What does the guy who only wants the nice people to answer really want?
So, the same question has been posted 6 times in the past hour or so, and we all know this is a troll who has been banned repeatedly (once today!). He doesn’t want an answer to the question… what does he actually want? I am guessing it’s a schtick he repeats in other places, much like the spam mail from gloriababy, which we’ve all seen in other platforms, too. Can this approach lead to money or a folder of email addresses on other sites than this one? Or is it just for attention?
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91 Answers
Only nice people to answer.~
This is by far one of the creepiest trolls we have ever had to deal with here and according to @HungryGuy, we aren’t the only ones apparently. I don’t suspect any motivation other than mental illness, really.
He just wants everyone to agree with him and kiss his ass.
So, it’s a single, real person? It just seems so like a bot to me.
@dappled_leaves, we’ve dealt with him off and on for longer than I’ve been a mod, which is pretty damn long. He follows a similar pattern each time and his ip addresses are always in the same general area. I believe that it is a real person with mental problems.
He just wants to take up people’s time and energy.
Damn it! I never get to see the real troll! I only get the questions that come after, and since I have no idea what anyone is talking about, all I can do is express annoyance that you all memorialize this guy without linking to the questions.
@dappled_leaves, we’ve dealt with him off and on for longer than I’ve been a mod, which is pretty damn long. He follows a similar pattern each time and his ip addresses are always in the same general area. I believe that it is a real person with mental problems because of the apparent lack of any coherent motivation, the child-like writing style, and the overall absurdity of it.
:D Ahhh…. you met “Repeating Randy”
He is sort of a pet. You really do not see much of his handiwork because of the awesome responses of the Mod team but every once in a while he catches a break with a new IP when the mods are not on.
We also have trolls that are into parachute pants, Boy George and pink underwear.
Hmm… have not noticed those yet. :)
@Dog I’d rather see a troll into pink underwear and parachute pants, than out of them.
I figure trolls like this one want the same thing Peeping Tom’s want…Some sort of rise out of the people. Some people get a thrill out of receiving a reaction.
What if this person was a non-English speaking user that just wasn’t familiar with the site? What if a perfectly innocent person was just run off the site by users who instantly called troll. I thought we were supposed to flag those we were suspicious of.
these are all what ifs. obviously the mods are familiar with this particular person
the same question 6 times from RandyKnowNoPoo was definitely trollish. I think this must be a green poo guy we’ve seen before
GQ, I often wonder myself. What is he getting out of it? xD
For anyone not familiar with the green poo user. :D
Do you think that this person wants a kind hearted person to answer his questions about whether it’s OK for his boss or fellow church member to be speaking harshly to another young woman who is not his wife? Especially if he sits near her, but does not look at her, but is sitting at a certain angle so that he can see her, but doesn’t speak to her while his wife is sitting in another room? Or do you think that maybe this person only wants to know if it’s OK to have sex with a foreign man who is not divorced, while his wife is pregnant with his baby? Or do you think this poor person just can’t figure out what her steamy potential sex partner/husband means when he says, “Honey, I think you’re a troll.”? Either way, we should all continue to be nice and kind-hearted : )
He probably worships Baphomet.
So, is no one going to tell me what I missed?
I have to meet this guy. He sounds like a party.
I don’t know why he likes to post the things he does. I feel a bit sorry for him though. Bit sad that he feels the need to do this.
@KateTheGreat You have to wear a fancy evening gown and a plastic goat mask when you party with this guy.
@Bellatrix but really, what’s worse? I think trolling on Fluther for 30 minutes isn’t nearly as bad as wasting 30 minutes watching Jersey Shore. ;)
and someone needs to update @gailcalled, please.
I agree @jonsblond. I don’t feel offended or cranky by him. I just think it’s a bit sad. It feels like compulsive behaviour. Who knows what’s behind it? I do think he has some sort of mental health issue.
@Bellatrix oh, I get what you are saying. I was just joking in my response. But showing concern and stating you feel sorry for him is exactly what he wants. If he’s a troll he’s probably lurking on this Q and laughing his ass off because we are showering him with attention instead of doing things that are important to us irl.
He doesn’t get attention unless someone posts a question like this though @jonsblond. His questions are removed faster than you can say leprechaun mostly. The mods are pretty quick at spotting him plus many members flag his posts pretty much instantly. So, if it is attention he wants, I don’t think he normally gets much from the community. As @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard, he is dealt with pretty swiftly usually.
Anyway, whatever his reasons… I still think it’s a bit sad.
He got plenty of attention tonight because the 3 questions he asked were up for at least an hour, and everyone but a select few who actually answered the questions he asked called him a troll and gave him the drama he wanted.
It is sad, but so are many other mindless entertainment pursuits.
@gailcalled You know that user that will come around every so often, with “Randy” in the user name, and will ask where he can get CDs or something from a certain year, and then ask that only “nice people” respond? And he will post the same or nearly the same question 3 times, one right after one another? And then we ban him, but then he pops up again a few months later… He popped up again today.
Randy has spammed every internet site that I have ever been on… from Yahoo Answers, Answerbag, Fluther and YouTube… I’m surprised that he or she hasn’t been caught yet. All the world needs is for him to slip up and give some personal info by mistake. Maybe some great computer expert can step up and become the sheriff in this wild wild internet and help the situation. I don’t know what Randy wants since he hasn’t made any demands other than to have his questions answered in a priority fashion.
@jonsblond I’m not sure if I should be letting this out or not (sorry Auggie), but if all you guys saw was 3 or 6 questions, you missed a lot thanks to the fast actions of the mod team. In the course of an hour or so, he made 6 accounts and asked 18 questions. It could’ve been a lot worse in regards to the amount if attention he got and disruption he caused.
@Seaofclouds No problem with that info. I’m just sorry I wasn’t around while it was happening to ban his IP address!
@Aethelflaed Yeah, he was up to 9 times when I asked this question. :O
I don’t want to name names, but he was also on Fluther at the same time participating in some other people’s questions as a semi-legitimate participant trying to start a few flame wars. He’s probably getting tired of asking nice people to answer his questions, and going on the offensive to get attention.
I’ve always figured that it had to do with some sort of mental illness. But that’s because I can’t for the life of me figure out what reward he might get from such a nonsensical behavior. All of the repeating trolls seem disturbed to me (“I fell on a insert item and it went up my anus” guy, “Can I as a girl get arrested for dressing like Boy George” girl, and “When will parachute pants come back in to style” person) all seem sad and disturbed.
@all: Thanks for the info. I’m delighted, however, that I was somewhere else during the actual drama.
Well, thanks to some generous jellies, I have become now become acquainted with some most excellent historical Fluthertrolls, and am now fluent in all three kinds of poo (randy, green, and sheet). Bring it on.
Oooh, “Repeating Randy” I had a go with him a year or so ago, very strange person, I told him the odds of seeing me naked were about the same as being struck by lightening while simultaneously being devoured by a Mountain Lion. haha
And the beat goes on…..
Now I feel like a fluther slacker. How is it that I have never seen any of these trolls? I thought I was on fluther all the time, but I guess some of you must be on 24/7 since you have such familiarity with all these trolls.
I miss all the good parties! :-(
@wundayatta – You didn’t miss much… I got into a couple of brief flame wars with him here on Fluther last night :-p
I think the mods have since cleaned up all the craters and burnt out tanks and demolished bunkers.
@HungryGuy I actually think I personally hold the record for banning Randy the most times. I did it three times last night, if I remember correctly. Usually It’s when Auggie isn’t online, so we have to call her in for a carpet bombing run. Laureth has had her share of banning him as well. Also, I’m really curious as to how you and others have gotten in a flame war with him… I’ve only seen him post questions and never comments.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard – Yeah, he was posting comments in other peoples’ questions at the same time he was asking all his “nice people” questions, and being really obnoxious to anyone who interacted with him. It was obviously him.
He’s back…apparently a glut to for punishment. I’m going outside and admire the new spring growth.
Heh..I’ll “load” the aquazooka guns with goose poo, now we’re talkin’ green poo at it’s finest! lol
Yeah – tiresome. Flagged him.
I’ve not heard of this fella, not seen one of his posts. Seems i’m not missing a thing.
Although there are a few users who basically want the same as he, i.e…..only what they want to hear.
speak of the devil he’s back. Three questions posted an hour ago. Any mods online?
And….again 2 minutes ago, three more questions. He is persistent.
How do these spammers sign up so many times so quickly? Don’t you have to have a working email address to sign up, and respond to a verification email?
I can’t believe he hit again so quickly, and while I wasn’t online again! I swear, he isn’t me.
Hmmm….so is it a case of multiple personality moderator that creates and mods her alter ego? lol ;-)
Uh oh – Auggie’s finally lost it!
Bound to happen sooner or later.
@augustlan is it possible to temporarily ban or block any new users who has the name Randy in the user name? Just to dissuade this dude.
To be followed immediately by the appearance of a new user called… schmandyknownopoo.
@Kardamom I actually have no idea if that’s do-able, but it’s a good idea. Right now, though, the guys are focused on the problems some legitimate members are having logging in. They’ve kind of got their hands full at the moment.
I’m just depressed that my silly little anti-Randy question got pulled. I wanted only the mean people to answer it, and damn if it didn’t make me giggle a little. Well, I say “POO!” on my question being “not up to Fluther standards”. :D
Oh, and… does anyone have any brilliant ideas about what to do with Auggie if she really has gone round the bend? I mean, we can’t just let a loony mod/manager run around free on the site, ya know?
Wait- we were supposed to answer it being mean? ;)
Auggie has gone banannas? :D Just send her some nice wine and Godivas. She will be good again!
@Dog Ummm, I guess you didn’t see the little note at the bottom of the details: “I only want the mean people to answer”...
Whoa!! There are suddenly “Thank” links at the end of every post on this question… I’ve heard people mention this before, but had no idea what they were talking about.
@dappled_leaves It only appears to the poster of the question you and it always happens to the asker of the question so it’s not new. You must not ask many questions.
Haha! No, I’m afraid I don’t.
Randy is probably reading this thread right now and furiously whacking off to the amount of brief internet celebrity we’ve given him.
He’s masturbating in his poo.
I just threw up in my mouth a little.
I thought that was diarrhea.
If this degenerate is tossing off because he’s impressed by “us” then his dementia is far worse than first thought.
Lol, that troll was hilarious. I only want nice people to GA me.
me, me; that last GA was from me.
Me too! Does that make me nice? Shit, I take the GA back then.
Thanks guys. Next, can you find me the most popular songs from 2004 to 2008? Lol.
So – why are there no video stores any more like Rogers?
It’s Spring and I’mRandyBaby.
I got randy in the video store.
Sorry, it’s all I got right now. Brain cloud.
Ok. So no one knows his real name or beef that she/he has with the internet?
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