@Blackberry No, I do not think you are wrong about the outcome should our electorate decide to stay the course of the “conservative” revolution launched by Ronald Reagan and all the billionaire funded right-wing think tanks back in 1980. But history is littered with the corpses of great nations that decided to ignore reality and follow this political philosophy or the other straight over a cliff. I hope we won’t join them—but only time will tell.
@dappled_leaves Thank you, and agreed on both points.
@Jaxk I agree that drafting a dark horse is unlikely. I can’t fathom how, after such a contentious primary, the party could ignore all who voted and draft a dark horse who would have to build a campaign overnight against an incumbent.
As to fiscal conservatism, IMHO you aren’t there yet. Your heart may be in the right place. I am sure you are appalled at the deficits the GOP has run up. But so long as you inssist that tax cuts bring in more revenue, and failing to invest in the future produces savings, I say flunk Econ 101. One more time around the wall.
@marinelife Thanks. The word play is what drove me to post the question. And I agree with your conclusion, as well.
@creative1 There are a lot of people who agree. I think they have been taken for a ride by the special interests who drove us over a cliff back in late 2007 for their own financial benefit. But I will be the first to agree that lots of Americans are easily duped, and might volunteer to be fleeced again.
@filmfann Boehner? Seriously? :-) I think there is a high likelihood nobody secures 1144 delegates. What happens after that? I truly do not know, but my best guess is we get a Santorum/Gingrich ticket.
@JLeslie That’s why Jeb Bush sat this one out. He may be Machiavellian, but he’s nobody’s fool. Romney will have the “motivating the base” challenge even if he does secure the nomination. Someone the base totally trusts can give a wink and a nod, and seem to move to the center. But Romney, they do not trust. Should he win 1144 delegates (and I don’t think he will) he cannot pivot to the center without losing his base and getting creamed due to low GOP turnout in November.