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mazingerz88's avatar

Where is your fantasy place to have your breakfast? And what breakfast?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) March 17th, 2012

Ooooo, what a lovely spot this is! Jeeves, my breakfast please!

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11 Answers

zensky's avatar

I love breakfast. I love the sea and sun. I would love to take a vacation and combine the two – what would make it even better would be an alcoholic beverage. Yes, for breakfast. Hey – it’s vacation, don’t judge.

Hawaii Jake is in this fantasy.

Cruiser's avatar

In bed with a fresh fruit plate, lox and all the fixins, coffee and juice.

Lightlyseared's avatar

The Great British Breakfast in the Grand Divan at Simpson’s in the Strand.

Seriously, if you’re in London ever, just do it

jca's avatar

On a deck or patio overlooking an ocean view. Breakfast could be anything, I’m a lover of anything from eggs, bacon, french toast, fruit. It must have coffee or tea, though, and maybe some OJ.

Kayak8's avatar

I am with @zensky and HawaiiJake! Also just love fresh hot black coffee on my porch!

HungryGuy's avatar

In 10-Forward on board the Starship Enterprise.
On board the International Space Station.
In one of those research platforms on Antarctica.

marinelife's avatar

On the porch of a restaurant overlooking a beach. A southern breakfast with grits and a biscuit

or recreating one of my favorite breakfasts at a place that is now gone. In Sausalito, on the deck of an old B&B from the 1920s. The Eggs Benedict and champagne.

mazingerz88's avatar

@HungryGuy Meet you there on the Enterprise. I’ll bring the steamy croissant and butter…and this morning entertainment : )

HungryGuy's avatar

See ya there! But a big theatre like that will have to take place in the holodeck.

And I hope Leeloo is there (with her multipass).

filmfann's avatar

Q: Where is your fantasy place to have your breakfast? And what breakfast?

A: Natalie Portmans bedroom.
Natalie Portman.

Sunny2's avatar

With my love on the shores of a lake in the wilderness. The menu includes fried trout just caught from that lake.

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