General Question

rojo's avatar

How important was the Republican primary over the weekend?

Asked by rojo (24187points) March 12th, 2012

I Just wanted to find out how it played in the rest of the world. Our city newspaper had the story on page five. It did not even rate a byline on the front page.
The main headlines were how the free vet tuition is becoming a huge burden on Texas schools and how a student was trying to make it impossible for the college stadium to be renamed as a commercial venue (as the the Snickers Stadium or anything similar).
So, how important was it in your town?

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6 Answers

wundayatta's avatar

Do you mean the Kansas caucuses? It was covered in my town on the radio. But then, NPR is pretty much always into the presidential campaign.

rojo's avatar

@wundayatta Yep, sorry that is what I meant, and wyoming too. Did the local paper have any kind of write up?

wundayatta's avatar

Sorry, I don’t remember about the paper. It probably did, but I don’t recall. I get my news from a variety of places, so it’s hard to remember.

filmfann's avatar

I watch the returns come in, and read the papers on the results, but everyone knows Obama will be reelected! Well, almost everyone.

Ron_C's avatar

I saw the results and it shows how poor the education system is in Alabama and Mississippi. Voting because of a person’s religion is not only ignorant, it is down right stupid. Further, shame on Jeff Foxworthy for supporting a party that will likely enslave most of his audience.

wundayatta's avatar

@filmfann If the economy keeps on getting better, you might be right, but I would not be very sanguine about that prediction if I were you. It’s a long time to the election and I hope Obama doesn’t decide to start a war with Iran in order to stay in office.

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