Is it a sure sign of Spring when you see a horny turkey?
Our weather has been really screwy this year and it’s much warmer than normal. It’s in the 70’s all this week, in March. What’s going on? I saw a male turkey displaying for the female turkeys in his flock this morning. That is definately way too early in the year. What’s happening in your area?
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The Robins are back and act like they are on acid. Its obvious the males are chasing the females.
85 plus here today. Maybe, a new record.
Actually, to me the sure sign of spring is the blooms on the Bradford pear trees and the bright pink of the azalea bush.
Maybe he warming up the pecker (his beak)
Everything is behaving like it is June.
Today the forsythia is blooming simultaneously with the King Alfred daffodils. That is not as nature meant it. Beautiful asthestically but alarming meteorologically.
The bluebirds are building their nests in the boxes, but I have not yet seen the male turkeys display. I’ll keep my eyes peeled. They often inflate and then bounce across my lower field with the harem rushing after him. Even Milo thinks it’s a funny sight.
Every creature in my yard is horny. It’s a little too early in the season for the amount of mating I’ve been witness to.
My Magnolia bush has bloomed! This is crazy early for that bush!
Yesterday at the zoo (with the boy I tutor).. we were looking at the Flamingos, and a pair of ducks who had taken up residence in their enclosure began violently “doing it” in the water.
^^ Heh. Duck Fucking.
Yes, the crickets in my neighborhood were in full song last night. Very loud.
It was almost 70 yesterday.
Summer spiders came out yesterday. My son had been looking for them on our nightly walk. The night before, zero spiders, zero webs on the bridges we inspect on our walks. Last night more than 20 spiders with enormous webs. The webs already contain little ‘pond’ bugs.
We’re supposed to get cooler weather this weekend. Even the cooler weather is predicted to be 10–15 degrees above typical.
@Cruiser It’s crazy! Isn’t it? Our pussy willows are already spent.
@SpatzieLover I got bit by mosquitoes over the weekend! WTF! Because of the mild winter they are forecasting mosquitoes of Biblical proportions this summer. :(
@Cruiser: Monster mosquitoes have arrived here also… eastern and mid-state NY.
@Cruiser We have gnats already…a lot of them. I am going to do something I never do: Treat all of my indoor animals with flea & tick preventative. We’ve never had fleas, and I don’t want this to be the year we get them. Apparently fleas are already a big issue here.
I had a friend over today after a trip to the doctor’s. He said that the waiting room was jammed with kids from 2 to 14 with tick bite issues. Some of the kids had ticks embedded in their ears. Yucky, I know, but it’s important to be aware.
I live in a heavily infested area, it is true, but the ticks (not just the Lyme one but other nasties) are everywhere and spreading.
@Cruiser: We have a terrible issue with white-nose disease. Almost no bats now., and they used to be plentiful.
It’s as alarming as the swarming of the honey bees. Mother Nature is going to really whack us one of these days, I fear.
Let us know who (and how many) show up.
@gailcalled I live in a heavily forested area with a healthy show of bats as of last year and hoping for the same this year.
Oh lord, don’t even get me going about the wild Turkeys over here. I woke up to 5 huge Toms all puffed out and posturing in my front yard this morning while about a dozen females gorged on my goose feed in the corral. Drives me crazy this time of year!
I run outside every 5 minutes all morning and throw gravel at them from my garage. Gah!
They are incorrigible birds, they don’t even run when I charge them, unless I have a broom and wave it around like a lunatic. They hide behind the barn and as soon as I turn my back they are back stealing the feed.
I can’t net my corral because it is too big, has 3 trees and a giant bamboo bush in it and the netting would just sag from falling branches anyway, not to mention the fencing is 5 feet tall and I would not be able to stand up inside or rake, clean the barn, empty pools, etc.
Sooo, every spring I am on turkey detail for several months while they stuff themselves on about 5 lb.s of feed a day.
I do enjoy all the chicks when they hatch, but, the moms bring them in the corral and sometimes I find them drowned in the water buckets. :-(
I’ve been feeling a bit hornier than usual myself. Maybe the weather has an effect on our libido? As far as the weather is concerned, this is due in part by the increased solar activity.
It’s breeding season, for everything. Only the older animals escape. Whew! lol
Yeah, it’s like that here too. So, I guess we just skip Spring? Today while taking my break, I was outside, with my coat off, and it was too hot. What the hell is going on, indeed. I didn’t see no turkeys bangaranging, but it’s definitely hotter than usual for this time of year. And to think, not even two weeks ago we had a massive snowstorm…shit be gettin bizarre, yo.
The squirrels in the trees outside my office window have been getting jiggy wit it a lot. Just some squirrels trying to bust a nut.
I gotta get back to this question, because this is unreal. I just saw that Ontario had their pools open. What the hell? It’s hot enough over here that one could go swimming, too.
I’m looking for articles or websites that may explain this weird massive heat wave, but all I find are news articles that don’t really explain anything. Any ideas, someone?
@Symbeline I seriously can’t imagine WTF is going on. It is honestly the same temperature here as it is at the mid-to-end of June. My A/C was on all day. We’re breaking all sorts of high temperature records. We’ve now had three days of “it’s the hottest day we’ve ever had in March”.
We’re having the same weather Chicago is. Typically, March is grey, cloudy, rainy and windy as hell. It’s none of those things here. It’s been breezy here & there, but it’s been a very warm breeze.
For two weeks, they’ve predicted it would get cooler by the weekend. Now, that’s been pushed off for another week. We may get about 10 degrees cooler about 7 to 8 days from now. That’s still way higher than normal.
Yeah. Where I’m at now, Québec, this time of year is usually still Winter. Snow starts to melt, but even then, it can remain until mid April. (although our Winters have been getting kinda wussy in the past years) This is crazy. I’m reading about records everywhere being broken too, as well as heat alerts being issued. Ain’t never seen anything like this.
@Syracuse had 3 record highs in a row the last three days. Farmers South of there a little are planting oats and alfalfa. One farmer said this is 10 to 15 days ahead of anything he’s ever seen in his life.
There’s gotta be some explanation, or at least a theory.
I think just a fluke weather pattern?
Maybe. I heard the Sun goes through phases about every eleven years or so, and this causes abnormal and sometimes drastic weather disruptions. Maybe that’s what this is now, I guess.
Well, everything’s normal now…freezing as shit lol.
@Symbeline LOL make some hot coffee with Baileys! :-)
Raining pretty hard and chilly here today, but I am happy because we are below normal for rain and snow. :-)
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