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Jude's avatar

Anyone have anger as being a side-effect of Wellbutrin?

Asked by Jude (32210points) March 16th, 2012

Was it when you first went on it?

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8 Answers

Jude's avatar

I’m this >-< close from committing murder.

SuperMouse's avatar

Yes! I know someone who was a complete a$$hole the entire time he was on Wellbutrin. He had no patience, was hot headed, yelled constantly, and was an all around jerk. He went off within a week and as soon as his blood levels went down was back to being himself. He has since tried two different SSRI’s; they both had the exact same impact but one wasn’t too bad for those around him because it made him so tired he could hardly get out of bed. But when he managed he was a complete jerk.

gailcalled's avatar

I took if for several weeks and had no results or side effects. It was similar to swallowing a cherry pit each day.

redhen4's avatar

I take 150 mg of Welbutrin along with Lamictal.

I had gone up to 200 mg Welbutrin and could not function. I did have anger problems, but it must be the Lamictal because since I’ve gone from 300mg down to 200mg of Lamictal, my mind is clearer and the anger isn’t nearly so bad.

But I have taken medicines, such as Paxil CR, that made me feel crazy and out of control. And yes, I felt like either murdering someone or killing myself. So I had to switch medication.

You could speak to your doctor about changing the dose or changing the medication. How long have you been on it and what dose?


Jude's avatar

@SuperMouse It’s just been two days of bitchiness. I went off of it, then just went back on it. First time that I tried it, I was upset for a week then it subsided.

wundayatta's avatar

Not that I noticed. It does have an amphetamine like affect and can keep you up at night, so perhaps anger might be related to that.

srmorgan's avatar

I got a little short-tempered in the mornings when I first went on it. I don’t notice anything now but then I have been on it for several years.
One thing that occurred when I went on it that I recall is that I began to have very vivid dreams just before waking in the morning. (At least I think it was just before waking, with sleep, who knows?) I also found that I could remember the gist of the dreams for a while during the morning but that is no longer the case.

It is not supposed to get you angry. Perhaps it is only in the first few days that you will feel it.

The other thing to consider is whether what you are taking is the branded version or the generic. There was a report a while back in the New York Times that some patients were complaining about generics and laboratory testing showed that some of the generics were chemically identical but showed different titration levels and different speeds of release.

Are you on the once-a-day extended release or are you taking it several times per day? Changing that sequence could make you react differently.

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