Social Question

LezboPirate's avatar

What is the one thing you hate most, in the whole entire world?

Asked by LezboPirate (1289points) March 14th, 2012

You may only pick one thing. And I’d prefer if it were everyday sort of things. Not “I hate it when my family gets murdered and then left in the wilderness to be eaten by wolves.”

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87 Answers

SuperMouse's avatar


@LezboPirate it does really suck when one’s family is murdered and left in the wilderness to be eaten by wolves.

JustPlainBarb's avatar

People smoking and even worse .. smoking around their kids!

marinelife's avatar

Paternalistic, chauvinistic men.

Blackberry's avatar

Not having sex.

Bellatrix's avatar

Small minded, power hungry people who insist on following the ‘rules’ regardless of individual circumstances and when it would make no difference to their organisation or to them to bend the rules but would help the recipient immensely if they did.

Hope that makes sense. I hate people who do that.

Trillian's avatar


rebbel's avatar

I dislike hate.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@rebbel Exactly what occurred to me. Hate is the worst thing in the world.

Judi's avatar

Mean spiritedness

HungryGuy's avatar

[NSFW] The thing I hate the most are women who won’t let me [redacted] [redacted] to the bed, and put a [redacted] in their mouth, and put a [redacted] around their neck so they can’t turn their head aside, and let me [redacted] until they puke all over my [redacted].

saint's avatar

Political Correctness

stardust's avatar

Bad smells

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Panda Express
It’s just down right insulting on a cultural level. There’s great authentic Chinese food everywhere in the city that doesn’t dumb down your taste buds. I mean, “broccoli beef”? What the fuck does that mean? Do you mean Broccoli with Beef? Fuck you and your “no-msg” shit, Panda Express.
I don’t give a shit where you eat, but don’t tell me it’s authentic or good. Anything that waters down/commercializes/dumbs down a culture is not “good”.

MilkyWay's avatar

I passionately dislike narrow minded people. People who think only their way is right and aren’t open to anyone else’s opinions.

tom_g's avatar


or shopping malls. I can’t decide.

linguaphile's avatar

@Bellatrix I agree with you.

What really, really bugs me on a visceral level is people who will intentionally hurt others for their own benefit or just to get pleasure from hurting others and feel completely justified.

This can include things like:
blaming innocent people
taking credit for work they didn’t do
lying about others to destroy opportunities for them
sexual predators
preventing someone from getting ahead ‘just because’
the mob mentality
playing dumb to avoid being responsible for their actions and leaving others to take the fall
being excessively punitive because they’ve decided the other person deserves it
etc and etc and etc….

I would say every single “worst moment in my life” has come from someone who did this.

flutherother's avatar

Interfering in the lives of others.

john65pennington's avatar

Children that are hated by their parents. Some are just in their personal world and cramping their lifestyle. I have seen this so many times. I just gather the child and take it to DCS. I would have taken them all home with me, if I could have afforded them.

I see red, when a child is ignored

chyna's avatar

Animal cruelty.

whitecarnations's avatar

Non communication, from anyone. And then right after, indirect communication. Especially with family members.

saint's avatar

@john65pennington Come to think of it, I should add your answer to mine. I hate that too.

gondwanalon's avatar

Well I don’t generally get ill and or angry, but Islamic terrorists can put me there very fast. Oh and also…you know those little wiper blades that some Volvo cars have on their headlights? That is just wrong!

Berserker's avatar

“I hate it when my family gets murdered and then left in the wilderness to be eaten by wolves.”

That was fuckin awesome lmao.

What do I hate the most…the system. I guess I shouldn’t complain, because I live in a place where I’m free and can say whatever I want. But I really hate it that the only worth I seem to have as a human being is to pay for things.

also I hate it when wolves kill my family

DominicX's avatar


Nothing makes me more angry than someone attacking someone for something they do themselves but are blind to it. Or someone who gives people no respect and screams when they aren’t respected in return. Considering that the Golden Rule is the key to morality and hypocrisy is, in many ways, the opposite of the Golden Rule, I can see why.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

@Symbeline Oh, I missed that one. Yeah I hate when that happens too and I have to get a new family from the store.

Only138's avatar

@Symbeline….yeah, and what about throwing stars? I feel ya! :)

LezboPirate's avatar

I hate it when strangers make eye contact with me, for longer than a fraction of a second.

Only138's avatar

I hate empty beer bottles. :)

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@LezboPirate Haha, me too! It feels creepy, doesn’t it?

whitecarnations's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate @LezboPirate Get your heads out your arse, people are social and very visual, what else what you expect. As if…

LezboPirate's avatar

It does. It feels invasive, like they’re trying to read my mind or see into my soul or something. And I’m like “I don’t know you like that..”

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Why does the eye contact bother you? I love eyes.

Bellatrix's avatar

@LezboPirate I can understand why that happens though. You know when you are sort of staring through someone and then they look at you and you go “shit, they will think I was staring at them” so you look away? I’ve done that. It feels just as uncomfortable for the person looking on. Or perhaps they were staring at you and you caught them and now they are embarrassed and trying to cover it. Eye contact can mean more than just ‘eye contact’ and perhaps they want to avoid sending the wrong signal.

LezboPirate's avatar

There is absolutely no reason for anyone I don’t know to be looking into my eyes for as long as they possibly can, as they pass by.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I do it with a small smile. I usually get smiles back. I don’t stare, I try to glance more than stare. That’s a little creepy.

LezboPirate's avatar

Yes, exactly. You wanna look me directly in the eye? Fine. Make it quick.

Berserker's avatar

@Michael_Huntington Lmao. So how much is a new dad? Five hundred bucks, man. XD

@Only138 Yeah. Damn Canada and their anti Japanese weaponry laws. The hell man.

KaiHallarn111's avatar

Bigotry of any sort.

Only138's avatar

I also hate being Modded. Just sayin’. LOL

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I hate it when clowns murder my cats and stick their ugly red clown noses on my little kitty noses as a vicious taunt. Just sayin’.

CaptainHarley's avatar

Abuse of authority.

Only138's avatar

I also hate cucumbers and green peppers.

Berserker's avatar

I hate skin on pudding. I also stole that from Calvin and Hobbes.

But I really do hate skin on pudding, it’s goddamn nasty.

’‘unmodes @Only138’’ :D

Bellatrix's avatar

Shrugs at @WillWorkForChocolate. Deal with it! :D

Mods @WillWorkForChocolate too.

Only138's avatar

I like puddin’ skin.

Berserker's avatar

No way, it tastes like corpse ass! XD

Only138's avatar

I like a good corpse ass. LOL

chyna's avatar

@Symbeline Just curious, how do you know what corpse ass tastes like?

LezboPirate's avatar

Oh, that’s like when I said “This sushi tastes like a dead person’s tongue.” Everyone was like “How do you know?” I know because I know what a tongue tastes like, and it was cold, so it must be a dead one.

Berserker's avatar

@Only138 lmfao XD

@chyna Cuz I’ve had pudding skin! yeah I really set myself up for that one…

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Sometimes I hate how every Fluther thread turns into food, before there are enough serious answers.

Pass the skinny corpse pudding please.

Berserker's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate You have the word chocolate in your username. XD

Damn dead guy ass skin lovers! What yall tryna do? Corrupt my pure ass??

tinyfaery's avatar

Abuse and people who litter.

JLeslie's avatar

Mayo on a sandwich.

JLeslie's avatar

What is FTW?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

fucking turtle wedgies

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate I hate turtle wedgie abusers. What did they do to deserve that?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

They snapped at me, so I gave them wedgies.

Berserker's avatar

What the hell’s a turtle wedgie?

chyna's avatar

@Symbeline You know. When a turtle has his little undies crammed up in his little shell.

Berserker's avatar

I wonder if the Ninja Turtles got wedgies, from doing flips and shit and whatnot.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

No, no, I actually jacked his shell right up into his little turtle hiney. It wasn’t easy.

Charles's avatar

The boston celtics.

janbb's avatar

emotional pain

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@janbb Sorry little penguin. That always touches me.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I hate that the Boston Celtics is pronounced “Seltiks” instead of “Keltiks” as it should be. Damn bastardized English.

cookieman's avatar

abuse of children in any form (verbal, physical, sexual, emotional)

AshLeigh's avatar

Charlie The Unicorn….

tranquilsea's avatar

@AshLeigh I find him pretty darn funny

I hate anyone who abuses another person/child/animal. There’s just no excuse.

AshLeigh's avatar

@tranquilsea I find him pretty darn annoying. XD

jonsblond's avatar

Needing to pee in the middle of the night when I’m all comfy in bed.


ucme's avatar

That white stuff that gathers at the edge of your mouth when you’re really thirsty.
Pussy farts…....very distracting when you’re trying to “eat out”
Cows…....never trust anything that has a square arse.

linguaphile's avatar

Friends that drop out of contact suddenly… I realize life happens, but the sudden invisibility is disconcerting!

Shippy's avatar

anyone in the medical profession dentists first though

mattbrowne's avatar


linguaphile's avatar

Broken records, especially mine.

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