Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

What in this whole wide world of ours do you find most ridiculous?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29343points) March 17th, 2012

Just one. The most ridiculous person, event, condition, situation or anything in this world. If you have to choose just one, what is that most ridiculous…..?

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59 Answers

ragingloli's avatar


ZEPHYRA's avatar

The first three jellies covered it perfectly.

cheebdragon's avatar

The war on drugs.

KoleraHeliko's avatar

The force somehow making it unnecessary to wash jeans.

Keep_on_running's avatar

How people can be so backward thinking. Why it’s so hard for some to be progressive and just accept that we need change to make the world a better place. We shouldn’t stop moving forward just because a small minority, who yell the loudest, find something uncomfortable or they don’t like it.

augustlan's avatar

Human nature.

janbb's avatar


CaptainHarley's avatar

That multitudes of children go to bed hungry each night when there is more than enough food to feed them.

CaptainHarley's avatar


“Progressive” is usually a euphemism for “taxing the hell out of the middle class to pay those who want something for nothing.” That’s a lot more than being “uncomfortable.” It SHOULD be illegal.

ragingloli's avatar

only when used by demagogues

Blackberry's avatar

It seems our society is limited by the slow process of change. We have so many solutions to some of the problems plaguing us, but we can’t just turn them on like a switch, we have to be ready for other people to be ready for them.

So it’s ridiculous that humans as a whole are dealing with problems that can be easily solved, but won’t for decades or centuries because of things like greed and stupidity.

Maybe our species isn’t as smart as we thought, or maybe there are too many stupid people slowing progress.

newtscamander's avatar

All the drama.

Trillian's avatar

Reality tv.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

The Republican Party.

john65pennington's avatar

I find it totally ridiculous that the State of Kentucky does not have a tax on food bought in a store.

I am not complaining at all, since I make the trip every two weeks and save a lot of money.

Example: last visit, bought $300 worth of food and the tax was $1.92. That was for a no-food item.

It’s ridiculous that other states are not following in Kentucky’s footsteps with no tax on food.

AmWiser's avatar

Computer viruses and hackers… just don’t make sense.

@john65pennington Michigan has had no food tax for many years, now our govenor wants to bring it back. To add to our confusion food tax will be at a different rate than state tax rates.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@john65pennington You mean that you find it ridiculous that states other than Kentucky do tax food! I agree.

I find North Americans’ determination to mess with their brain chemistry ridiculous.

john65pennington's avatar

dappled leaves. Yes, why should food (in stores) be taxed?

Tennessee’s tax is 9.25%, compared to Kentucky’s 0%.

$100 dollars of food requires approx. $10 in taxes. Other combinations exist, also.

HungryGuy's avatar


Judi's avatar

The duck billed platypus.

HungryGuy's avatar


gailcalled's avatar

MIlo here; Do I have to keep repeating myself?

syz's avatar


SpatzieLover's avatar

Starvation and lack of potable water in this day and age.

Seriously, I couldn’t understand this when I was 7yrs old & I still can’t fathom it now. 14,000 people die per day due to the water crisis…yet no billionaire has solved this yet??? WTF!

HungryGuy's avatar

@SpatzieLover – Why would a billionaire want to solve this? Spending money on water means less to spend on his collection of Lamborghinis, and mansions and yachts on both coasts. And a better quality of life for most people means his companies have to pay more in labor costs. C’mon! Basic economics :-/

tinyfaery's avatar

Mormonism Religion

reijinni's avatar

Religious conservatives.

cheebdragon's avatar

@tinyfaery Mormons are a funny bunch, their magic underwear always makes me laugh just a little.

People who believe that anyone who doesn’t share their political views, must be an idiot. I wish people would get it through their fucking heads that every city in every state has different needs and different problems. So stop shoving your god damn political views on everyone else. If being a democrat or even a republican works for you, that’s fabulous, but you can fuck off if you think you should get to decide what’s best for everyone else.

mazingerz88's avatar

Armpit hair.

ucme's avatar

Star Trek….tee-hee.

filmfann's avatar

Cigarette smoking. And Chat roulette.

lloydbird's avatar


Bellatrix's avatar

People attacking Aussie animals. What’s wrong with kangaroos and platypuses?

janbb's avatar

@Bellatrix It’s not them but those damn koalas!

Judi's avatar

@Bellatrix, just ridiculous freaks of nature that prove God has a sense of humor.

Bellatrix's avatar

They are beautiful little things with a sting at the end… (not that I am seriously offended).

PhiNotPi's avatar

Supreme acts of ignorance towards others.

cheebdragon's avatar

@CaptainHarley fluther brings out the rant in everyone.

Berserker's avatar

Dwarves with a fighter class that can’t use hammers. srsly man, wtf

CaptainHarley's avatar


What? Why I would NEVER do that! ; )

PurpleClouds's avatar

Facebook and how people consider it a real part of life.

Trillian's avatar

@ZEPHYRA is it sex itself, the stupid faces one makes during, or the ridiculous lengths people go through to attain it?

mattbrowne's avatar

Phobias of religion. I find it ridiculous that atheist fundamentalists truly believe that most religious or spiritual people are either intellectually retarded or psychologically handicapped and hence in need of the crutch of a big father figure in the sky.

CaptainHarley's avatar

Well, technically, we’re ALL walking wounded.

Blackberry's avatar

@mattbrowne I don’t think it’s a majority at all, but a small amount of people, so I agree with you.

Also, something else I find ridiculous is women dating douchebags when I’m clearly the best option for them….Lol.

kritiper's avatar

Religion. Hands down.

mazingerz88's avatar

@kritiper You should win a prize for digging up an old question of mine and surprising me with it. Thank you.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

An almost 10 year old question still making the rounds on Fluther.

kritiper's avatar

Old lurve is good lurve!

Nomore_lockout's avatar

@kritiper Lol well, I suppose so. And I have found some interesting questions that are some what ancient. : )

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