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When people reject the poles for the center, are they rejecting policies or just the perception of the extreme?
Polls are showing that the Democrats and Republicans are losing support and people are flocking to the middle. Despite that, we are electing a more and more polarized set of elected officials.
When people express a preference for the middle, what do you think they are saying? Please speak from your own perspective if you are a middle-lover.
I suspect that people prefer the middle because it is the middle. It is not extreme. It is a place where there are more people. My guess is that people don’t know the policies advocated by the poles and if they did, they would be more likely to support Democratic policies.
Today, I read in my local paper that my Republican governor is losing support. Why? Well, the paper said it’s because he doesn’t support higher education.
Um. Duh! What do you expect? He’s a Republican. Of course he doesn’t want to spend money for higher education—or anything else except maybe police or tax subsidies for business. If you don’t know that, you haven’t been paying attention.
Which is what I accuse middle-lovers of: not paying attention. If you paid attention, you’d know very clearly where you stand.
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