a debate. For trivial questions, like an opinion on a haircut or piercing, etc. people often will ask on Facebook.

filmfann's avatar

Often, those serious issue questions require a mod to make sure things don’t get rough.
A photo was recently posted on Facebook by someone I used to know, which called into question the patriotism of the Occupy movement, and compared them with the selfless Marines who die for our flag. I replied with a comment that upset the original poster, and drew a lot of knee jerk shit for it. It didn’t end well.
God bless the mods.

dappled_leaves's avatar

Facebook has changed the style of its profiles a lot over the years, but originally the place where you type in text in Facebook was only meant to be descriptive of your “status” – where you are, what your mood is, etc. Does anyone remember how it used to have a leading “is”, such as “Dappled Leaves is…” such that we were limited mainly to passive statements? They’ve done away with the “is”, but most people still treat that empty text box as a place to type status updates. I do see people type questions there sometimes, though.

There are also “questions” apps that let you take polls among your friends, or ask questions of specific friends.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

There is ia QnA section in Facebook. Also, you just see what your own friends say. Maybe you just don’t have inquisitive friends.

Aethelflaed's avatar

Because I can ask my Facebook friends those questions in person.

ucme's avatar

Because folk are far too busy chronicling intense going’s on like, “little Johnny farted the theme to Sesame Street this morning, omgroflmao….awww bless!”

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