An aroma from your childhood home that brings back pleasant memories?
Asked by
ucme (
March 18th, 2012
Could be a smell lingering from the kitchen, or that new car whiff, or a freshly bathed puppy dawg. Whatever really, could be anything, even an old leather…..that’s enough of grandma…...
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36 Answers
Good alfalfa hay or corn silage.
Burning leaves in the autumn, no longer permitted.
Dad’s toenail clippings.
I don’t know if it’s a “good” memory, but the smell of Primatine Mist reminds me of my dad. He died when I was 10 and was sick my whole life.
The smell of queen cakes baking from the kitchen.
The sweet smell of burning leaves with a magnifying glass.
Lined dried clothes.
Autumn burning leaves.
The smell of incense. Reminds me of when I lived with my dad as a kid. He was always burning it, so everytime I smell it now, I’m reminded of Winter evenings where I sat around the living room watching cartoons or playing video games, while my dad and his buddies were playing chess. They’re cool memories. I don’t tend to burn incense that much though, but sometimes.
The odor of cinnamon toast.
The smell I remember most from around my childhood home, is freshly mowed grass and wild onions. There were wild onions all over our yard and every time my dad mowed, you could smell the grass mixed with the strong, lovely aroma of wild onions.
One of the reasons I love my backyard now is because of the wild onions.
Gardenias in front garden by the door.
Buttercups in the spring. I use to grab a bunch and take them to my mother.
Lilacs. We had a row of them growing in my childhood backyard. My mom would always pick them and put them in vases around the house.
Cigars. My grandfather smoked cigars. I miss my grandfather.
My paternal grandfather kept a barrel of local garlic pickles in his kitchen.
He also ate salami and brandy for breakfast; they smelled wonderful to me at five. I was annoyed that I had to have oatmeal, however.
We had a huge bush in the back yard my mom called Mock Orange. The blossoms looked just like the blossoms on an orange tree and they smelled equally as heavenly. There are quite a few of these bushes in Australia and everytime I come across one, it takes me back to my mom having a huge bouquet of them on the kitchen table and happy times spent playing with my dog in the back yard. wow, is that corny or what, hehehe!
Cinnamon toast toasting. Bacon cooking. Fresh brewed coffee. Freshly cut grass. The small of rain coming.Lilly of the Valley blooming. These are a few of my favorite things
Blackcurrant jam and lemon curd.
The smell of hay in my uncle’s barn.
When I was a kid I had loads of My Little Ponies and some of them used to smell quite pleasant on their rumps!!! Every so often I will smell something that reminds me of those flowery smelling horses and it will take my right back to my old bedroom at our house in Dartmouth.
No one in my every day life remembers the sweet smelling My Little Ponies. Does anyone here remember them?
@Leanne1986 I do, I do!! I remember playing with My Little Ponies that smelled yummy, and also these little Rose Petal dolls that had sweet fragrances.
The smell of plastic. (Like Barbies and cheap toys. Everything just smelled like plastic when I was young lol)
Just ate a chocolate covered espresso bean and it took me right back to my adolescence. I said, “this tastes like Eugene.”
Plastic doll cheeks. LOL I’d like to say burning leaves and fresh cut grasses but I can’t smell them anymore. );
The smell of wet cement sidewalks when the hose would hit them during a hot summer day.
When my Daddy hugged me, he always smelled like Old Spice and clean laundry. I haven’t smelled anything like that for over 60 years.
^^^^^^^^^^ that’s too bad; it sounds very nice !
One day, many, many years ago, after a particulary long and hard day at work I got home late and fell into bed without taking a shower. Some time later that night I woke up under the covers and the first thing that came to my mind was “Damn, I smell like my Dad”. It’s hard to put into words exactly how I felt but it gave me a whole new respect for my father and what he did for our family.
@Aster Oh, I have many wonderful memories and present experiences with great hugs, but that particular one, with the Old Spice, is missing.
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