For over three years, my psychiatrist and I experimented with many different and combined drugs for bi-polar and depression.
In the mean time, I was going outside of her care, and studying D.B.T. (Dialectical Behavioral Training/Therapy). You can do a google on that, but in essence, it is a blend of Eastern & Western methodologies, to learn how to get a perspective outside of our thinking, long enough to find a balance between emotion and rational thought.
I also was and am using other skills and tools, other than pills, medicine, drugs.
Using the pharmaceuticals, I had gained 30+ pounds, lost 10 teeth due to mouth dryness and an uncontrollable tongue movement known as “Tardive Dyskinesia.”
There was little or no change in my diagnosis or any relief.
I quit everything one day, to the horror of my doctor who scared me with all kinds of supposed reactions I would have.
I felt no worse during the quitting period. I kept using the methods and skills I was learning.
Among which were also getting exercise, eating properly, a consistent schedule of eating and sleeping, having a support group, seeing my psychologist, etc.
I got over the legal “Drugs” just fine, lost weight.
I still struggle with a lot of things that overwhelm me at times.
My moods are up and down.
But by learning to use my mind, rather than being a victim of it, it was like putting a rudder and sail on a boat being tossed in the ocean waves and wind.
I go through the same storms, but now control the direction I am going in, so I am not blown off course, or stuck in a loop of thought forever.
I have had a lot of experience with things in life, since the 60’s and feel I did what I had to do.
I had and have something other than reliance on chemicals to change my thinking. Though I wish there was a “chill pill” and “happy pill” in theory, I guess I am glad there is not. It causes me to make chemical changes in my brain slowly by change in perspective, diet, exercise, and right choices.
If you are wanting to quit pills, you must have a plan in place that is working for you.
Then you can step out of one life boat (pills) into your other, new life. Don’t just jump from the lifeboat into the ocean unless you can tread water for a very very long time.